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The leader–member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership focuses on the quality of relationships built between leaders and subordinates; LMX measures are designed to assess the quality of these relationships. Since the leader and subordinate are jointly embedded in the relationship, it is reasonable to assume that their ratings of their relationship will converge to some reasonable extent. However, leader–member convergence on the most widely used measures, the LMX-7 and SLMX-7 scales, has historically been low. To address this, we conduct two studies to investigate whether item wording and content might be a cause of poor LMX convergence. The obtained results support the conclusion that the wording and content of these measures are, in fact, introducing attributional and social desirability biases into the rating process and causing some of the poor LMX convergence that is commonly seen. Implications for extant and future LMX research are discussed.  相似文献   
基于上下级关系的沟通开放性对组织承诺的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘彧彧  黄小科  丁国林  严肃 《管理学报》2011,8(3):417-422,436
对315位中国企业的员工进行测试,探讨沟通开放性对组织承诺的影响以及领导-成员交换和"关系"在此过程中的中介作用,并考察年龄、学历、职位级别等个人特征对各变量的影响。研究结论表明:①组织中沟通开放性对员工组织承诺有正向的影响;②沟通开放性对领导-成员交换和上下级"关系"均有正向的影响;③"关系"在沟通开放性与员工组织承诺的关系中起完全中介作用;④领导-成员交换不直接在沟通开放性与员工组织承诺的关系中起中介作用。在此基础上对中国企业提出有关建议:建立良性的正式沟通网络,保证各种信息能顺利进行传递;上级要对下属更加开放;上级要与下级保持良好的个人"关系",以获得下属的忠诚,以增强员工的组织承诺。  相似文献   
芦青  宋继文  夏长虹 《管理学报》2011,8(12):1802-1812
通过问卷调查北京地区的280名员工,运用社会交换理论框架,从领导-员工二元关系的角度研究道德领导的影响过程。研究结果表明,道德领导对员工的工作态度与工作结果有显著的正向影响;LMX在道德领导与员工工作态度之间起到了部分中介作用;组织公平在道德领导与员工工作态度和组织公民行为之间起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   
Discount Rates in Risk Versus Money and Money Versus Money Tradeoffs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use data from a survey of residents of five Italian cities conducted in late spring 2004 to estimate the discount rates implicit in (1) money versus future risk reductions and (2) money versus money tradeoffs. We find that the mean personal discount rate is 0.3-1.7% in (1) and 8.7% in (2). The latter is lower than the discount rates estimated in comparable situations in many recent studies, greater than market interest rates in Italy at the time, and exhibits modest variation with age and gender. The discount rate implicit in money versus risk tradeoffs is within the range of estimates from studies in the United States and Europe, and does not depend on observable individual characteristics. We use split samples to investigate whether a completely abstract risk reduction - one where the risk reduction delivery has been stripped of all specifics, so that respondents should focus on the risks without being distracted by details - results in WTP and discount figures comparable to those from an identified delivery mechanism (a medical test). We find that while WTP for an immediate risk reduction is 42-73% higher with the abstract risk reduction, the discount rate in the money versus risk tradeoffs and the variance of the error term in the WTP equation are the same across the two variants of the questionnaire.  相似文献   
TEI@I方法论及其在外汇汇率预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于TE I@I方法论的理论框架,构建了一个基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型。在此模型中,传统的经济计量模型用于处理外汇汇率的主要趋势,人工神经网络技术用于分析外汇汇率的非线性,而文本挖掘和专家系统用于处理外汇市场中的突现性和不稳定性。最后,基于集成的思想,利用支持向量回归技术对上述3个部分进行非线性集成,从而获得一个更为精确的预测结果。通过实证方法验证了基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型的有效性。  相似文献   
网络时代的适时财务监控与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络技术应用的普及使传统财务监控的变革已成为公司治理和财务管理的热点话题,本文简要揭示新概念——适时财务监控与公司治理的关系,剖析了公司不同管理层次的适时财务监控的实时需求,从公司治理的基本需要对公司价值流再造、公司信息系统变革和适时财务监控机制重构等三个方面进行了初步研究,为网络适时财务监控在公司治理实务中的应用提供了一个基本框架。  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem where the linear discriminant rule is formed from training data that are only partially classified with respect to the two groups of origin. A further complication is that the data of unknown origin do not constitute an observed random sample from a mixture of the two under- lying groups. Under the assumption of a homoscedastic normal model, the overall error rate of the sample linear discriminant rule formed by maximum likelihood from the partially classified training data is derived up to and including terms of the first order in the case of univariate feature data. This first- order expansion of the sample rule so formed is used to define its asymptotic efficiency relative to the rule formed from a completely classified random training set and also to the rule formed from a completely unclassified random set.  相似文献   
Testing symmetry under a skew Laplace model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We develop tests of hypothesis about symmetry based on samples from possibly asymmetric Laplace distributions and present exact and limiting distribution of the test statistics. We postulate that the test statistic derived under the Laplace model is a rational choice as a measure of skewness and can be used in testing symmetry for other, quite general classes of skew distributions. Our results are applied to foreign exchange rates for 15 currencies.  相似文献   
Marginal Means/Rates Models for Multiple Type Recurrent Event Data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recurrent events are frequently observed in biomedical studies, and often more than one type of event is of interest. Follow-up time may be censored due to loss to follow-up or administrative censoring. We propose a class of semi-parametric marginal means/rates models, with a general relative risk form, for assessing the effect of covariates on the censored event processes of interest. We formulate estimating equations for the model parameters, and examine asymptotic properties of the parameter estimators. Finite sample properties of the regression coefficients are examined through simulations. The proposed methods are applied to a retrospective cohort study of risk factors for preschool asthma.  相似文献   
通过对个体化相关理论的梳理,考察了个体化的概念和个体化的基本特征,提出当今的中国社会正在经历一场个体化的转型;从大多数学者的市场与个体化、国家与个体化2种不同视角考察了个体化产生的社会条件,指出这2种研究视角存在的缺陷,并试图寻求能够弥补这一缺陷的前提下研究中国个体化的中间道路,即在关系和礼物交换类型的改变中对个体化的表现样态进行考察;归纳了阎云翔关于中西方个体化进程的比较,由于中西方个体化进程的社会背景不同,中国很可能会走出一条与西方不同的个体化道路。  相似文献   
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