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《名利场》中主要女性形象的解读——剖析作者萨克雷的男权思想 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从对英国小说家萨克雷代表作<名利场>中两个主要女性代表人物的分析可知其对女性人物的描绘、情节的刻画以及结局的安排都充分体现了萨克雷的男权思想. 相似文献
李秋香 《吉林师范大学学报》2002,(2):71-74
庙会文化的研究始自二十世纪初。经过民国时期材料的收集和整理,建国初期的沉寂,八十年代的重新兴起,九十年代不断深入和探索,中国民俗学界已积累了丰富的文献和实地调查材料,且使庙会文化的研究不断向广度和深度扩展。在二十一世纪,我们应该运用文化人类学,社会学,民俗学,历史学等多学科的研究方法,对庙会文化进行高屋建瓴的探讨,走出民俗学的狭隘领域。 相似文献
《名利场》是英国著名批判现实主义作家萨克雷的成名之作。已故翻译家杨必的译本在力求保持原著丰姿的基础上摆脱了原文语言结构的束缚,不拘于原文句式的限制,大胆进行句子结构调整:拆长句为短句,化整句为散句;转换句式,调整语序;适当增补,展词成句。她用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现了原语的信息和风韵。 相似文献
财政转移支付法的公平正义理念解读 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实现社会公平正义是构建和谐社会的内在要求,法治尤其是财政法治是实现社会公平正义最为有效的制度保障,以基本公共服务均等化为己任的财政转移支付法,寓正义于法之中,明确"公平通过政府",在更加注重社会公平的收入分配原则下,从地区财政均衡与阶层收入平衡两个层面追求社会公平正义,是天然地以实现社会公平正义为宗旨之法律制度.在和谐社会、公平正义、财政法治的语境下,财政法在构建社会主义和谐社会中蕴含社会公平正义理念,我国财政转移支付立法的理论基础和制度建设,对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的理论价值和现实意义. 相似文献
公允价值的运用与应计利润功能——基于中国新旧会计准则比较的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
与现有文献多从价值相关性角度研究公允价值的实施后果不同,本文通过考察我国新准则下应计利润功能的变化来评价公允价值对会计盈余的影响.以2006年非金融类上市公司为样本,我们发现新准则下各期经营性现金流对应计利润的解释能力显著下降,应计利润与上期现金流之间的正相关关系,以及与本期现金流之间的负相关关系都所有减弱,但与下期现金流之间的正相关关系以及对之的预测能力显著增强,对经济收益的确认更加及时和充分.鉴于新准则对会计盈余、特别是应计利润的系统性影响主要来自于公允价值的运用,这些证据表明实施公允价值能够增强应计利润确认经济收益功能,但会削弱其降低现金流噪音功能. 相似文献
Cobi Labuscagne 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3):357-378
Jane Alexander's ‘Security’ was installed at the 2009 Joburg Art Fair as a Special Project. This essay investigates notions of being guarded and fenced-in, which are implicit in this piece, in an attempt to breathe new life into a space that has all too easily been blanketed as a new form of ‘apartheid’ in contemporary South Africa. Rather, I suggest, what ‘Security’ allowed its publics to experience was a complex process of working through the everyday ingredients of the post-apartheid, and so to realize new connections between strangers. I argue that this work, at this time, probes at the nexus of a private–public sphere that allows for a real-time grappling with issues of a private nature in the public. The essay further positions this work in relation to some others by Alexander in an attempt to more fully grasp what ‘Security’ says about the present moment. Finally, the Joburg Art Fair is investigated as a setting richly suggestive of this moment in South Africa that simultaneously projects, and allows for, ambivalence in its art publics. 相似文献
Vikki Boliver 《The British journal of sociology》2013,64(2):344-364
Now that most UK universities have increased their tuition fees to £9,000 a year and are implementing new Access Agreements as required by the Office for Fair Access, it has never been more important to examine the extent of fair access to UK higher education and to more prestigious UK universities in particular. This paper uses Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) data for the period 1996 to 2006 to explore the extent of fair access to prestigious Russell Group universities, where ‘fair’ is taken to mean equal rates of making applications to and receiving offers of admission from these universities on the part of those who are equally qualified to enter them. The empirical findings show that access to Russell Group universities is far from fair in this sense and that little changed following the introduction of tuition fees in 1998 and their initial increase to £3,000 a year in 2006. Throughout this period, UCAS applicants from lower class backgrounds and from state schools remained much less likely to apply to Russell Group universities than their comparably qualified counterparts from higher class backgrounds and private schools, while Russell Group applicants from state schools and from Black and Asian ethnic backgrounds remained much less likely to receive offers of admission from Russell Group universities in comparison with their equivalently qualified peers from private schools and the White ethnic group. 相似文献
Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Marie-Christine Renard 《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(4):419-431
This article examines governance changes and shifting power relations within the fair-labelling network. These shifts are framed analytically by reference to broader changes in the agrofoods sector tied to the increasingly key role played by quality relations and standards in the production and marketing of food. The author argues that evident trends such as a growing complexity of fair-labelling markets, the centralization of its regulating bodies, and the normalization of certification processes have altered power relations to the detriment of small producers. In addition, and at the same time, this ‘fair’ market niche has become more desirable to dominant market actors leading to a combination of factors that has triggered a broad debate within fair trade with respect to the definition and mission of the fair-trade network. 相似文献
周裕惠 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2009,12(2)
简述了"中国.海峡项目成果交易会"的决策思路及过程,阐明了6年来办会的基本实践及其意义;分析了"6.18"的特色和基本经验;总结了办会的主要成效及其产生的影响。 相似文献
由邓小平首先提出并在实践中日渐丰富、成熟的小康社会理论是一条比较适合中国国情的现代化之路。小康社会理论是对近代中国盛行的大同理想,特别是毛泽东时代现代化理论和实践中革命浪漫主义和空想社会主义的合理扬弃。小康社会理论对中国现代化的目标定位不注重宏大、辉煌、光彩夺目,而注重切实可行。从选择的角度看,可以说是一种理性的次优选择。小康理论重视发展非公有制经济,也重视搞活国有经济,但其目的是要建立真正公正的经济体制,所以它更强调多种所有制经济、多种经济成分平等竞争、共同发展的意义。小康理论主张在中国的城市化过程中摒弃过去那种城乡分隔的二元结构,走城乡互动,共同发展、和谐发展之路;主张重视城市发展规律,建设有活力、有个性,可持续发展的生态城市、人文城市。 相似文献