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当公共政策只针对部分社会群体的时候,靠近政策分界线但又没有享受到政策利益的群体就会成为政策边缘人,政策边缘人属于利益外群体,但其结构性位置却又让其最接近分享政策利益,属于潜在受益者。在社会分化和竞争的背景下,政策边缘人与其他条件差不多的群体对比会产生相对剥夺感。政策边缘人会认为享有政策利益本应是他们的权利,于是他们基于维权的想法会通过各种方式谋取政策利益,在此过程中就会影响到基层公共政策的执行。因此,建议通过提高基层治理的法治化、科学化、精细化水平和组织化程度等方式减少政策边缘人对政策执行和基层治理带来的消极影响。  相似文献   
The uneven development of minimum incomes in Spain is one of the factors that explain the significant differences in the poverty indicators that characterize the Spanish regions, generally in favour of the territories most committed to these policies (Basque Country, Navarra and Asturias). However, there are other aspects that deserve some consideration when interpreting the specific method of developing minimum incomes in southern Europe. One aspect has to do with the differing dynamics of countries, such as Spain and Italy, which have opted for a decentralized regional model. In this regard, the regional autonomous initiative of the Basque Country played a decisive role in promoting minimum income programs in the late 1980s. Without its leadership in the launch of the regional minimum income policy, Spanish trade unions would probably not have opted for this method as a mechanism for combating poverty in the 1990s. No Italian region went on to play this driving role at that time. This article analyses the ideological foundations of the Basque minimum income policy introduced in the late 1980s and which grew significantly before and during the crisis that started in 2007-2008. It examines the dominant political narrative on this issue by analysing the discourse of some of the key nationalist leaders involved in the birth and development of the minimum income scheme. The approach shows that the experience of social decline linked to industrial restructuring processes was instrumental in the construction of the nationalist narrative.  相似文献   
“干部积极干,农户站边看”的贫困群体脱贫逆化现象影响着农村社会的健康发展和脱贫攻坚工作的高效开展。通过田野调查发现,贫困农户脱贫主体性不足的发生逻辑首先在于小农理性下受利益驱使的农户形成争当贫困户的“自愿型贫困”,造成贫困农户“不愿”脱贫;其次,贫困农户在贫困识别、资源匹配和脱贫行动选择方面因决策受限形成“边缘化治贫”,造成农户的“不能”脱贫;最后,贫困农户受贫困文化影响导致“精神贫困”,造成贫困农户的“内卷化脱贫”。因此,需要从增加贫困农户脱贫意愿和强化贫困农户内生脱贫能力两个维度来构建贫困农户的有效脱贫主体性。  相似文献   
The paper provides an overview of the poverty situation in the Philippines, followed by a brief profile and assessment of two anti‐poverty programs: the Kapit‐Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan‐Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI‐CIDSS) program and the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Official statistics disclose that the global economic crisis in 2008 adversely affected Filipino households, leading to higher levels of poverty especially in rural areas. In response, government introduced an Economic Resiliency Program with social protection as one component. Sixty‐six social protection programs were launched, including the two under review. KALAHI‐CIDSS and the 4Ps apply poverty reduction strategies that focus on the development of human and social capital, rather than economic capital. They involve processes and relationships that aim to improve the other dimensions of poverty, such as lack of access to opportunities or deprivation of basic human necessities. Qualitative and quantitative reports describe generally favorable outcomes from both programs. However, these gains at the household level need to be supported by relevant policy, enhanced public services and badly‐needed infrastructure programs from government, in order to sustain achievements culled from social protection programs and attain broader developmental impacts.  相似文献   
全面建设小康社会是“十六大”确定的重要目标。边远、落后的民族地区能否实现小康事关全局。本文就青海目前的发展现状和差距及如何实现民族地区的小康社会作了一些探讨。  相似文献   
西部民族地区退耕还林还草的法律保障探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然生态环境是人类赖以生存的基本条件,是经济社会发展的根本基础。自然生态环境的不断恶化,已成为制约西部地区经济社会持续发展的严重问题之一。我国制定“退耕还林还草”战略决策最主要的目的,就是为了给西部地区人民营造一个新的生存和发展空间。实施“退耕还林还草”的战略决策,必须尊重群众意愿,确保林草的成活率;必须遵循自然规律,因地制宜,宜林则林,宜草则草,实行综合治理;必须严格执行国务院关于“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”的法规措施;必须认真落实保护农民土地经营权的法律规范,树立生态环境可持续发展的法律协调观;必须建立和健全西部地区生态效益补偿机制,充分利用价格杠杆的作用促进西部地区的生态平衡。西部大开发要维护经济发展与生态的良性循环,建设山川秀美的新家园,让西部地区人民群众脱贫致富奔小康。  相似文献   
贾霄锋 《民族学刊》2015,6(5):71-76,118-119
文章认为西部少数民族地区在社会转型加快时期的贫困问题基本上是结构性贫困,并对这种结构性贫困问题的具体特征及其产生的社会危害进行纬度结构分析,最后系统地从建构现代国家治理体系和治理现代化的背景下提出了治理路径。  相似文献   
王美英 《民族学刊》2015,6(3):59-67,119-122
攀西地区得天独厚的气候条件孕育着特色产业发展的巨大优势,该地区充分利用其特有的气候条件,依托独特的资源优势,实施特色产业扶贫战略,积极走现代化、标准化、规模化的生态发展之路,大力发展早、稀、特、优等现代特色产业,加快产业结构调整,积极带动农民增收致富,农村经济实力和农业发展活力不断增强,农业增产增效、农民持续增收,为当地群众脱贫发展做出了积极贡献。本文以攀西地区米易县为研究案例,积极探索该区域特色产业脱贫发展经验,对类似气候条件下特色产业扶贫发展提供一个可供参考的研究个案,以便能充分地开发利用特殊气候下的自然资源,实现长效扶贫,促进当地群众脱贫致富积极创造条件。  相似文献   
基于西北5省15个国家级贫困县152位信贷经理人的问卷调查,分析了小额信贷经理人的扶贫意愿、行为以及影响因素。经验研究结果表明:在调研的国家级贫困县中,尽管近六成小额信贷经理人向贫困户发放过贷款,但业务量总体较少,具有信贷扶贫意愿的不到2成;性别、教育背景、收入满意度、信贷决策自主性、放贷任务以及是否完成任务对信贷扶贫业务有显著影响;性别和信贷自主权对扶贫意愿具有显著影响。由此,在信贷扶贫项目选择信贷经理人时,采取差异化策略,有序放松信贷自主权,加强扶贫效果考核,对提高金融扶贫绩效会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
民间组织是参与贫困治理的重要社会力量。在我国扶贫开发进程中,民间组织在贫困治理中扮演了扶贫资源有益补充、践行微观贫困治理理念/技术、专业扶贫服务供给等多种角色。民间组织的贫困治理行动是民间组织汲取各类资源并将其传递到扶贫对象的过程。在大扶贫格局中,民间组织扶贫资源汲取已由传统的社会领域延伸至政府部门和市场领域,形成了慈善捐助、政府购买扶贫服务、市场化运作(社会企业)等多种扶贫资源汲取策略。相应的,主要形成了项目机制、市场机制两种扶贫资源传递策略。项目机制的运用表明了民间组织在分化发展的过程中扶贫资源传递的整合,以及民间组织与政府部门协同推进贫困治理的制度化和规范化。市场机制(社会企业)是民间组织扶贫行动的策略创新,对民间组织独立实施贫困治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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