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剑桥大学教学质量保证机制及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
剑桥大学是世界一流大学,其教学质量在世界上享有很高的声誉。严格的教师任用和学生录取程序、合理的课程安排、透明公正的教学评价方式以及完善的保障组织机构保证了剑桥的教学质量,形成了剑桥质量保证文化机制和科层机制并重,组织体系多元互动的特点。剑桥大学的成功经验为我国高等院校内部教学质量管理机制的建立和发展提供了有益启示,高校应当重视质量文化,完善质量保证组织结构,强调基础教学在教学评估中的分量,确立学生在教学评估中的重要地位,强化成绩考核的透明度和公正性。  相似文献   
Models are proposed to assess quantitatively the allocation of product to basic needs consumption, surplus consumption, and investment uses along a steady growth pash that guarantees all workers (and their families) their basic needs. Ways to estimate the inflationary consequences of shifting to such a growth path are also proposed. The models are applied with data from Egypt, and suggest that attainment of basic needs for the population of that country will be a difficult task.  相似文献   
王民同 《学术探索》2003,(12):85-87
作者对《剑桥东南亚史》的特点作了评介,认为该书中文版的出版发行,对推进中国东南亚历史的研究有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
In this paper we develop a general equilibrium model of the Mexican economy that focuses on the commercial sector, particularly retailing. Consumers purchase goods in different retail establishments, that sell differentiated goods at different prices. Where each consumer decides to make purchases depends on various price and locational considerations. The model has been calibrated to replicate the Mexican economy in 1977, the latest year for which a complete data set is available. We use it to analyze both the impact of the 1980 fiscal reform, a major policy charge for the economy as a whole, and that of a hypothetical development project aimed specifically at the commercial sector. Although our model was conceived and developed well prior to the current period of highly inflationary policies of the debt crisis, the latter was taken into consideration during both the simulations and their policy evaluation.  相似文献   
《再别康桥》艺术特色的层面分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐志摩的<再别康桥>是现代诗歌中的精品.其齐整的节奏、优美的旋律及独具匠心的押韵使<再别康桥>在音乐性上达到了极高的成就.同时,其语言优美华丽、内涵丰富,并且富有歧义,使这首诗在意义单元层面上极富表现力.诗中拥有大量神奇的想象、精美的比喻、动人的意象,这也就最终构成了诗的象征意义一种执着却又茫然的追求以及可望而不可及的伤感与惆怅.全诗在声音、意义与象征三个层面都具有感人的艺术魅力并具有较高的艺术价值.  相似文献   
艾达·坎布雷特是澳洲殖民时期广为人知的诗人、小说家、报刊评论家及传记家,在澳洲殖民时期的文学领域内举足轻重.然而传统观念时女性文学大加排斥,视其为"另类".毫无疑问,艾达难免陷入同样困境.本文旨在通过对19世纪末20世纪初这位多产的澳洲女性作家的创作主题进行较为深入的探讨,阐明艾达在澳洲殖民时期文学领域的伟大女性作家地位,并进一步说明她是同时代最为大胆的女性作家.  相似文献   
徐志摩《再别康桥》的审美旨趣独特又富有深意。它既贴近生活、自然亲切,又对情感表现予以节制和含蓄,受到非常广泛的欢迎。这当中体现了中国古代文学的审美思想,也蕴含着作者对读者的尊重和内心的交流。正是这两方面,使作品既能够感染和打动读者,又能超越具体情境,实现了更普泛的审美影响力。这关联到文学审美的两个重要问题:一是文学审美对民族审美传统的继承与发展;二是文学审美与读者大众接受之间的关系。  相似文献   
早在19世纪末,西方学者便开始了对中国文学史的书写。20世纪初,林传甲和黄人分别编写《中国文学史》,拉开了中国学者撰写本国文学史的序幕。迄今为止,学界已有数百本中国文学史著述问世。中国学者所著文学史,在文学理念、编写模式和文体分类等方面一直深受西方汉学界的影响,但随着近年来研究思路的改变和学术水平的提升,已经呈现出由整体“趋同”向“趋异”转变的走势。《中国文学史新著》与《剑桥中国文学史》这两部文学史著作,便充分体现了当代中国文学史的书写在中西方的差异。  相似文献   
英国是开展STS教育较早的国家,其教育理念的形成有其浓厚的科学文化传统。爱丁堡大学和剑桥大学研究生的STS教育目标及课程设置,一定程度上体现了英国大学教育目标民主化与社会化、教学内容方式多元化及教育机构专门化之特点。中国军校研究生的STS教育应借鉴英国的经验,确立符合中国国情的STS教育理念,构建合理的STS课程体系,拓展已有的学术平台,建立优良的师资队伍,以培养既具人文科学精神又具创新能力的新型人才。  相似文献   
Several recent articles seeking to validate the Goldthorpe class schema have implicitly raised some interesting questions about the relation between analytical techniques and theory. The favoured technique of latent class analysis actually brings this variety of class analysis close to the much older tradition of ideal-type analysis. In doing so, it helps to illustrate a much wider problem that arises in any conceptualization in terms of classes. The paper seeks to show how, just as in popular discourse around 'class', stereotypes are used to simplify and summarize a complex set of related characteristics, so similarly ideal types, as used in class analysis, are an over-simplification. As elsewhere in social science, the danger of using them is that they serve to protect a theoretical concept from empirical refutation. An alternative 'research programme' to that of class analysis is presented, based on measures of stratification arrangements that are more closely linked to the reproducing structure of inequalities.  相似文献   
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