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This article seeks to add to the underdeveloped strain of inquiry on the raced social experience of students in private and parochial institutions. We examine the role Catholic schools in the city of Chicago play in the maintenance and creation of racially problematic policies, spaces, and rhetoric. The research uncovers a multitude of responses framing African American students as an exotic other in mission and action through the leveraging of liturgical, ideological, and political language and practice. Using Cultural Studies and Critical Race Theory the work seeks to create a discursive space for representation and resistance in the repositioning of dominant and sanguineous narratives about Catholic schooling both in the US and globally. We use moments when race became particularly and often painfully salient in our experiences of Catholic schooling to expose the structural and racial inequity perpetuated in establishing and enforcing racial barriers to success through religion-for-segregation educational policies.  相似文献   
《Social Work Education》2012,31(2):142-154
This article explores progress to date in embedding enabling social work understandings and practices with disabled people by reviewing the UK social work curriculum. Based on these observations and the ideas from UK disability studies, it will offer possible solutions or at least better pathways to enabling practice with disabled people. As Meekosha has pointed out in a global context, to date social work has been experienced as an ambivalent practice [Meekosha, H. & Dowse, L. (2007) ‘Integrating critical disability studies into social work education and practice: an Australian perspective’, Practice, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 59–72], often both enabling and disabling; an intervention that can both lock and unlock resources, and challenge and reaffirm traditional notions of the ‘disability problem’ [Finkelstein, V. (1993) ‘Disability: A Social Challenge or an Administrative Responsibility?’, in Disabiling Barriers ‐ Enabling Environments, eds J. Swain, V. Finkelstein, S. French and M. Oliver, Sage Publications in association with the Open University, London]. Social work also has the potential to both challenge, but also be an (inadvertent) apologist for contemporary social support and welfare systems. Indeed it is clear that social work as a profession and social care as a policy area have been the poor relations of healthcare and health professions [King's Fund (2011) Social Care Funding and the NHS: An Impending Crisis?, King's Fund, London]. Viewed anthropologically, social work remains a largely non-disabled workforce ‘ministering’ to disabled clients (BCODP, 1997). This might reinforce the perception of ‘us and them’ in some social work encounters. As Paul Longmore questioned, can we begin to go ‘beyond affliction’ (2003) in our work with disabled people? Can social work help support the collective struggles of disabled people or is their role inevitably to reinforce that of individual(ised) clients?

The development of the personalisation agenda and self-directed support is clearly welcome in this context [DoH (2006) Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A New Direction for Community Services, Department of Health, London; DoH (2007) Independence, Choice and Risk: A Guide to Best Practice in Supported Decision-Making, Department of Health, London; DoH (2009) Personalisation of Social Care Services, Department of Health, London]. Such developments reflect the changing service user–professional relationship. The temptation to see these developments as the icing on the social support cake needs, however, to be resisted. Arguably, with the increased rationing of social support, the continued role of social workers in assessment and monitoring of support could be seen to require a yet more reflexive and enabling professional education and training in an age of austerity, one where previously supported disabled people are being told that their needs can no longer be met.  相似文献   
马克思主义对科学综合研究具有独特贡献。马克思主义观念从其产生到目前境遇的发展进程中有某些关键阶段,诸如苏联代表团参加1931年在伦敦举办的国际科学(历)史大会,以及随后马克思主义者与其他立场观点继承人之间在以后的国际会议中的交流互动、聚焦于那些以不同方式从事于科学工作的几代马克思主义者所产生的影响。马克思主义对当代科学研究发展趋势具有较大的影响,马克思主义以复杂且迂回的方式存活。这要求人们不仅应该正面解释马克思主义在过去时代中的重大贡献,而且应该正面理解马克思主义在当下以及未来中的道德价值。  相似文献   
本文为作者译文选集的自序,对近半个世纪以来从事阿拉伯语翻译和阿拉伯研究工作的实践进行了回顾,以期使读者了解翻译和研究工作者的曲折坎坷和甘苦,增进对阿拉伯国家历史、地理、文学、艺术和社会科学的理解。  相似文献   
作为太平洋地区最早出现的国际非政府组织,太平洋国际学会从一个旨在促进亚太地区国家间相互理解和培育太平洋共同体意识的知识团体逐渐演变成以影响政府政策为目标以及服务于美国和盟国战时需要的思想库,并在冷战初期受到美国国会的指控而解散。学会开展的学术研究、圆桌讨论和教育活动虽然有助于消除国家间的误解,对太平洋战争时期的美国政策也具有一定影响,并推动了美国的亚洲研究,但其试图通过培育太平洋共同体意识来改善太平洋地区国家间关系的目标并未实现。个中原因除了学会无法控制的外部国际环境的巨变外,还与其自身的局限性有关,包括各国别理事会的民族主义立场和学会组织者对科学和理性的天真信奉。  相似文献   
燕赵文化的历史传承和精神特质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李振纲 《文史哲》2005,(1):25-27
中国是一个疆域辽阔、民族众多的统一的大国。先秦时期诸子学说的出现 ,标志着中国古代哲学的诞生与兴起。众多学科的研究成果表明 ,从春秋到战国 ,中国大体形成了若干个具有各自特征的文化区域 ,先秦诸子的形成与这些地域性的文化传统有着紧密的联系。这种地域性传统贯穿在其后中国古代哲学发展的全部历程之中 ,两汉至隋唐如此 ,宋元明清表现更为突出 ,就是中国近代哲学也还是摆脱不了地域传统的影响。因此 ,研究中国古代哲学的地域性传统是一个十分有意义的课题。而当下学界对此挖掘不够 ,为了深化对该课题的研究 ,我们组织了这次笔谈 ,现推荐给读者 ,希望引起学界的关注。今后 ,我们还准备在适当的时候继续进行讨论。  相似文献   
和平学是一个相对新兴和发展中的学科。从研究角度而言,和平学主要起源于欧洲国家,但大部分和平学课程却首先出现在美国。冷战后期,美国的和平学课程主要关注结构性、家庭和社会内部暴力问题。和平学的研究范围包括人际关系、组织关系和社会关系,超越了民族国家的界限,其价值基础和行动目的就是替代暴力。和平学的研究面临各种挑战,主要包括:关于和平的定义过分模糊;行政方面的支持不够;和平学还遭到政治偏见的批评。和平学有助于政治和经济政策的变化,为了促进这样的一个长时期的根本变化,需要营造一种和平的文化。  相似文献   
和世界上大多数国家一样,约旦也面临着越来越严重的人口老龄化问题。为此,约旦政府在社会保障领域实施了三项重要的改革措施。一是参数式改革,即不改变现有制度的性质,只是调整具体的参数;二是整合碎片化制度改革,把公务员和军事人员纳入全国统一的社保制度中来;三是未雨绸缪,积极开展公共预筹积累制改革,融资模式由现收现付制逐步过渡到部分积累制,不断完善投资管理体制。这三项改革不仅符合世界银行提倡的改革模式,而且这三项改革措施之间的相互配合与协调,有力地推动了约旦社保制度的改革和发展,具有极强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
近年来已经有相当多的研究者意识到研究选题的高密度重复,并迎难而上,极大地推进了古典文学研究领域的拓展,展现了古典文学研究的新格局与新气象。由中国社会科学出版社出版的张翠爱博士的新著《两宋休闲词研究》即是这样的一部著作。《两宋休闲词研究》虽然是一部严肃的古典文学研究著作,但其研究两宋休闲词,意在剖析其中的休闲精神和价值情趣,并揭示其有益于当代人的现代意义。  相似文献   
国际膜拜团体研究会( ICSA)转型以来,倡导学术交流与实际工作并重。2016年ICSA年会展现了国际上膜拜团体研究领域关于膜拜团体警示教育、脱教咨询与社会治理、膜拜伤害及其测度、膜拜团体前成员康复四个维度新的视角和关切。中国学者的膜拜团体研究主要体现在中国现代化进程中的邪教认定与治理、中国的社会救助与帮辅、邪教与媒体传播、邪教警示教育、膜拜伤害及其测度等方面。邪教的认定、邪教危害程度的标定、邪教形成和伤害成员的机制,将是今后邪教研究的重点。  相似文献   
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