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林森在国民党内部派系纷争与军阀混战的乱世中秉持清净无为、与世无争的超然态度,为各派系所认可,因而脱颖而出,荣膺国府主席.在内外交困的民族危亡之时,林森则急流勇进,积极有为,勉力支撑危局.特别在抗日战争中,林森强调全面抗战和持久战,支持国共合作团结抗战,崇尚气节,尽忠救国.同时,林森也恪守"虚位元首"定位,不争权、不逾矩,貌似无为、有意无为,保持平民元首风范.林森以年高德劭之士甘任无实权的国府主席,能够发挥政治均衡器的作用,有利于团结抗战.林森在之所以能够长期坐稳元首之位"领导抗战,功在国家",正是他"方以智,圆而神"的政治智慧的体现.  相似文献   
高适、岑参同为唐代边塞诗派的杰出代表,向来被并称为“高岑”。他们的作品大多反映边塞战争,表达自己立功边塞的愿望,以及描写边地山川景物和风土人情。但在写作手法和风格特色方面两人侧重点又各有不同:高诗叙事、写实、议论,思想深刻,现实主义气息浓厚;岑诗写景、描写、抒情,富有艺术个性,浪漫主义色彩突出。本文主要从思想情调、写作手法、风格特色三个方面比较高、岑边塞诗的异同。  相似文献   
阿马蒂亚·森的贫困思想述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阿马蒂亚·森在贫困理论的发展进程中是个举足轻重的人物。他对于饥荒成因的分析有力地驳斥了FAD观点;权利方法是他在分析贫困机理时的一大创新;他对贫困度量的公理化为贫困度量开辟了新天地,使度量日益精细化和现代化。我国目前正在关注“三农”问题,对森的理论的介绍有助于人们更好地认识贫困。  相似文献   
透视阿马蒂亚·森的自由发展观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿马蒂亚·森不仅是一位全球知名的经济学者,而且有着对伦理学哲学问题的深层思考,在经济研究中沟通了经济学和伦理学。其经济伦理思想的一个重要方面就是自由发展观,他从分析人的权利问题入手提出了"以自由看待发展"的观点,这一发展观对我们以科学发展观全面建设小康社会具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
经济学与伦理学有着深刻的内在关联,但是在经济学发展的历程中,经济学抛弃了它的伦理学渊源,逐渐脱离和淡化伦理学的影响,以"自利最大化"为理论前提、以"社会效用"为标准的"帕累托最优"就是在这种背景下产生的.现代经济学家阿玛蒂亚·森对拒绝伦理考虑的"帕累托最优"提出质疑和挑战,并努力在经济学的研究中重新引入价值判断和道德哲学的智慧,在这个基础上提出新的衡量经济发展的标准.  相似文献   
社会福利指数构造的理论和方法初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨缅昆 《统计研究》2009,26(7):37-42
 社会福利指数的构造已成为学界研究的热点问题。为了对社会福利指数进行正确的构造,文章首先对森所构造的福利指数的理论渊源及其局限性进行了探究;其次对国内学者所构造的社会福利指数进行了评析,指出其存在着严重的方法论上的缺陷,在此基础上,文章就社会福利指数构造的理论和方法论框架提出了基本的看法。  相似文献   
We consider a truncated Midzuno–Sen sampling scheme. The proposed method can be used to estimate the distribution function of a study variable assuming that the distribution function of an auxiliary variable is known. The ratio estimator for estimating the distribution function is shown to remain unbiased. We introduce the first- and second-order inclusion probabilities under the truncated Midzuno–Sen sampling scheme. Numerical examples are provided to support our theoretical results.  相似文献   
In this article, the theoretical and methodological status of Amartya Sen's entitlement approach is discussed. The point of departure for the discussion is Caf Dowlah's criticism in this issue of the International Journal of Social Welfare of Sen's analysis of the 1974 famine in Bangladesh. In his article, Dowlah criticises Sen for not giving a full empirical account of the socio-political situation, primarily the widespread corrup-tion in Bangladesh at the time of the famine in question. In my view, even if this criticism is correct, it is not strictly essential to the factual and normative status of Sen's entitlement approach. I argue further that Dowlah's reading of Sen in this context implies an empiricist standpoint that is in general alien to Sen's entitlement approach. I contest the normative claim that by neglecting to give substantial treatment to the wide-spread corruption in Bangladesh Sen had trivialised the con-ditions of the population, and offer an alternative hypothesis; namely, that factual accounts of corruption, however relevant, seldom fulfil the requirements of methodological rigour char-acteristic of the discipline of economics with its deductive models. The article examines the formal, legalistic focus of the entitlement approach and discusses its consequences. The article takes up the problems of validation and falsification in relation to an empiricist interpretation, and a deductive ration-alist interpretation, respectively, of the entitlement approach. The conclusion is that both interpretations have distinct problems. The empiricist interpretation must contend with the problem of what constitutes the empirical basis of inductive generalisa-tion; the deductive interpretation must contend with the problem that the universal applicability of nomenclatures is more defini-tional than explanatory.  相似文献   
沈德潜的“格调”是一个融合着气格、风骨、才力、声调等多元素质的概念。格调说是沈氏评论唐诗的基石。据此 ,沈氏对盛唐诗予以高度评价 ,并展示了李白、杜甫作为盛唐巨擘格调的丰富内涵。沈氏在推崇格调的同时 ,对影响较大的神韵说并未忽视且有所借鉴 ,从而使得他在对唐诗的评论中表现出较高的艺术眼光  相似文献   
我国古代有"饯别必赋诗"的送别传统。到了唐代,送别诗的交际功能逐渐加强,已不仅仅限于"传情言志",而使其充分发挥了"可以群"的社会交往功能。在集体创作的场合下,为了应酬的需要,文士们必须储存一套可供临时发挥、及时套用的模式。岑参的送别诗正具此特点。他的探题分韵所赋之作,在形式和内容上都形成了模式化倾向。在形式上,表现为"三部式"、"两部式"。内容上,在语言、意象、描写场景等方面都有一定类型化表现。可见,送别诗的模式化倾向在初盛唐已初露端倪,这为中晚唐送别诗创作走向模式化奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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