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There is a widely held view to the effect that internal flexibility is most reliably secured through the provision of employment security. The research reported here provides a test of this theory. Interviews were conducted with managers and, to a lesser extent, union officials in a judgment sample of 21 plants in the U.S. paper industry. With limited and specific exceptions, since the early 1980s paper mills have provided generally secure employment. Despite this, unions vigorously opposed management attempts to increase flexibility. In response, management used threats and intimidation to increase flexibility, with some considerable success. The theory that employment security produces internal flexibility requires some revision.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrags ist die Untersuchung der über 80 Jahre andauernden Flexibilit?tsdiskussion in der deutschen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Eine quantitative und qualitative Analyse dieser Diskussion macht deutlich, dass die Zeit (bzw. die im Zeitablauf feststellbaren Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse) sowie der Zeitgeist (als Gesamtheit der eine Epoche kennzeichnenden Auffassungen, Ideen und Lebensformen) erkl?rende Variablen einer wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und ihrer Ergebnisse sein k?nnen. Schon der relativ lange Zeitraum der wissenschaftlichen Behandlung l?sst das Flexibilit?tsthema als „L?ngsschnittstichprobe“ zur Prüfung der oben genannten Hypothese geeignet erscheinen. So wird gezeigt werden, dass die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion durch externe Ereignisse ausgel?st wurde und im Zeitablauf immer wieder „neu“ an Dynamik gewonnen und sich an jeweils vorherrschende Themen und Probleme — den „Zeitgeist“ — ausgerichtet hat. Am Ende der Untersuchung stehen die folgenden Erkenntnisse:
1.  Die Diskussion um die betriebliche Flexibilit?t ist nicht „irgendeine“ wissenschaftliche Debatte, sondern betrifft offensichtlich eines der ganz gro?en Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
2.  Flexibilit?t wird — dies hat die Diskussion der 50er Jahre gezeigt — auch bei vorhersehbaren, also „sicheren“ Entwicklungen ben?tigt.
3.  Dennoch scheint Flexibilit?t“ eher ein Thema der (wirtschaftlich) unsicheren und schlechten Zeiten zu sein — insbesondere dann, wenn Diskontinuit?ten auftreten. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Unternehmen und deren Flexibilit?tsbedarf zur Bew?ltigung der mit einer Krise bzw. einer Diskontinuit?t verknüpften Probleme, sondern — wie aufgezeigt wird — auch für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema.
4.  Komplexe Ph?nomene wie das der Flexibilit?t sind offensichtlich wissenschaftlich schwer „in den Griff zu kriegen“ und haben das Potenzial für eine lang anhaltende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung.
5.  Der „Zeitgeist“ sowie die in der Zeit lokalisierten „besonderen Ereignisse“ (Inflation, Weltwirtschaftskrise, Wirtschaftswunder, Rezessionen, ?lkrisen) haben der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion wiederholt neue Dynamik und neue Impulse gegeben.
6.  Zudem ist, wie ausführlich gezeigt wird, ein permanenter Erkenntnisfortschritt feststellbar. „Ausrichtung am Zeitgeist“ und „wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt“ müssen also keine Gegens?tze sein. Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre muss sich nicht in den Elfenbeinturm zurückziehen, um wissenschaftlich vorw?rts zu kommen.
7.  Die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion ist über die Zeit hinweg ein Spiegel der Entwicklung der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland insgesamt. Es scheint nicht übertrieben, zu folgern: Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist an und mit der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion gereift.

Time and the spirit of the times in business administration — Shown at the example of the German flexibility discussion
Summary  This paper focuses on the phenomenon of flexibility which is discussed since more than 80 years in German economic journals. A quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that this discussion and its results are provoked and determined by certain events of contemporary history as well as by the “spirit of the times”. Moreover it is shown, that a continuous improvement of the level of knowledge has been achieved in the scientific field of “flexibility”. In conclusion it can be stated that a “zeitgeisty” discussion is not necessarily a contradiction to scientific progress.
从现代汉语词类多功能现象出发,以跨语言比较和认知语言学为视角对词类多功能性的研究表明,范畴是语言描写的需要,其具有相对性,体现在语音、语义、词汇和语法各个方面;在词类问题上其表现为,词类多功能性是一种跨语言普遍现象,其本质是范畴的灵活性。因此,能否对词类多功能性作出合理的解释,既是检验词类划分标准合适与否的关键,又是普通语言学研究的需要,而这些问题的解决必须以高度重视语言和言语的关系为前提。  相似文献   
An agent with dynamically inconsistent preferences may deviate from her plan of action as the future draws near. An exponential discounter may do exactly the same when facing an uncertain future. Through an experiment we compare preference-based vs. uncertainty-based explanations for choice reversal over time by eliciting choices for pre-commitment and flexibility. Evidence of widespread commitment favors a preference-based explanation.
Marco CasariEmail:
上市公司战略选择弹性与业绩关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
已有的研究认为,在动态的经营环境中,公司持有的备用资源能使该公司的未来战略选择弹性更大,从而可以提高其业绩。而业绩较差的公司持有的备用资源较少,其战略选择弹性也较小,因而会对这些公司的业绩造成负面影响。本文认为,对亏损①和非亏损公司而言,由于其持有的备用资源水平不同,战略选择弹性也会不同,进而会对其业绩造成不同的影响。基于这一观点,本文对我国亏损和非亏损上市公司备用资源与公司业绩之间的关系进行了实证研究,并得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
Renewed interest in increasing flexibility in working time arrangements derives from both social and economic changes. The dominant reasons for greater flexibility in shiftwork arrangements relate to diverse business demands resulting from competitive pressures and rapid technological change, modern workers' personal preferences about the timing of work, and the reduction in hours of work. Many new patterns are applied to meet these demands. A review of innovative patterns reveals their close link with shorter working hours and diversifying career needs. Typical patterns include (a) hours averaging schemes, (b) flexible daily hours, (c) individualized free time schemes. (d) flexitime plus shift systems, (e) a combination of full-time and part-time systems, (f) job sharing, (g) temporary transfer to day work, and (h) career break schemes. Attention is drawn to multi-skilling of workers associated with more independent responsibility and closer communication. Changes to a flexible pattern are usually a result of consultations that respond to the conflicting interests of employers and workers. Support is necessary for a process of informed joint planning. Particularly useful are: (1) identification of operational demands and individual preferences about increasing flexibility in work schedules; (2) presentation of available options with information on implications for workers' health and social life; and (3) facilitating training and group consultation. The adjustments required depend greatly on how the tasks of individual workers are reorganized. In increasing the flexibility of shift schedules, it is important to learn from positive experiences of joint optimization of work content and working time arrangements.  相似文献   
The authors review and meta-analytically integrate the existing literature on leadership and innovation to show a complex and inconsistent picture of this relationship. Current research has mostly neglected the complex nature of innovation processes that leads to changing requirements within these processes. The main requirements of innovation are exploration and exploitation as well as a flexibility to switch between those two activities. The authors propose an ambidexterity theory of leadership for innovation that specifies two complementary sets of leadership behavior that foster exploration and exploitation in individuals and teams — opening and closing leader behaviors, respectively. We call this ambidextrous leadership because it utilizes opening and closing leader behaviors and switches between them to deal with the ever-changing requirements of the innovation process. Routes to ambidextrous leadership and opportunities for future research on leadership and innovation are discussed.  相似文献   
A large-scale random sample is used to empirically examine the relationships between implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and three organization-level measures that have historically been attributed to AMT, but not fully tested along the AMT spectrum: market-oriented flexibility of the production process, organizational integration of production processes, and administrative intensity of the organization. Results indicate that as an organization moves along the technology scale from stand-alone AMT (e.g., CNC machines) through functionally oriented AMT (FMS and CAM) toward CIM, not only do its production processes become more integrated with each other, but those processes become more integrated with other functional systems of the organization, and the quality and timeliness of production information increase. Furthermore, this relationship becomes stronger as companies increase their level of implementation for the latter two technologies. Conversely, market-oriented flexibility decreases and administrative intensity is not observed to change as companies move along the technology spectrum. Future research should examine how organizational redesign and implementation strategies that accompany AMT implementation can concomitantly enhance organizational integration of the production process and market-oriented flexibility.  相似文献   
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