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Grassroots organizations in communities of color often struggle in their relationships with philanthropic partners, especially as it relates to the issue of accountability. This article focuses on exploring the nature of accountability within the social contract between the philanthropic sector and these grassroots organizations. Drawing on a review of the relevant literature and results of 11 structured interviews with leaders from the philanthropic sector and grassroots organizations in communities of color, key themes are identified. Recommendations are offered on how the hierarchy within the sector can be addressed and how the dialogue between these partners can be improved.  相似文献   
碳排放交易可分为自愿交易和配额交易,对于不同类型的碳排放交易,立法应当做出不同的内容规定.我国目前关于自愿交易的规定还不能对自愿交易的买方提供充分的利益刺激,不利于自愿交易市场的培育,因而立法的重点应当是对自愿减排量的买方给予税收优惠和将买方购买的自愿减排量转换为配额交易中的碳排放配额以作为对买方的奖励.在配额交易方面,立法应当首先为碳排放行为设定行政许可,并允许排放配额合法转让,为配额交易扫清障碍;此外,还要对配额交易的适用范围、总量控制、配额的初始分配和监测、核证体系的建设以及法律责任等内容做出相应的规定.  相似文献   
Simple principal components   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We introduce an algorithm for producing simple approximate principal components directly from a variance–covariance matrix. At the heart of the algorithm is a series of 'simplicity preserving' linear transformations. Each transformation seeks a direction within a two-dimensional subspace that has maximum variance. However, the choice of directions is limited so that the direction can be represented by a vector of integers whenever the subspace can also be represented by vector if integers. The resulting approximate components can therefore always be represented by integers. Furthermore the elements of these integer vectors are often small, particularly for the first few components. We demonstrate the performance of this algorithm on two data sets and show that good approximations to the principal components that are also clearly simple and interpretable can result.  相似文献   
顶岗实习支教是师范生教育实习模式的一大创新,对于强化师范生实践教学具有十分重要的作用。广西师范学院“二次置换”构想的提出,有效弥补师范生顶岗实习支教的不足,进一步加强高师教育与基础教育的衔接,着力解决师范生教育实践能力培养、城区中小学教师职业发展、农村中小学教师专业能力提升等问题,实现多方共赢。  相似文献   
李程 《学术探索》2011,(6):64-68
自愿环境协议在政府与企业间形成行政法律关系,履行协议即是执行公共环境政策,且协议还包含了不同予民事契约中私法条款的特殊规则,因而属于行政合同范畴。行政机关使用该种协议促使产业界实现严于立法管制要求的环境目标必须同时具备协议方式的适法性和内容的合法性这两个要件:前者的取得乃是基于灵活运用行政权力、公共机构和公共政策才有可能实现社会资源高效配置的事实;后者的实现则在于恪守法律优位原则、不予违反公序良俗以及基于当事双方主体的真实意思表示。  相似文献   
李慧云等 《统计研究》2014,31(4):97-101
本文从关系经济、新兴市场特征角度出发,验证了市场化进程在自愿性信息披露对公司价值影响中的调节作用。采用面板数据回归详细分析了我国上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司价值的关系,以及在不同市场化进程下,上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间的关系。研究发现,总体上公司价值与自愿性信息披露显著负相关;但是在市场化进程较高的地区,二者关系发生了变化,呈现显著的正相关关系。本文的贡献在于验证了市场化进程的调节效应,揭示了我国上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间关系的特殊性。  相似文献   
近些年,社区志愿服务在国家民政部门的主导下取得了长足进展,农村社区志愿服务也逐渐丰富发展起来。当前农村社区志愿服务存在着农民参与意识不强,参与度低,"行政化"色彩浓厚,社会化水平低,制度体系不健全,服务水平偏低等问题。为了更好地促进农村社区志愿服务,应该坚持以人为本的原则不动摇,切实加强对农村社区志愿服务活动的指导和扶持,构建农村社区志愿者服务网络体系,建立健全农村社区志愿者队伍建设的制度体系,积极探索农村社工指导下的社区志愿服务模式。  相似文献   
This small-scale, Welsh qualitative study explores how a new “moving on” service empowered older people to move voluntarily from their home to an extra-care facility. Eighteen older people were interviewed about their experiences of the service, which offered in-person, bespoke information, advice, financial, practical, brokerage, and emotional support about moving. Findings indicate three service use patterns: continuous, partial, and discontinued. It was instrumental in empowering clients to exercise decisional, executional, delegated, and/or consumer autonomies. Recommendations for future developments of a prototype “moving on” service include a multipartner approach and caseworker case management training modeled on social work practice.  相似文献   
Similar to Fischbacher and Gachter (2010) we suggest an elicitation method for exploring the motivation of participants when contributing to a public good in the role of “leader” or “follower”. In the Hybrid Public Good experiment each of two interacting contributors chooses an independent contribution level as well as three adjusted contribution levels when (s)he, as the only adjusting player, learns that the other’s independent contribution is smaller, equal or larger than the own one. To approximate the border cases of simultaneous contributing as well as sequential contributions we systematically vary the probability that one player can adjust, based on such qualitative information, but maintain that no adaptation at all and adaptation by only one occurs with positive probability. Adaptation is framed in two ways, once by additively changing the own independent contribution and once by stating new contribution levels. Surprisingly, the framing effect becomes stronger with experience. Reacting to coinciding independent contributions implies impressive conformity in contributing. Reacting to higher, respectively lower independent contributions implies average upward, and, more strongly, downward adaptation.  相似文献   
It is well-established that in finitely repeated linear public goods games, contributions decay over time with increasing free-riding. Prior researchers have appealed to notions of conditional cooperation coupled with self-interest to explain this phenomenon. We explore a complementary explanation for contributions falling over time. We show that there can be considerable heterogeneity in the distribution of initial beliefs among conditional cooperators, with subjects holding either optimistic or pessimistic beliefs regarding their peers’ cooperativeness. Therefore, what is often perceived as purely self-regarding behavior may well be “conditional free-riding” by pessimistic reciprocators. These differences in prior beliefs, and subjects’ contribution choices in response to those differing priors, can also generate a process of decay over and above self-serving biases or the interaction between reciprocators and free-riders.  相似文献   
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