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外贸业务洽谈中,贸易双方都通常考虑如何既保护己方的利益不受损,又让对方接受贸易条件的问题。因此,在外贸业务洽谈中,应注重沉着冷静,谨防欺诈;以理据争,扭亏为盈;买卖不成,人意为先;正视现实,讲究诚信;实事求是,不要虚荣等细节,这样才能取得良好的结果。  相似文献   
唐月芬 《社会工作》2008,(22):43-45
大学生的不诚信行为与一系列的心理因素有关,如躲避惩罚、获得更大利益、虚荣、从众、侥幸、恶作剧和逆反心理。诚信缺失对大学生的心理健康有不容忽视的消极影响,采取适当策略,对于促进大学生的健康发展,构建和谐社会,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
In this article, using multiple illustrative case examples, we demonstrate that philanthropic institutions are in the business of creating public value. In framing the work of philanthropy more broadly to include the process of public value creation, philanthropic institutions and leaders are challenged to be more strategic not only in their mission‐fulfillment grant‐making with nonprofit organizations but also in the way they stimulate and encourage collaboration, create the “third space” necessary to incubate ideas to transform society, and leverage resources to increase the return on their investments toward system‐wide change. The implications for philanthropic actors and institutions suggest that the strategic contributions they make toward creation of public value are those that go beyond transactional performance measures, such as number of dollars spent or clients receiving services, to include ways that their investments are amplified by meaningful partnerships with nonprofit and other organizations, changed behaviors of institutions and individuals, and transformative public policies.  相似文献   
随着国学热的升温,《弟子规》等蒙学教材在学前教育阶段使用成为一种广泛流行的文化现象。但是面对这种教育潮流,我们需要认真检视这类学习教材对孩子们的正负面影响。一方面《弟子规》被赋予了积极的教育价值,包括形塑儿童的仁爱之心、倡导诚信作为人际交往的准绳、培育良好的学习习惯等;另一方面它也有典型的负面效应,尤其体现在“尊卑贵贱”的等级观念、“封建奴性”的糟粕思想、“因循守旧”的生活态度等方面。鉴于此,提出从幼儿园、家庭和社会教育方面都应以扬弃的态度来合理使用。  相似文献   
李红珍  曹文宏 《浙江社会科学》2012,(1):41-45,40,156
政治价值是人类在政治领域所显现的超然本性在精神与观念层面的凝结,必然带有某种应然与抽象的色彩,也与人们实然的政治生活保持某些距离,呈现出某种“底线性”和“共通性”特征.这也表明在人类社会中的确存在普世性政治价值.但承认这一点并不意味着政治价值就可以不分条件地被普世化.政治价值普世化是一种源于人类理性自负的理论冲动,它总是试图将具有地域性和时代性特征的特定政治价值予以普遍化,不切实际地放大人类共性价值的存在范围,从而限制了多元价值的发展空间.实际上,当下中国学界的政治价值的普世化诉求只是对市场经济时代价值多元化困境的一种无奈回应,且其方法论基础也具有深刻的虚妄性.  相似文献   
《最新俄语同义词解释词典》是莫斯科语义学派的主要词典成果。该词典选词构组以"一义相同"为标准,共同义释义以语义元语言为工具进行解释,区别义释义遵循全景描写原则,以整个语言系统为背景说明"同中之异"。释义准确全面,例证丰富,是新型词典的典范。  相似文献   
Studies have shown that conflict over parent–child relationships are frequently at the root of stepfamily dissolution and that the stepmother/daughter relationship is the most problematic stepfamily relationship. This paper explores the stepmother–daughter relationship in the family where the biological mother is an active parent and discusses the unique challenges and internal conflicts that the stepmother confronts on entry into the family and its web of preexisting relationships and transferences. “An internal parental stance” which underlies “good enough” stepmothering is conceptualized and the complex psychological processes which underlie this achievement are explored in this paper along with implications for clinical strategies. The term good enough stepmothering is a play on Winnicott’s concept of the good-enough mother—the maternal figure whose attunement to her child enables her to adapt appropriately to her child’s stage of life thus allowing an optimal environment for the child’s development.  相似文献   
人性本善是贯穿孟子全部学说的一个基本观点,也是他的伦理思想的基础和核心。在孟子看来,道德的根据全在于自身,这就是良心、本心。因此,孟子的道德思想走的是纯粹内向求证之路,从人的内心亲证善端,并以推扩内在的善端的方式来塑造美德,充分体现了以行为主体的道德品质作为思考重心的美德伦理学特征。  相似文献   
《汉语大词典》是目前最具权威的一部汉语语词词典,但其书证晚出现象严重,补证这些滞后的书证,对于词语溯源和辞书编撰均有裨益。“二程语录”语词颇具特色,然辞书对其重视不够。本论文以“二程语录”语词为考察对象,共提前《汉语大词典》首引书证滞后的单义词169个。  相似文献   
法古与师心:金末文坛的赵、李之争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对金中后期文坛的尖新浮靡风气,赵秉文、李纯甫等起而救之,但途径不同.赵重师法古人,李重师心自用,进而引起风格之争,李纯甫推崇的奇崛险怪一路在金末得到相对凸显.彼此的论争,客观上促进了金末文学的繁荣和发展,也为元好问总结金源文学得失提供了借鉴经验.  相似文献   
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