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全球替代性食物体系综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界各地,农业食品领域的工业化造成了日益严重的环境、经济和社会问题,如环境污染、 大量碳排放、食品安全危机、小农边缘化和小农生计的难以维系。 为了应对这些问题,多个国家的不同 群体建立了多种多样的替代性食物体系,如社区支持农业、农夫市集、共同购买、社区菜园等。 替代性食 物体系自 2009 年进入中国至今已有十年,获得了较大发展。 然而,国内研究较少关注国际替代性食物 体系产生的背景及理念。 文章从替代食物体系的产生和发展、主要特征、国内外差异以及学术界的批判 等几个方面进行概述,全面介绍相关的关键问题和概念,为推动国内替代性食物体系研究的发展助力。  相似文献   
信任对 CSA 经济的可持续至关重要。 文章基于信任建立过程和信任发展的阶段性理论,通过单案例的研究方法探讨如何构建社区支持农业中的消费者信任。 研究结果表明:消费者信任的建立分为初始信任与持续信任两个阶段。 在潜在消费者的初始信任阶段,直接或间接关系、公开的信息、农 场主特征和消费体验会引发消费者的计算过程、转移过程、预测过程、意图过程和能力过程而建立消费 者初始信任。 在会员的持续信任阶段,用户体验和社会联系会引发消费者的预测过程和意图过程而维 持会员对农场的信任。  相似文献   
《水浒传》主题思想诠释史就是文学意义“此在性”的解读史,它体现了诠释的本体论特点,也反映了在文学领域中传统认识论基础上的解读方法即对于作者原意的探求是有其局限性的:在人文科学领域中的“主体-客体二分”的解读是对于自然科学方法论的拙劣模仿,它忽视了读者的“前理解”与文本意义生成的同一性。当然,哲学诠释学的解读也有滑向相对主义的危险,因此,在对文学作品的诠释过程中要注意诠释的整体性原则和历史性原则。  相似文献   
京杭大运河的开凿对加强南北联系发挥了重要作用,尤其在南粮北运方面更是功不可没,明代会通河疏浚以后,成为南方漕粮北上的必经之路,由于气候等因素的影响,枯涩之患多有发生,如何解决水的补给问题,成为保证通航的关键。在明代,会通河主要以泉水、湖水、河水为补给水源,及时地保证了通航。  相似文献   
阳建雄 《河北学刊》2008,28(2):128-130
《水浒传》作为一部著名的中国古典章回小说,其回目具有很高的艺术成就与审美价值,代表了明代中后期章回小说回目创作的最高水平。但不可否认的是,《水浒传》的回目中也存在着明显的不足,如与正文内容不一致、对仗不工稳、斧凿痕迹明显、单调重复且缺乏诗意等,指出这些美中不足,将有利于长篇章回小说艺术日臻完美。  相似文献   
This paper examines the neighborhoodpatterns in three major Canadian metropolitan areasbetween 1986 and 1991. Data are obtained from 1986 and1991 profile census files and two Special Tabulationsof 1986 and 1991 Canadian census. The data indicatethat the first pathway of neighborhood change is thediversification that takes place among charter-onlyneighborhoods with the introduction of a sizableEuropean presence, followed by Asians and then blacks. The second pathway featuring racial uniformityprimarily takes place in multi-ethnic neighborhoodscontaining one or more visible minority groups. Multivariate analysis suggests that the increase inracial and ethnic diversity in neighborhoods isrelated to the efforts of visible minorities,especially Asians, seeking out neighborhoods withEuropeans.  相似文献   
San Antonio, Texas, the seventh largest city in the United States, has experienced steady population growth, since the “boom” of the 1960s. Projected water shortages due to this growth were realized as early as the 1970s by city leaders and south-central Texas regional development decision makers. To reduce dependence on the already over-taxed, Edwards aquifer, a solution, the Applewhite Dam and Reservoir Project, was developed with wide acceptance by federal, state, and city leaders who regarded the project as a necessary measure for regional growth and development. However, opposition by taxpayer and environmental groups led to referendums of 1991 and 1994 in which voters blocked construction of the dam and reservoir leaving the city with limited options for water provision. This case study investigated the factors which led to a clear mismatch in communication between decision makers—those who were aware of the actual and quantifiable risk to the region in terms of reduced water supplies—and the general public, a population that did not have complete and/or adequate knowledge of their actual risk regarding future water shortages, nor, of solutions being developed, such as the Applewhite project. The findings from this case study indicate that when municipal leadership fails to adequately communicate risk regarding resource shortage to an affected public, as well as, openly planned solutions, that voters are likely to underestimate future impacts of water shortages, heed last-minute opposition, and reject long-standing, publicly proposed projects. The intent of this research is not to support either side in the Applewhite controversy, but to shed perspective on the process of adequately and effectively communicating future water needs to an at-risk population. Decision makers in cities across the United States who are faced with solving problems of limited resources needed by a large populace may be informed by the results of this research.  相似文献   
《水浒传》的"社会风俗史"意义及其"精神意象"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李时人 《求是学刊》2007,34(1):94-105
《水浒传》特殊的“集体累积”成书过程,决定了它是“历史成份”极其稀薄的“英雄传奇”小说,其绾结短篇的特点,使众多“英雄好汉”的出身经历和聚义故事成为这一鸿篇巨制的主体内容。这些主要源于宋元民间“说话”的故事,保留了大量社会生活“原生态”的描写,使《水浒传》在一定程度上具有了“社会风俗史”的意义。在漫长的成书过程中,《水浒传》不仅在叙事艺术上经历了反复锤锻,同时也积淀、凝聚了“近古”以来中国社会广大民众普遍的观念意识和情绪心理,形成了带有时代特征的精神意象。  相似文献   
农村水环境长期存在"边治理、边衰退"和地方政府监管乏力问题,通过广泛设立村级河长能促进农村水环境治理绩效的提升吗?基于黄河流域4省份实地调查数据,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)实证检验村级河长的设立对农村水环境治理绩效的影响及机制,比较不同流域差异、地理区位及村庄规模下的组群差异。实证结果表明:村级河长的设立能够显著提升农村水环境治理绩效,对上游村庄、中小型村庄、近郊村的水环境治理绩效有显著的提升效应,且稳健性检验后结论依然成立。进一步的机制分析发现,村级河长有效治理的深层原因在于村庄内部知识资源、关系资源、动员能力发挥着中介效应,在政府纵向激励问责机制的驱动下村级河长通过资源整合与策略化动员,有效弥补自身治水资源不足的缺陷,避开低绩效陷阱,进而提升河长制在"最后一公里"的政策效应。  相似文献   
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