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陪审制度的功能是陪审制度得以存在和延续的理由 ,笔者首先剖析了陪审制度的沿革及其发展趋势 ;进而阐述陪审制度在两大法系中共有的功能 ;最后分别阐述英美法系和大陆法系刑事陪审制度功能  相似文献   
西方公司治理模式浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着企业所有权与经营权的分离 ,产生了委托代理关系 ,公司治理结构就是主要处理这一关系的一种制度安排。公司治理结构模式自上个世纪八九十年代兴起以来 ,主要被概括为英美模式和德日模式 ,二者在权利制衡机制、激励约束机制以及市场机制等方面都存在着显著的差异 ,但目前又呈现出趋同趋势。  相似文献   
在18世纪后期,英国受当时社会历史条件的限制,对我国西藏实行以建立直接交往关系为主的渗透政策。由于喜玛拉雅地区各国在历史上同我国西藏形成的密切关系及其在地缘政治上的屏障作用,英国在这一地区的扩张活动同它建立印藏直接交往的尝试一样,都是其对藏渗透政策的组成部分。英国在廓尔喀侵藏战争中的卑劣表演最终导致了其对藏渗透政策的彻底破产。  相似文献   
殖民地时期,海外贸易对英属北美的生存和发展起到了至关重要的作用。围绕海外贸易为中心,英属北美殖民地形成了以出口为导向的多样化经济。此种经济发展模式使北美殖民地具备了持续发展的动力,并在18世纪中后期发展为大西洋地区的新兴力量。  相似文献   
The relationship between culture and organization has often been discussed, but rarely explored directly. This paper implements a cultural values instrument taken from Hofstede together with a behavioural instrument derived from Van de Ven to matched samples of British and French managers working on the Channel Tunnel project. The results largely replicate the findings of Hofstede regarding cultural values, but do not support the predicted implications for behaviour. In essence, the British were found to be more bureaucratic and more team-oriented than their French counterparts, who tended to be more fonceur and competitive. This indicates that the relationship between culture and behaviour might be more complicated than research to date suggests.  相似文献   
尼泊尔虽是小国,但其在20世纪对中国的影响不可小觑,特别是中尼之间的我国西藏因素的历史演变值得人们注意。自古以来,中尼两国就是历史文化源远流长的友善近邻,然而随着尼泊尔被英国控制,两国关系发展难见往昔,一些包括官吏、军人等在内的尼泊尔人在英国侵藏过程中充当了不光彩的马前卒角色。他们不仅充当英国侵藏的情报员、说客、中间人,甚至甘为英军冲锋陷阵,其中最引人注目的就是尼泊尔驻拉萨代表,其骗取了驻藏大臣和西藏地方的信任,大肆为英服务。20世纪后半期,尼泊尔又扮演了在西藏事务上的一个制衡角色。小国不小,尼泊尔是中国必须争取和精心维护的战略周边国家之一。  相似文献   
基于1980年代以来工党和保守党处理工会问题的经验教训以及工会的新变化,1994年出任工党领袖的布莱尔把对工会的定位由工党的劳工运动盟友转变为社会合作伙伴,对工会开始采取疏远和强硬的态度,尽力削弱附属工会在党内的权力。布莱尔对工党与工会关系的调整总体上是成功的,但也产生工党失去身份特征、核心选民减少等问题,对此要给予全面辩证地认识。  相似文献   
The methods used when samples of journal articles are treated as the basis for measuring levels of quantification in national sociologies are examined. The data come from every identified example in English. It is found that operational definitions of ‘quantitative’ vary, while ‘qualitative’ work is characterised simply by the absence of sophisticated quantification, which is sometimes taken to imply quantitative incompetence rather than methodological choice. The articles used as data on the state of a whole national sociology are usually drawn from elite general journals in which many sociologists have never published, and ignore the authors’ national backgrounds and publications elsewhere. It is concluded that there is a gap between concepts and operational definitions which it would be desirable to fill.  相似文献   
李永新 《河北学刊》2006,26(6):238-240
目前,中国学术界对英国马克思主义美学著作的译介与研究存在着不均衡的局面,即译介正在走向繁荣,而研究却相对薄弱。本文认为,在英国马克思主义美学著作的译介和研究过程中还存在探讨不够深入、留有空白领域、忽视方法论的研究与转换等问题,今后应予以修正与完善。  相似文献   
Over the last decade the issue of identity has been prevalent in discussions about British Muslims, with the events of 9/11 serving as a touchstone for media debates about religious, national and cultural affiliations. The 7/7 terrorist attacks in the UK led to young British Pakistanis being subjected to intense public and institutional scrutiny and wider political concerns being expressed about the failure of multiculturalism. Young British Pakistanis have thus had to negotiate and maintain their identities in an environment in which they have been defined as a threat to national security whilst simultaneously being pressurized to align with 'core British values'. Within this context, we convey the findings of a qualitative study involving British Pakistanis living in the North-west of England. In presenting the experiences and perspectives of participants, three interconnected processes salient to the maintenance of identity are delineated: solidity, elasticity and resilience. Having unpacked these processes, we draw upon Bhabha's third space thesis to explore the political potentiality of and the limits to hybridic identities.  相似文献   
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