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唐晓琳 《学术探索》2012,(1):117-120
希腊哲学、罗马法和基督教义作为欧洲各国的共同精神财富和欧洲法的重要资源,经近代文艺复兴和启蒙运动已被重新"化合",成为欧洲统一的文化基础;但不可否认的是,在以民族国家为主体的欧盟成员国内,民族意识、区域间的文化差异又是欧洲统一的樊篱。虽然欧盟颁布并实施了一系列旨在促进欧洲统一的文化政策,但文化始终都是欧洲统一进程中的一把双刃剑,它既传承着欧洲统一的梦想又羁绊着欧洲统一的脚步。欧盟唯有在共同文化价值的基础上建构相应的观念形态,即相互承认他者身上的他性,欧洲统一的进程才会顺畅。  相似文献   
明治初期启蒙女子教育是日本女子教育史上的光辉一页。明治新政府提出全体国民子弟男女平等就学 ,说明了女子教育发生了历史性的变化。明治新政府从教育子女这一角度强调女子教育的重要性 ,明治初期的女子教育为此后女子教育的完善和发展打下了基础。  相似文献   
关于欧盟是否是一个有效的安全行为体,可以通过安全的三个职能:冲突预防、强制执行和平/维持和平、缔造和平,以及和平治理的三个核心组成部分:协调、管理、调节来评估。安全治理是一个有用的分析框架,它可以用来研究各种不同行为体之间的互动关系,而且对于概念化的欧盟安全政策制定也具有重要意义。  相似文献   
美欧关系的基本历程是从美洲的争夺到亚洲的争夺,再到欧洲本土的争夺。第二次世界大战赋予了美国直接介入欧洲事务的契机,而冷战的爆发给美国确立西方霸权提供了机遇。冷战期间,历经战争磨难的欧洲各国痛定思痛,逐渐将一体化视为解决欧洲困境的路径。伴随着欧洲一体化进程,美欧矛盾逐渐凸现。近年来,美欧在关键性的政治理念尤其是对待国际制度的态度上出现了战略分歧,二者工具性制度主义和原则性制度主义的分野愈加明显。  相似文献   
英国学派是一个由经典理论家和批判理论家构成的封闭性和开放性相统一的松散的学术共同体。作为英国学派学术理路来源的欧洲经验和作为其研究指向的世界历史之间存在着深层张力,这种张力决定了英国学派在学派界定、理论生成和理论转向诸方面都呈现出封闭性和开放性的特征。封闭性和开放性是一个悖论,然而,这是一个合理的悖论,这一悖论构成了英国学派的总体特征。封闭性强调了英国学派的自律性和鲜明特色,开放性突出了其包容性和批判性。这一合理的悖论或许是任何希冀创建带有自身学派特色的知识共同体的一种“宿命”。  相似文献   
Acknowledging the European political commitment to Roma education and the research in this field, my article deals with the experience of education of a Sinti ‘minority’ (The terms ‘minority’ and ‘majority’ will be used in this article, according to the meaning that is given to them within Anthropology and Education studies (cf.). The inverted commas are used to note that they are categories, used with the aim of a clearer explanation for the present text but not necessarily showing the complexity of the social and cultural contexts observed) in northern Italy. The study presents an interpretation of the observations collected during 21 months of ethnographic research among a Sinti family network and in a multicultural middle school, attended by their teenage children in Trent. The ethnographic interpretations point out how the languages and communication codes used within schools partly reproduce the asymmetric power relationships that exist between Roma and Sinti ‘ethnic minorities’ and the Italian so-called majority society. The process of ‘naming’ the ‘other’ plays a crucial role in this analysis, as it shows how meanings are imposed and handled in the relationship between institutions, ‘groups’ and individuals. Consequently, this process highlights the important role of anthropologists in pointing out the ‘emic’ and ‘etic’ (The concepts of ‘emic’ and ‘etic’ were coined in 1954 by the linguist Kenneth Pike and then used by anthropologists. ‘Emic’ refers to the ‘insiders’ points of view on their cultures, and ‘etic’ refers to the ‘outsiders’ accounts on cultures that are not their own) dimensions of every culture. Furthermore, the study’s methodology testifies to the author’s choice of pursuing an ‘engaged anthropology’. Finally, the relevance of the concept of propriospect will be stressed as a means to interpret educational and cultural processes in which the subjects actively take part, with particular attention to young Sinti and their peer groups.  相似文献   
欧洲安全防务政策(ESDP)是欧洲一体化进程的重要一环。本文试图从人类学与政治学的角度分析ESDP产生与发展的内在逻辑与动因,采用了将几种主要的欧洲一体化理论分别对ESDP进行解释并相互比较的方法。结果证明,主要立足于“欧洲联邦”政治理念的联邦主义和立足于国家中心思想的政府间主义都无法充分揭示并说明ESDP的基本逻辑,而新功能主义拥有的独特原理——“功能需要引起结构变化”与其核心概念——“外溢”机制可以对ESDP的内在逻辑与基本动因做出合理的解释。  相似文献   
二战后,欧洲社会党的国际政策经历了依附美国、走向独立和面向世界3个阶段。欧洲社会党之所以根据变化了的世界形势,不断地改变和调整其国际政策,基本目的就是为了维护本国的利益,为本国社会、经济的发展创造一个良好的国际环境,以赢得更多公众的拥护。  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of the development of new media in the secondary and higher education systems of the European Union (EU) and USA. A combination of driving forces in pedagogical thinking, technological progress and business models have raised new expectations for the wide-spread use of educational technology, such as by providing major market opportunities as in the adult training segment. Many public sector and private commercial initiatives for connecting schools to the Internet, first adopted in the USA, and then in member states of the EU, have met with marked success. Most of the secondary schools are, or are being, wired, if but to a limited extent. The diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the EU schools is particularly rapid given their initially low penetration rate. If American organizations are indeed leading the development of online courses and programmes in the higher education sector, European universities have now realized the importance of investing in this field. However, for new media to significantly improve the educational process in the EU and in the USA, they must be embodied in the complex school or university environment, and be nurtured by new partnerships between business and the academy.  相似文献   
Child trafficking is a significant social problem across the European Union (EU). A discourse has emerged of state services failing trafficked children, who are portrayed as especially vulnerable. Less attention is paid to the socio-political conditions within the EU that result in exclusion. Such exclusion adds to the situational vulnerability that many children on the move experience and it may lead to exploitation. This paper is based on a review of 20 multi-national European Commission funded projects about child trafficking. The projects addressed the child trafficking priorities outlined in the EU Anti-Trafficking Strategy [(2012). Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016, COM (2012) 286, final. Retrieved from http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52012DC0286&;from=EN]. Projects were reviewed via in-depth reading. Protective services for children in origin, transit and host countries contribute to the conditions that sustain child trafficking. Systems do not have the capacity to manage the consequences of globalisation. Consequently, exclusionary criteria are applied on the basis of gender, form of exploitation and ethnicity. In this review, being an EU citizen did not result in any guarantees of protection. Better protection requires commitment and investment in preventative programmes.  相似文献   
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