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This study aims to analyze what kinds of frames have been used in British Petroleum's (BP's) press releases, which dealt with the Gulf oil spill crisis that occurred in April 2010. A content analysis was conducted to explore the different frames used by BP in its press releases to deal with the crisis. The main and sub themes are also analyzed through a content analysis of press releases. This study attempts to examine BP's crisis communication strategy through press release usage by closely analyzing the frames and themes that were used. This study found that BP attempted to update the public on what the company was doing to resolve the oil spill crisis, and that they made every effort to manage the crisis by using the company's official update frame. In addition, by using the social responsibility frame, BP aimed to show the public that they had intentions of taking responsibility for the oil spill. Finally, BP used a minimal number of defensive frames as a way of showing the public that they did not want to flee from the responsibility of the oil spill crisis.  相似文献   
This article explores how perceptions of Jewish power shaped the negotiations between Czechoslovak leaders and Jewish minority representatives at the time of the Paris Peace Conference. In the aftermath of the First World War, Prague-based Zionists embarked on a mission to convince Czechoslovak elites that attacks on Jews were detrimental to the internal stability of the new state and to Czechoslovak interests abroad. As Edvard Bene?, the head of the Czechoslovak delegation in Paris, worked to cultivate an image of the new state as more “Western” and “civilised” than other successor states – a strategy meant to garner international support for Czechoslovak territorial demands and its projected absorption of large minority populations – Jewish activists encouraged his uncertainty with regard to Jews' influence on Western audiences and statesmen. They did so in order to convince him to accept their demands for special protection clauses for the new country's Jews. The paper thus shows that the unprecedented victimisation of Jews and the upsurge in antisemitism during and after the war coexisted with a new bold and public Jewish activism. Yet, Jewish leaders did not in the end have the ability to convince Bene? and his colleagues to give in to international Jewish demands for special protection. Instead, they sought to cultivate a strategic alliance between the state's Czech elite and the Jewish minority which centred on the claim that Czechoslovakia was a particularly welcoming and tolerant place for Jews, an image that would evolve into a significant component of the myth of Czechoslovakia as an island of democracy in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   
海湾地区气候炎热,淡水资源缺乏。长期以来,海湾国家主要依靠能源出口获取大量资金,借此修建海水淡化工厂等各种设施以适应和改善气候环境的影响。近年来,国际社会在应对全球变暖问题的协调合作中,已形成一种处理全球气候变化的政治。气候变化政治要求各国减少能源消耗和降低二氧化碳排放量以缓解全球变暖趋势,从而对海湾国家以能源出口收益来维护生存环境和社会稳定的基本经济模式构成冲击。面对气候变化政治带来的冲击,海湾国家目前的权宜选择只能是继续扩大能源出口,并尽量拖延实施气候变化协议来进行应对。然而,这种做法虽可以暂时保持海湾国家改善环境的努力和维护其经济政治结构稳定,但却难以消除全球气候变化政治今后长期推动能源结构调整和节能减排所带来的压力。  相似文献   
泛北部湾经济合作的提出引起了各方关注,但由于内外部各种因素的影响和制约,它至今仍停留在理论层面,未取得实质性发展。从泛北部湾经济合作的预期目标出发,结合现实情况来看,该经济合作机制面临的诸多挑战值得引起重视。然而,只要采取务实态度,其发展前景还是可观的。  相似文献   
冷战后日美同盟的强化——以联合军事演习为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日美联合军事演习的发展演变,体现出冷战后日美同盟的强化:作用范围扩大化、军事合作一体化、战略地位中心化、地区威慑强势化.  相似文献   
抗战时期党的干部教育是顺应革命形势的发展和干部队伍自身建设的需要而广泛兴起和发展的。《共产党人》是抗战时期中共中央主办的专门研究党的建设理论和实践的党内刊物,刊登了大量党关于干部教育的决定和指示、研究性论文和干部教育通讯,有力地推进了党的干部教育的政策制定、理论解读和实践开展。  相似文献   
解放战争时期中国共产党在解放区的土地政策,是我们党的一项重要政策.根据当时的背景变化,党在解放区的土地政策经历了一个历史的演变过程,在中国革命和建设中做出了巨大历史贡献.  相似文献   
战后日苏领土问题的形成,与美国"冷战"政策有密切关系。美国因"冷战"政策而转变对《雅尔塔协定》的态度,使苏联获得有关领土的法律依据缺少说服力,同时也给日本收回领土提供了口实;美国主导的《旧金山对日媾和条约》要求日本放弃有关领土,但又不规定其最终归属对象;美国对日苏两国恢复邦交正常化谈判的干涉,表面上支持日本方面主张,实质上阻止日本方面妥协而使领土问题成为遗留问题。美国国际"冷战"政策是造成战后日苏及日俄领土问题形成最重要的外来因素。  相似文献   
广西北部湾经济区文化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西北部湾经济区文化发展是作为国家战略的<广西北部湾经济区发展规划>不可缺少的有机部分.根据文化发展理论与区域文化现状,探索适合北部湾城市群文化发展模式,目标是建设一个经济发达、社会文明、文化繁荣的文化城市群.其核心是,共建文化服务体系、共建文化市场体系、共建文化企业体系、共同配置文化资源、共同制定文化政策、共同实行文化体制改革,为国内中西部地区的文化发展起到示范与引领作用.  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,为了切实把社会各阶层青年纳入到中国共产党的战时轨道,中国共产党在根据地、国统区、沦陷区展开了全面的青年动员工作。在根据地,中国共产党成立青年动员工作领导机构,建设、发展和巩固根据地;在国统区,发动了广大青年推动和支持国民政府坚决抗战,争取民主,促进抗日青年统一战线;在日占区,秘密发展抗日青年组织,动员青年与日本法西斯和汪伪政权展开英勇机智地斗争,为抗战的胜利作出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
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