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通过对中国反倾销条例的研究 ,明确指出 :中国反倾销条例在倾销确认、损害界定等实体规则方面存在诸多问题 ,其规定过于笼统 ,缺乏具体可调整因素的规定 ,可操作性差 ;同时 ,在反规避措施采用和司法审查制度的建立等方面尚属空白。作为发展中国家 ,本着适度保护但又不违背世界贸易组织公平竞争精神的原则 ,处理好前瞻性与阶段性的关系 ,加紧研究制订中国反倾销实施细则 ,及时填补反倾销法律的漏洞 ,充实某些薄弱环节 ,使其更加完备 ,并有效指导我国反倾销实践  相似文献   
:跳发球在技术结构上与前攻极为相似 ,均由助跑、起跳、空中击球、落地等环节组成。其教学与训练可以按照以下模式进行 :跳发球技术——前攻——后攻——多变战术组合  相似文献   
Although conspiracy theories have been politically significant throughout history, only a few empirical studies have been about their influence on readers' views. Combining a rational choice approach with a content analysis of an anti‐Semitic best‐selling conspiracy theory book series in Turkey – the Efendi series – and semi‐structured interviews with its readers, this paper reveals the effects of the conspiracy theories on readers' political perspectives. The findings suggest that whereas the rightists are reactive to the Jewish origins of the Dönmes, the leftists oppose the Dönmes as dominant bourgeois figures. This paper concludes that left‐ and right‐wing adherents use the conspiratorial accounts in line with their political views and ontological insecurities. It expands the existing academic literature, which conceptualizes conspiracy theories either as paranoid delusions or as neutral, rational narratives, by showing that they can be both.  相似文献   
抗战爆发后,出于战时防疫和空袭救护的现实需要和将四川纳入国家体制的政治战略,国民党中央政府开始着手在四川建立现代医疗卫生管理系统。然而,由于中央与地方在权力分割问题上缺乏共识,双方在四川医疗卫生系统的控制权问题上进行了紧张的政治博弈。尽管中央政府凭藉手中掌握的优势资源暂时主导了四川省的医疗卫生系统,但这个跟国民党政权同样缺乏基层支持的医疗卫生系统最终不能不随着失败的国家体制一起坍塌。  相似文献   
国内抗战剧如雨后春笋般出现在各大电视频道,成为引人注目的电视文化类型之一,呈现出遍地开花的独特景象.如今的抗战剧娱乐化现象日益明显,已呈现出类型化、模式化的泛化发展态势.抗战剧卸下了宣传教育的“包袱”,变为纯粹的娱乐品,自是有其内在逻辑.在探寻抗战剧娱乐化现象背后的逻辑时,可以发现这一现象不是受某一个单方面因素的影响而出现的,而是多个主体共同推动的结果.  相似文献   
在亚洲的文化研究和传媒批评的术语家族中,“韩流”已经成为一个十分流行而且重要的概念。进入21世纪后,在“韩流”文化盛行的亚洲国家,韩流旋风彻底刮上分水岭,一方面是韩剧、韩星汹涌而至,另一面则出现了警惕的抗“韩流”声音,出现“嫌韩流”、“反韩流”、“抗韩流”倾向。中韩之间应采取积极措施,开展良性的文化交流,增加相互的信任与理解。  相似文献   
This article discusses the confluence of international initiatives to counter money laundering and terrorist finance with migrant remittances and the growing use of mobile telephone technology for more than making a call. The experiences of Kenya and the Philippines with mobile telephone‐based financial services are outlined as potential models consistent with the ‘risk‐based’ approach now promoted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), one objective being to encourage the implementation of regulation of m‐money services by recognising the development and social‐welfare opportunities offered by the technology in the context of a developing economy.  相似文献   
反秦农民起义军的兵制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章就秦末农民起义军的兵种、武器、领导、军法和奖惩等兵制作了系统的探讨;在此基础上,与秦王朝正规军相比较,提出反秦农民起义军实行将军统兵制、监军制、部曲编制和设立禁卫部队,是秦王朝等军事集团体制的翻版。但反秦农民起义军素质低下,装备低劣、缺乏良将和军纪不严、赏罚不明等,这些兵制上的不足是陈胜农民起义军失败的原因  相似文献   
Institutional reform has proved an enduring theme in the lending programmes of international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the IMF and the World Bank. But research harbours strong objections to the feasibility of IFI‐led institutional restructuring. This article evaluates these objections in the light of evidence from Turkey, a country with an early record of programme‐based reform initiatives in many institutional domains. Drawing on Turkey's central bank independence, banking regulation, anti‐corruption and agricultural subsidy reforms, it argues that IFI‐guided institutional restructuring may indeed encounter severe feasibility problems unless prescribed and implemented in a propitious environment marked by powerful international norms, widely accepted design templates, high levels of bureaucratic preparedness, and active endorsement from key domestic players.  相似文献   
英国作家威廉@戈尔丁的名著<蝇王>是一部独具特色的现代寓言.小说通过对一群英国学童在荒岛上行凶作乱的臂喻性描述,探讨了人类经验与人类本质的根本问题,指出了人性本恶的道德寓意.<蝇王>作为现代寓言与传统寓言有着显著的不同.首先,该书的思想内涵极为深刻、复杂与多元化.它既有基督教思想及古希腊宗教文化的烙印,又深受现代哲学、心理学如弗洛伊德的精神分析及皮亚杰的儿童心理学的影响,同时,它还具有明显的反传统色彩.其次,该小说采用了现实主义的叙事方法.在情节安排与人物塑造等方面,该书遵循现实主义原则,描绘出众多充满生活气息的事件,塑造了一系列栩栩如生、生动可信的人物形象.此外,<蝇王>还是一部精彩生动、引人入胜的儿童历险记,有着极强的故事性、娱乐性和可读性.  相似文献   
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