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传统的对马克思主义哲学的研究侧重于对文本字斟句酌的研读,这其实是一种本末倒置的方法。对马克思主义哲学的研究应跳出既有的窠臼,从其意境入手,才能抓住其本质。马克思主义哲学具有人文精神、实践和生存论三种意境。  相似文献   
生存论指向是马克思主义哲学的基本向度。“传统哲学”,由于其实体性思维方式 ,从而导致对社会本质问题把握上的“形而上学”指向。马克思主义哲学坚持关系性思维方式 ,亦即实践思维方式 ,从而表现出其对社会本质问题把握上的生存论指向。马克思主义哲学社会本质论的生存论指向 ,首先是在马克思主义哲学创立和发展时期 ,通过否定“传统哲学”的思维方式 ,在人与社会历史的辩证关系中把握人类社会的本质而得到初步表征的。马克思主义哲学社会本质论的生存论指向是通过其把社会生活归结为人类存在方式而最终确立的  相似文献   
In this article, I analyze the governmental discourses of Chung-Hee Park, drawing on Walter Benjamin's concept of the archeology of dreams. Following Benjamin, I argue that modern Korea has been shaped largely under the prevailing influence of survivalism, viewed as a principle of governmentality as well as a collective mentality. Since the late 19th century the Korean peninsula has been enmeshed in enduring geopolitico-economic threats. The Cold War brought about suffering through the Korean War, which was carried over into an authoritarian and developmental state. Finally, under the hegemony of neoliberalism at the end of the 20th century, Koreans once again underwent a collective crisis of survival. Here, I focus on Cold War survivalism and explore the discourses of Chung-Hee Park as representative texts exemplifying the logic and rationale of survivalist governmentality. Viewed as the most influential figure of 20th-century Korea, Park crystallized and implemented a survivalist governmentality, the fundamental logic of which can be delineated in the following four axioms: (i) the transcendental structure of problems, (ii) kairotic time, (iii) the praxeology of power, and (iv) the sovereign leader. These four constitute the specific narrative of national survival that functioned as a blueprint for building up the developmental Korean state.  相似文献   
阿特伍德的《洪水之年》以现实主义基调设想了未来美国“技术滥用”与“资本暴力”相结合的后人类语境,凸显了晚期资本主义生产模式与人类生存之间的张力,再现了资本主义消费文化的暴力与“公司警”统治的僵化所带来的物种灭绝与人类灭绝的生存危机。文章以生命哲学为视角,剖析了小说中的环保主义宗教组织“神之园丁”对传统基督教原教旨主义生态观的调整与矫正,指出小说借“亚当第一”的布道与园丁们的生态实践,批判晚期资本主义唯利是图与戕害生命的僵化本质。文章认为,小说颠覆了原教旨主义所奉行的人类中心主义价值准则,写出了深绿色宗教的实施路径与内在机制,引导读者以“生存第一”和“敬畏生命”为原则,抵制资本暴力,尊敬所有生命的固有价值,以重返简朴、有益于生命的生活模式,保护人类与非人类生命。  相似文献   
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