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在对农村饮用水工程的经营模式、权力归属与责任归属进行描述的基础上,对不同经营模式下经营主体的行为逻辑及其对供水价格和社会福利带来的影响进行了分析.研究表明,对于规模比较大的集中供水工程,选择县国有乡镇水务公司统一经营,对于规模比较小的单村供水工程,选择村水乡管,供水价格适中,社会福利最大;乡镇供水站或村集体分散经营,尽管供水价格较低,但因工程维护得不到保障以及产生莱本斯坦所谓的“X-非效率”问题,社会福利反而达不到最大;而租赁承包和私有化经营,由于经营者追求利润最大化的行为,导致供水价格偏高,社会福利较低.  相似文献   
Forested riparian buffers are an increasingly common method of mitigating the negative effects of impervious surface cover on water quality and wildlife habitat. We sampled larval southern two-lined salamanders (Eurycea cirrigera) in 43 streams, representing the range of impervious surface cover and forested riparian buffer width across Wake County, NC, USA. Larval abundance decreased with increasing impervious surface cover in the upstream catchment, but was not affected by buffer width. This is likely a result of an incomplete buffer system and culverts or other breaches along streams. Larval abundance increased with detritus cover in the stream to a threshold and then decreased as detritus continued to increase. As percent pebble substrate in the stream increased, especially in perennial streams, larval salamander abundance also increased. We suspect salamanders were unable to migrate with the water column during dry periods in intermittent streams with sedimented interstices below the surface, resulting in low abundances. A combination of increased peak flows and sedimentation, reduced base flow, and chemical changes likely reduces the abundance of salamanders in urban and suburban streams. We suggest creation of catchment-wide, unbreached buffers to maintain the integrity of stream habitats in urbanizing watersheds.  相似文献   
The English and Welsh water and sewerage industry is characterised by indivisible capital which has a long service life. Previous studies of efficiency for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry take a static framework, assuming all inputs can be adjusted instantaneously. This paper measures dynamic efficiency by incorporating intertemporal links of capital within the production function for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry for the period 1997–2011. Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) considers capital as a quasi-fixed input and is modelled as a contemporaneous output into current production and an input from past production. The results show that the inadequate intertemporal allocation of quasi-fixed inputs is the largest contributor of inefficiency.  相似文献   
Increasingly, partnerships and other cooperative forms of governance are common-place in addressing problems of environmental management in rural landscapes. These forms of governance are multi-dimensional in the policy instruments employed; the make-up of actors; and, the types of rationalities that actors use to debate the problem and proposed solutions. This paper pursues the question of how different modes of social action, represented in argumentative claims of participants, influence social coordination in these governance arenas. An empirical study is presented of agri-environmental governance in Australia where actors debate planning and policy initiatives to reduce diffuse water quality impacts from farms on the adjacent Great Barrier Reef. Forester’s conceptualisation of practical social action which locates communicative action in the ‘real world’ of interest-based planning contexts, is used as an analytical frame to identify: (i) the type of claims made by governments, farmer groups and other actors in argumentation; (ii) the claims association with communicative, strategic and instrumental modes of action; and, (iii) their consequence for social coordination in formation and maintenance of inclusive, legitimate and viable forms of governing. The study finds that the interconnected character of claims made by actors, and the ready switching between modes of action observed, point to a situated and dynamic expression of rationality within these contested and prolonged debates on how to legitimately and effectively govern rural environments.  相似文献   
所谓"忠",按照荀子的界定,只有"逆命而利君"即能够不尊从君的错误意见,却有利于君的根本利益才是忠的,而不是"唯君命是从"。所谓"义",是根据其同音字"仪"与"宜"来定义的。"仪"(礼)是其根本。"宜"则是其行为表现的是否得当的评价。因此,"义"一方面是要求个人严格按"礼"的规定来行事,另一方面则是对一切违反"礼"的行为进行坚决斗争。《水浒传》中对义的概念的使用,就是严格按照这一定义。宋江接受招安一方面是历史的真实与无奈;一方面表现出作者的思想矛盾,儒家的"王道梦"在宋江身上半途而废,作者改变不了历史,但作者体察到了"王道梦"实现的艰难。《水浒传》运用春秋笔法批评宋徽宗因无道、失道造成天下大乱,因谋杀忠义而最终亡国,其意义乃在于借此向他所生活的明代社会——一个比北宋更为黑暗的,更为礼崩乐坏的时代,一个更加严酷的重用奸佞,诛杀忠义的最高统治者敲响警钟。  相似文献   
本论文从评点家对《水浒》叙事意图的争论入手,论述了评点家自身的伦理道德指向以及小说暗含的伦理道德之"善"向艺术之"美"转化的条件和途径,重点分析了金圣叹的"忠恕"、"格物"观念的新内涵。同时,也试图分析评点中蕴含的感悟式、直觉式、心理性的美学因子。  相似文献   
流域水权交易、流域政府间生态补偿、排污收费与排污权交易、污水处理设施民营化等策略选择或是采取了产权自由化的设计,或是表现出对竞争机制的倚重,又或是将两者相结合,最终它们均可以增进流域政府间协调,减少流域水资源消费负外部性现象.也正是在这一意义上,可以将它们全部归为一种流域水环境治理的市场型协调机制.此种协调机制对于增进流域合作治理,更深刻的意涵则在于,由市场发挥对水资源乃至其他各类资源配置的基础性作用,才能真正减少和规范流域政府行政权力的活动范围,进而抵制其纵容辖区流域水资源消费负外部性的地方保护行为,最终促进流域政府间横向协调和对负外部性的联合治理.  相似文献   
在分析我国实施合同水资源管理的必要性与可行性基础上,按照最严格水资源管理制度要求,从我国国情实际出发,构建合同水资源管理模式,促进我国水利投融资体制改革。建议通过市场化和政府支持、水资源费支持、示范和认定、强化科技和计量工作等多种途径,促进合同水资源管理的发展,解决我国水资源短缺以及水环境污染治理等问题。  相似文献   
本文利用2007年和2010年连续两轮在贵州省普定县随机抽取的3个村庄的全户调查所形成的面板数据,运用DID方法,旨在分析中国西南贫困山区季节性饮用水缺乏对农民非农收入的影响,以便为西部扶贫提供新的实证依据.研究发现,季节性饮用水缺乏会显著地降低当地农民非农务工的就业概率,不利于农民非农收入的提高.  相似文献   
元杂剧《同乐院燕青搏鱼》中的燕青,是一个平民化的英雄人物,燕青形象更多的表现梁山好汉为民除害的侠士义气。《水浒传》里的燕青,是一个忠心耿耿、机智灵巧、了身达命的贤才,性格比元杂剧里复杂,人物形象更为鲜明。《水浒后传》沿袭《水浒传》里燕青的聪明才智,大胆地将他塑造成一个出谋划策、智勇过人的非凡将士,一个出类拔萃的军师。  相似文献   
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