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都督职位的等级划分是魏晋南朝时期都督管理诸多方式中的一种。曹魏时期仅有都督与监两个等级,督这个等级是在东晋初期才出现的。都督的三级划分,为王朝管理都督的职位等级提供了灵活便利的手段,首先,可以用以区分都督区的等级,其次,可以显示任职者的身份高低,再次,可以用来赏功罚过。对这一时期诸多都督管理方式进行探讨,有助于丰富对都督制的认识,也将为现代的人力资源管理提供有益的启示。  相似文献   
在北周与庾信齐名的王褒,是一个名重当世而后世大大跌落了声誉的诗人。这其间原因何在,很少有人作过深层次的探讨。文章试图从史论家的评价、文学主流和文学趣味的变迁诸方面对王褒文学地位“由显到隐”进行考证,并对王褒作品在后世遭受冷遇的原因做出较为辩证客观而又合乎情理的解释。  相似文献   
西部大开发的多重定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
西部大开发的目标 ,是为了实现西部社会经济的高速、全面、跳跃与持续发展。农业、资源及原材料工业应成为西部的一般产业 ;劳动密集型工业及流通、科技、教育、旅游产业 ,应成为西部的主导产业。在所有制结构方面 ,西部要形成一个以公有制为主导、以非公有制为重要组成部分的新格局 ;在市场体系方面 ,西部要形成一个统一、完备、开放的市场新体系 ;在政府体制方面 ,西部要形成一个调节、发展、改革三位一体的新模式。  相似文献   
21世纪中国即将崛起为世界性的大国,这是不争的事实。与此同时,国际格局也将肯定进入一个调整期。中国与国际格局的关系以及中国在国际格局中的位次也必将发生重大的变化。因此,正确分析中国与国际格局的互动关系,找准中国在国际格局及其变化中的位次是确立中国新的国际战略的基本前提。本文拟对当代中国在国际格局中的角色进行定位,进而在此基础上对中国应采取何种国际战略进行深度分析,以便为中国国际战略的主动性选择提供参考。  相似文献   
战时抗日小说是中国新文学走向战争化的结果,在20世纪中国小说史册上留下了悲壮的一页。整体考察《文艺阵地》所载小说,其“暴露与讽刺”的抗日小说是战火炙烤下的情感叙事。作为改变中华民族命运的抗日战争这一创作资源尚未充分开掘,从叙事学层面探讨战时“暴露与讽刺”的抗日小说,具有重要的学术与现实意义。  相似文献   
家庭危机的根源在于家庭与社会的恶性互动.在家庭危机的演变过程中,家庭教育的功能受到削弱,学校德育在未成年人良好思想品德育成中的地位提高;学校德育必须加强和改进情感慰藉和行为矫正功能,发展和完善解释功能和预防功能,才能应对家庭危机的挑战.  相似文献   
在抗战时期,人们将创作、讨论缩小在战争的框架内,由此产生了空洞而千篇一律的文学。但战时最大的文艺刊物《文艺阵地》在反对公式主义写作方面也做了很多工作,这对于我们今天开阔视野,丰富创作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Several studies suggest a positive relationship between social capital and generalized trust. Employing a network understanding of social capital (Lin, 2001), this study questions which aspects of social networks may be linked with generalized trust. It investigates whether the diversity of social networks and the socio-economic status of one’s contacts are linked with generalized trust in the Norwegian, egalitarian context. The analyses examine these patterns in relationship to both kin and non-kin contacts. The study employs data from the first Norwegian survey that includes the position generator (PG). The empirical analyses show that extensive social networks are indeed linked to higher levels of generalized trust, but that this relationship is limited to non-kin contacts. Concerning the link between network resources and generalized trust, there is evidence of a more general association with generalized trust that holds when considering both kin and non-kin contacts. These results are a first step in developing a more nuanced discussion of the mechanisms associated with generalized trust and highlight the importance of employing measures that account for the homophily of networks when investigating their relationship to trust.  相似文献   
企业的创新能力、行业地位与员工离职意图的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以川东深井钻探公司的调查数据为样本进行了实证分析,主要探讨了企业的创新能力和行业地位对员工离职意图是否有影响,同时考察了组织承诺、内部社会支持和好的工作机会等因素对离职意图的影响。结果表明,企业的行业地位和上司支持对离职意图有显著的负影响,好的工作机会对离职意图有显著的正影响;企业的创新能力、组织承诺和同事支持没有对离职意图表现出显著的影响。  相似文献   
The redesign of information technology (IT)‐enabled work processes often necessitates fundamental design changes to the intended work process, the IT platform hosting the work process, or both. Research suggests that such design changes often can be traced to earlier decisions involving endogenous adaptation or internal organizational change. Two such decisions are a firm's technology position and planning mode. This study examines the relationship between technology position and planning mode in predicting the magnitude of design change in process redesign projects. The conceptual frame applied in examining these relationships involves a synthesis of Miles and Snow's adaptive cycle with elements central to concurrent engineering. Our results indicate that the magnitude of design change is related to differences in technology position and planning mode. To effectively implement organizational change, firms must leverage their IT platform by carefully timing IT investments in accordance with their adopted technology position. Directing the trajectory of a firm's IT platform and deploying it so as to complement the firm's technology position reduces design uncertainty, promoting reengineering success.  相似文献   
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