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青年价值结构反映了青年在价值观念变迁中现代化维度和后现代化维度中的转变程度。目前社交网站覆盖人数众多,用户以高学历、年轻化、城市分布规律化和交际现实性为主要特点。社交网站发展与青年价值结构变迁具有内在的密切关联。社交网站技术引进国内却丧失了原有的“意义图景”,说明我国青年在价值理性方面的缺失和对工具理性的追逐:接受社交网站说明“熟人社会”结构在青年社交活动中仍然延续.社交网站也能为青年实现个人成就提供可能性:社交网站馈赠型社会化模式有效改进了青年“相对被剥夺感”严重、幸福感低迷的现状,这是社交网站进一步发展壮大的功能基础。  相似文献   
Educational attainment is a core social background variable covered in each and every survey of individuals. Since educational institutions and qualifications are difficult to compare across countries, cross-national surveys pose a particular challenge to the measurement of educational attainment. This study performs a comparative construct validation of a number of cross-national measures of education using the European Social Survey. The measures comprise two versions of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), the education scheme developed in the project ‘Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility in Industrial Nations’ (CASMIN) and hypothetical as well as actual years of education. The first ISCED measure corresponds to the well-known main ISCED levels. The second one, the European Survey Version of ISCED (ES-ISCED) developed for this study, represents an effort to reflect different types of education within levels of education by considering ISCED sub-dimensions, most importantly ‘programme orientation’. Using linear regression models, it is shown how much explanatory power educational attainment loses when different cross-national variables are used, as compared to country-specific educational attainment variables (CSEVs), and how these losses vary across measures and countries. The dependent variable used for the construct validation is social status as measured by the International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI). Results suggest that harmonisation always entails some loss of explanatory power for at least a few countries. However, there are clear performance differences between the comparable measures in terms of both the average amount of losses as well as the distribution of losses across countries. The use of actual years of education as well as the levels-only ISCED strongly attenuates the education-social status association on average, but also to very different degrees across countries. CASMIN and ES-ISCED fare considerably better: they show the lowest losses of explanatory power and the lowest variation of losses across countries. Hypothetical years of education lie in between. Some practical implications are then proposed, e.g. on how to implement cross-national measures of educational attainment in international surveys.  相似文献   
人口计生宣传教育为“先导”的重心和支点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宣传教育为先导的战略决策,是国家人口计生委党组书记、主任李斌同志2007年年底在河南召开全国农村人口文化建设工作现场会和在宁波市召开全国婚育新风进万家活动经验交流会上提出的重大战略思想。宣传教育为先导战略决策的提出,是在科学发展观指引下尊重思想政治工作、精神文明建设和人口计生工作客观规律,总结正反两方面工作经验教训的必然产物,是今后做好人口计生工作的元点工程。本文主要论述了为什么要先导,先什么、导什么,如何先导三个重大问题。  相似文献   
大学生流行语是在某一个特定时期内,流行于高校大学生中的一种具有代表性的话语,能够概括性地反映出当代社会的某种本质性特点及大学生的普遍心态。大学生流行语的价值取向表现出兼容性、多样性和时代性特点。负面词汇流行语是大学生释放心理压力的一种方式。同时,大学生并不会偏重某一方面的流行,而是兼容了正负面的影响。大学生流行语体现了当代大学生的心理状态,成为大学生社会文化心态的表征符号,为我们了解大学生的心理状态和人生价值取向等问题提供了一面镜子。  相似文献   
“90后”大学生信息获取渠道与价值观的形成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"90后"大学生、出生成长在信息时代,信息获取渠道的多元化对他们的价值观形成造成较大的影响。其中,值得关注的影响有:信息焦虑与价值认同的矛盾、道德价值观体现传承特性、政治热情与冷漠并存、人生价值的媒介之"伤"等。因此,要净化媒介环境,提高"90后"大学生媒介素养,实现价值观教育的功能一致性,以强化主导价值观的引导作用。  相似文献   
Previous studies find that workers of longer work weeks report more market hours in stylized measure than in time diary, while those of shorter work weeks report fewer hours. Using data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) 2003-2007, this paper attempts to explain this dilemma. I argue that market work time is composed of activity time, committed time, and constrained time. Thus, part of the difference found between the two estimates is due to the calculation of the diary estimate. I also argue that the wording of the stylized question is consequential. Some stylized questions (e.g., How many hours per week do you usually work?) might capture the mode, instead of the mean, of work time. Thus, when the distribution of work time is skewed, the mismatch between the two estimates is expected. A sequence-based identification for diary estimate and a non-parametric adjustment for stylized estimate are proposed and empirically examined. The result indicates that both methods significantly reduce the observed gap between the two estimates. I discuss the implications for future time use survey design in the concluding section.  相似文献   
标准金融学与行为金融学的根本分歧是市场是否具有有效性。作为标准金融学基石的有效市场假说的致命缺陷是检验时点有效,即在任何一个时点上证券价格都即时、准确地反映所有信息,这一理想化的约束条件不仅使该理论的应用价值大打折扣,也使其存在着巨大的理论缺陷。行为金融学正是抓住这一点对其提出了质疑和挑战。在推翻标准金融学的理论假设后的行为金融学也没有建立一个比标准金融学更有实际应用性的学说体系,其应用性甚至远远落后于被其否定的以CAPM、APT、OPT等为代表的标准金融学理论。市场有效周期理论认为,市场有效是一个时期而不是一个时点,通过实证研究可以对该理论进行检验。市场有效周期理论的重要价值主要是在解决标准金融学和行为金融学的分歧上实现了重大突破。  相似文献   
周振国  向回 《河北学刊》2012,32(1):123-128
邯郸成语典故大量孕育于春秋战国至两汉时期,是其辉煌时代的一种特有的历史记忆形式,也是其注重事功的学术传统与全民皆商的土风民俗的必然产物。它蕴涵了变革图强、开放包容、厚德重法等主要文化精神,有着不容忽视的当代价值,并且可以通过与当代社会主义文化繁荣发展的密切结合来切实实现其当代价值转换。  相似文献   
“事实”与“价值”的二分虽业已成为现代西方道德哲学一个很重要的教条,甚至构成了现代西方政治哲学的根本前提,但是这种彻底割裂、极端二分以致二者紧张对峙的做法却不断遭到质疑与反驳.比如普特南就立足于实用主义转向后的基本立场,从认识论、伦理学和科学哲学的角度对事实与价值的二分法予以了激烈的批判.在认识论层面,普特南通过批判古典经验主义和逻辑实证主义的事实观念从而瓦解事实与价值二分法的认知基础;在伦理学层面,其通过对“混杂的”伦理概念的阐扬从而显明事实判断与价值判断之间的缠结;在科学哲学层面,其通过消解科学和伦理学之间的紧张从而揭明科学并非价值无涉,价值判断对于科学实践不可或缺.  相似文献   
韩东屏 《浙江社会科学》2012,(9):97-105,96,158
语言有描述语言和价值语言之分。虽然在纯粹的描述语言和纯粹的价值语言之间也存在兼有描述和价值二重性的混合语言,但这并不能作为没有描述语言与价值语言之分野的依据。价值语言有两种功能,一是评价对象,一是指令人。价值语言的类型有评价语言与指令语言、自然价值语言与人工价值语言、肯定性价值语言与否定性价值语言、原生价值语言与派生价值语言之分。价值语言内部还存在四个级别的差异,它们相互之间存在统摄与被统摄的关系,并由此形成一个有内在逻辑关联的有机系统。价值语言在性质上似乎与以真假为值的传统语言逻辑不相容,但实际上,价值语言也一直遵守的是传统语言逻辑。如果我们将传统语言逻辑所注重的真假值改为对错值,那么,传统逻辑就既可在实际上与价值语言相容,也可在名义上和性质上与价值语言相容。  相似文献   
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