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网络实名制是各国维护网络空间安全的技术举措与公共政策。《中华人民共和国网络安全法(草案)》或将正式确认我国的网络实名制,并将促进刑法在维护网络空间社会秩序、遏制网络暴力活动、构筑网络诚信体系方面发挥进一步作用。网络实名制是网络空间社会抵御网络匿名技术异化的社会身份认证体系,是网络安全刑事防控治理机制的技术支撑与政策起点,是构筑网络安全“零容忍”与“宽严相济”并重治理的社会政策与价值认同的基础。  相似文献   
现代网络环境下高校系图书馆资料室的管理与改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以信息冲击波和高教改革波冲击下的高校院系资料室为考察对象,指出高校院系资料室改革势在必行,进而从领导重视、计算机检索系统引进、从业队伍建设等方面提出相应的对策.强调现代管理意识、科学决策、行为管理.  相似文献   
This article develops the foundations for a theory of interpersonal trust-building based on relational signalling theory (RST). RST is based on the assumptions that rationality is bounded through framing, that preferences are partially determined by altruism (through a distinction between foreground and background goals), and that an individual’s action is influenced by the normative context in which he or she operates. The focus is on interpersonal trust in work relations within organizations. Interpersonal trust-building is construed as an interactive process in which both individuals learn about each other’s trustworthiness in different situations. Four conditions for the building of interpersonal trust within organizations are (1) the suspension of all opportunistic behaviour, or the removal of distrust; (2) exchange of positive relational signals; (3) avoiding negative relational signals, i.e., dealing with trouble; and (4) the stimulation of frame resonance, or the introduction of trust-enhancing organizational policies. The proposed theory can explain important characteristics of trust in organizational contexts, such as the interactive nature of trust, the learning required to build trust, the role of psychological mechanisms (such as attributions and perceptions) in decisions to trust, the limits to trust, asymmetries between trust and distrust and the context-dependency of trust.
Frédérique E. SixEmail:
运用网络层次分析法的理论与计算方法,从基本情况、经费情况和办学效益三个方面建立我国职业技术教育状况评价指标体系,在运用网络层次分析法全面考虑指标层次之间及层次内部相互关系的基础上确定指标体系的权重,是对层次分析法的有效改进。对我国部分省市的职业技术教育状况进行了实证分析与比较,给出了这些省市的职业技术教育状况排序及结果分析。  相似文献   
产业集群的市场结构分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
产业集群网络由市场关系网络和社会关系网络复合而成.产业集群独特的网络结构使产业集群内部市场结构接近完全竞争,集群内部资源配置有效;产业集群外部市场结构接近完全垄断或寡头垄断,表现出强大的区域竞争力.  相似文献   
城市地铁网络复杂性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市地铁网络属于空间复杂网络,其中的节点与边对应于地理空间中的特定位置。文中首先应用Pajek与Ucinet分析了世界主要城市地铁网络的拓扑特性,发现它们拥有如下共性:倾向于选择短边、平均度数接近于2、聚集系数接近于0,直径较大。进而从网络连通性、特征路径长度与直径的变化趋势三方面分析了北京地铁网络的鲁棒性,研究发现北京地铁网络在节点随机故障情况下具有较好的鲁棒性,但在恶意攻击情况下整个网络很快就会瘫痪。  相似文献   
学术不端行为以及对AMLC系统运用的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对当前十分严重的学术不端行为,分析了CNKI科研诚信管理系统研究中心所开发的科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统(AMLC)在编辑工作中的使用情况,在肯定这一系统巨大优势的基础上,指出这一系统在实践运用中存在的不足及缺陷:数据库的有限性、语言识别能力的局限、对于多源抄袭的无能为力等。从某种意义上来说,大量号称开展"学术不端检测"业务网店的涌现,表明AMLC这一工具的不当使用正在使其沦为学术不端行为的"帮凶",只有加强对这一系统的控制和使用授权,才能使这一工具更好地为遏制学术不端行为起到作用,同时,对于编辑来说,不能过分依赖于工具的使用,注重个人编辑技能和相关领域学术素养的提高和学术视野的拓展,才是最为重要的。  相似文献   
新科技革命与欧洲一体化的迅猛发展 ,使欧洲社会民主党产生改革的紧迫感。积极寻找应战对策 ,实行民主化改革 ,扩大党的选民基础 ,增强党的吸引力成了改革的重要内容。总体上看 ,这种改革是在资本主义制度范围内进行 ,但它迎合了历史潮流  相似文献   
针对高校校园网络使用中存在的安全问题,为保证校园网络性能的可靠和高效,根据校园网管理的工作要求,阐述了校园网维护与测试的内容和基本方法。  相似文献   
Doreen Massey     
The growth of transnational communications, most notably the Internet and email, has had a profound impact on social and political interactions across borders. Doreen Massey, a social and political geographer, has written widely about space, with an emphasis on examining relations between actors, rather than the roles that they play. Her research suggests that space can be conceived of as constructed of these relations and, as a consequence, power can be seen to operate at multiple and complex levels. This article examines Massey's work, identifying areas of particular relevance to communications scholars. Massey's thinking is applied to the contemporary communications arena, where her ideas on space and 'power-geometries' offer new insights into how the complexities of transnational relations can be understood.  相似文献   
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