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Eric D. Moffa 《Social Studies》2016,107(4):145-152
To assist teachers in fostering students' global citizenship dispositions through service experiences, this article reports findings from a case study that investigated one high school's global service club and its impact on former club members' global awareness and global citizenship dispositions. Data were collected from Web-based documents and interviews with the faculty advisor and four former members. Data were analyzed by using the constant comparison method to elicit the following findings: (1) fundraising and awareness campaigns, when connected to a larger global service network, can act as viable local actions to combat global poverty; (2) club involvement can produce adults who feel more globally aware, but who do not necessary display critical understandings of global issues; and (3) club involvement can have a positive impact on global citizenship dispositions as participants reported feelings of empowerment and personal/social responsibility, yet no former club members continued participation in global service initiates as adults. Findings suggest the need for structural support when establishing high school global service clubs and, to optimize critical justice aims, local service actions should be tied to a more formal global citizenship curriculum.  相似文献   

Female incarceration rates are increasing at unprecedented rates. The majority of women are poor single mothers, serving sentences for nonviolent drug-related and property offenses. Among challenges faced when transitioning back into society are a history of interpersonal violence and financial instability. This study examines literature with regard to the barriers women experience with an emphasis on financial struggles and explores outcomes of one initiative to begin addressing the financial capability of women in a minimum security prison. Findings reveal women benefited from the class experience. Social workers are called upon for additional financial capability programming and research in this area.  相似文献   
What is the attitude of Latin American undergraduate social work students toward poverty? An earlier study from Europe and other countries worldwide found that most graduating social work students who participated in the research were clear about the socio-structural causes of social problems such as poverty. Still, no data on this topic is available for Latin American countries. The aims of this study were: (1) to describe and to compare eight Latin American graduating undergraduate social work student groups regarding their attitudes toward poverty, as measured by two scales: Causes of poverty scale and Ways of dealing with poverty; and (2) to discuss some of the implications of the study for social work education and practice. Using a quantitative transnational-comparative design, a total sample of 525 nonrandomly selected, graduating undergraduate social work students from eight Latin American countries responded to a self-administered questionnaire. An individualistic attitude to understanding and to dealing with poverty emerged in the majority of the student groups. Multivariate procedures and inferential analyses demonstrated variations across the student groups. Implications for social work education and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the Khanyisa Programme, an initiative in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where learners from under-resourced schools are supported by teachers and high achievers in Grade 11 and 12 from a previously advantaged state school under apartheid. A qualitative, evaluative study was undertaken to identify key elements in the ongoing success of the programme and collect participant suggestions for improvement. The findings, discussed within the framework of self-efficacy theory, identified enormous gains by Khanyisa learners, leading to vastly improved career prospects.  相似文献   
以凉山彝族自治州在精准扶贫过程中,为破解贫困地区“孤岛效应”,探索“以购代捐”扶贫模式为例,基于社会资本导向 的反贫困治理策略,分析“以购代捐”扶贫模式的理论内涵、演进路径、模式创新等,提出“以购代捐”正面临,物流投入滞后,影 响农产品品质;质量标准缺乏,制约农产品价格;质量检测缺位,食品安全堪忧;产品价格缺乏优势,长期执行易陷入行政摊派 等现实问题,为了完善“以购代捐”精准扶贫模式,建议:一要调动贫困农户生产积极性,保证农民“爱种(养)”;二要合理兼顾帮 扶单位的利益,让对口帮扶单位“爱吃”;三是政策措施要简单易行,让行政主管部门“爱扶”。  相似文献   
今年初,习近平总书记考察凉山脱贫攻坚工作,鼓舞了凉山干部群众打赢脱贫攻坚战的信心和决心。十九大提出的乡村 振兴战略是凉山脱贫奔康的行动指南。当前凉山彝区脱贫攻坚任务仍然很艰巨。实施乡村振兴战略,助力凉山打赢脱贫攻坚 战的思路是:促进产业兴旺,夯实乡村振兴之基,固牢脱贫致富之本;强化绿色宜居导向,改造提升乡村基础设施,实现贫困农 民安居乐业;坚持乡风文明导向,移风易俗,培育脱贫致富内生动力;开展农村社会有效治理,根除致贫致愚的恶习,引导村民 健康生活;把生活富裕直接奋斗目标,狠抓基础民生工程,提升村民文化素质和健康水平,为脱贫致富提供长久保障。  相似文献   
吴桃  沙建华 《民族学刊》2020,11(6):36-41, 157-158
位于武陵山区石柱土家族自治县的金铃乡银杏村,是集少数民族、革命地区、集中连片的特困地区。一方面该村以自然山水风光为资源禀赋,以培育民族文化精神高地为乡村振兴“铸魂”、“赋能”;以“非遗文化+扶贫”的路子,激活了乡村的内生动力;文化扶贫直抵人心取得了“点石成金”的效果,让土家人充分享受到文化释放的红利。另一方面,该村作为“民族团结进步示范村”,以做深做实民族团结工作为抓手,充分让民族政策惠及土家万户,生动地实现了民族团结之花在土家大地上常开常盛。一个个串联成珠的实践案例,为武陵山打赢脱贫攻坚战更好地接续乡村振兴发挥了活标杆的示范引领作用,向世人展示一幅色彩斑斓的美丽乡村新图景。  相似文献   
杨竟艺  杨永清 《民族学刊》2022,13(6):30-36, 141
十八大以来,在党和国家的高度重视下,凉山彝区脱贫攻坚成绩斐然。2020年,凉山彝区10县区域性整体贫困问题全面消除。为了巩固彝区脱贫成果,守住不发生规模性返贫底线,推进彝区乡村振兴,实现彝区农业稳产、农民稳收、农村稳定,本文主要从凉山彝区的社会发育程度低、自然环境恶劣、交通发展滞后、公共基础薄弱、市场发展缓慢、内生动力缺乏等详细地分析了制约凉山彝区持久脱贫的困境因素;并就防止凉山彝区规模性返贫的困境因素,首先从政策、产业和互助合作方面对已有的主要帮扶措施进行了优化与健全,其次,从构建与完善保障督查、政策联动、内生动力激发、贫困文化消解、禁毒防艾和监测评估等机制方面提出了防止凉山彝区规模性返贫的对策建议。  相似文献   
乐章  秦习岗 《南方人口》2020,35(4):68-80
基于积极老龄化理论框架和“中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查”面板数据,文章从积极和消极两个维度对农村老年人老化态度问题进行实证考察。研究发现,两种老化态度均以2008年为重要转折点,女性老化态度比男性更具多样性和多变性。健康、社会参与和保障都能引起老化态度的积极变动,但社会适应、子女经济支持和社区照料三个因素对消极老化态度有正向影响,而生产活动降低了积极老化态度水平。从贡献率看,健康因素对老化态度差异贡献最大,其次是保障因素、社会参与因素,健康因素更能解释积极老化态度的变化,社会参与因素对消极老化态度的贡献率更高,二者分别在女性和男性老年人群体中表现得更为明显。贡献率排在前四位的因素是精神健康、子女经济支持、医疗可及性和身体健康。用积极老龄化的观点帮助庞大的农村老年人口建立正确的老化态度将有益于养老问题的解决。  相似文献   
徐姗姗  张文英 《民族学刊》2020,11(4):59-65, 131-132
“发展教育脱贫一批”是在民族地区实现共同富裕的重要方针。然而在“教育改变命运”的共识之外,布迪厄认为教育一代代地维持着对社会中下阶层的不公平的“文化再生产”理论,被一些学者应用于对我国少数民族教育的研究。如在“三区三州”等民族地区,代际间的贫困传递难以阻断,因家庭文化资本弱势而造成子女求学、求职受阻,看似可用“贫困文化的再生产”予以概括,但笔者不同意直接套用西方理论认定中国存在“教育不公平”的论述。因为我国社会实际与布氏提出“学校教育再生产社会阶层结构”观点之环境不同,有多项教育政策在切实保障着少数民族通过“教育改变命运”——当前在我国民族地区实现教育公平的主要障碍,并非 “文化再生产”的结构性阻力,而在于就业环节的阶段性困难。教育公平可分为起点、过程和结果三个环节,民族地区经多年教育扶贫,“起点”入学机会和“过程”教育质量已明显改善,而作为“结果”的就业环节亟待改善。以“就业优先”方针多渠道扩大少数民族就业,可激发内生动力、促进市场融入、巩固减贫成效和精准防控返贫,是助少数民族自主掌握教育“社会阶梯”和阻断贫困代际传递的有效路径。  相似文献   
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