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美国英语是在17世纪的英国英语基础上发展起来的。它是美国多民族语言的融合体,先后从印第安语、欧洲大陆诸语言中吸取了许多有用的成分,形成了一种独特的语言。同时,美国英语的词汇还在不断扩充,创新已经成为其基本特征之一。目前,英语正成为国际通用语言。美国英语对整个英语的发展拥有不可争议的主导作用。  相似文献   
基于"言意之辨"这一中国古代哲学原创理论和方法,藉助现代西方哲学"语言转向"的思辨性解说,对德语"将来时"这一语法现象进行了逻辑形式上的辨析。突破从语意方面说明"言"与"意"辩证关系的传统,从语法规则和形式逻辑方面进行了语言哲学相关课题的研究。  相似文献   
通过分析内蒙古民族大学学生在职业生涯规划方面存在的认识问题以及存在问题的原因,着重探索应采取解决问题的措施。使我校学生有一个科学规范合理的职业生涯规划,提高学生的综合素质和职业能力,提升学生就业的“软实力”,实现人与社会、学生个体与职业相匹配。提高我校毕业生的就业质量和就业率。  相似文献   
随着中国股指期货的推出,股指期货对股票市场流动性的影响又成为一个新的课题。文章运用向量自回归(VAR)模型、Granger因果检验分析了中国股指期货对股票市场的流动性影响,检测了流动性溢价理论在中国股指期货市场的应用。最终得出结论,股票市场的买卖价差和期货现货基差之间存在双向的因果关系,即股票市场的流动性波动对投资股指期货的预期收益变化有重要的作用。  相似文献   
慧能通过对此岸与彼岸距离的厘定,对依报关系与自心体、用不二的发挥,对学、修一体化的新解,对顿、渐成佛的演绎等问题,围绕往生净土的主体论、境界论、修行论、时间论等四个方面进行阐发。以佛性论为根基,从“自性清净心”下手,在禅宗“明心见性”根本前提下,汇通了此岸与彼岸、生死与涅槃的关系,将自身的解脱实践论融入其中,令般若智慧与善巧方便合一。慧能的“往生净土”说不仅是对道生以来的“佛性论”和“顿悟成佛”说的继承与发展,更是对历史以来禅法中关于念佛观、往生观的总结与创新,这种将思辨高深的理论与务实践行的修法统一起来的致思模式,开创出修佛法而不坏世法的新视角,进一步深化了关于“佛性”“往生”观念的内涵与外延,推动了佛教中国化的进程。  相似文献   
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   
The first Michael Milken Institute conference on the state of the state of California, held November 5, 1999, identified 21st century opportunities and challenges in light of recent economic and demographic trends. The panelists came from the banking/venture capital, industrial, real estate development, think tank and political spheres. Notably absent were delegates from the environmental community. Optimism reigned: The presenters considered that the shortage and soaring price of housing are major concerns, yet they could not view this as a contra-indication to future population increase. Possibilities of major ethnic clashes in a state where no ethnic group commands a majority went unaddressed. Both the conference materials and those present subscribed to the view that growth is good and bigger is better; no other indicators of quality of life were mentioned. Ecological overload and threats of collapsing eco-systems, the permanent water shortage foreseen by state planners beginning as early as 2015, and the increasing vulnerability to inevitable natural disasters as major earthquakes and droughts should population projections be fulfilled (today's 35 million will grow to 50 million by 2020; carrying capacity level is about 10 million) all went unmentioned. Those present left falsely reassured that for California the 21st century will largely be a replay of the 20th.  相似文献   
侨易是石黑一雄文学创作的文化隐喻。在石黑一雄的侨易书写中,通过描绘英国孤儿侨居上海的身世之谜、克隆人寄宿人间的伦理之殇、不列颠和撒克逊民族间侨动的战争之灾等跨文化冲突,揭示出地理位移是造成文化变动之因,和而不同、互为彼此的间性文化交易则是消弭侨易困境的恒常之道。石黑一雄在全球故事讲述中创生的三重侨易价值维度,即和合共生身份观、义利统一伦理观、互助一体民族观,与人类命运共同体这一时代理念相契合。作为跨文化传播的生动例证,石黑一雄从他者共鸣的文化立场呼应、印证人类命运共同体理念,符合当代人类共同的理想设计与文化诉求。  相似文献   
文章对未来时间的洞察力与成就目标的概念界定、未来时间洞察力与成就目标的研究现状以及它们之间的关系进行了深入的分析,最后指出相关研究的未来展望。未来时间洞察力的目标不仅架起了现在与未来的桥梁,也影响个体的认知与行为,并且不同目标还具有不同的动力作用。  相似文献   
Contemporary policy development via various nationally contingentprocesses of welfare reform poses significant challenges tosocial work. This paper explores the initial impact on one groupof generalist social workers in working in the Australian incomesupport agency—Centrelink. Positioning welfare reformwithin a theoretical framework of institutional change, theauthors suggest that the associated policy developments havethe capacity to seriously destabilize social work, particularlyin that they promote values and rationalities at odds with thoseassumed by the profession. These assumptions are explored throughexploratory empirical engagement with the Centrelink socialworkers, the results of which suggest that all social workersin those national contexts experiencing the same policy orientationhave significant reason to be concerned.  相似文献   
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