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一个多世纪以来,为了振兴中华、富国强民,近代先进的中国人不断提出相应的口号、发展战略和理论.他们希望通过资本主义道路发展中国的尝试和努力,虽均以失败而告终,但却成为可贵的历史遗产.中国共产党人承继了这份遗产,并创造性地探索出有中国特色的社会主义道路的现代发展理论. 相似文献
Within sexual geographies, sexual struggles over urban public spaces are frequently explored. Less common is research on sexual struggles within sexually shared spaces and gay spaces. The aim of the article is to examine discursive struggles of meanings of gay male identity enacted in discussions of commodification/capitalism, disclosure, and space in Swedish gay press during 1969–1986. We trace the ambivalent feelings or the emergence of a new gay male norm situated between commercialism and non-commercialism within the Swedish gay press back to the 1970s. In the article we show how a monosexualization process was taking place in both the Swedish gay press as well as within sexual spaces. We explore rhetorical struggles between two competing discursive meanings of (ideal homonormative) male homosexuality, gay culture, and space: one wider (inclusive) and one narrower (exclusive). 相似文献
Henry L. TosiJr. 《Journal of Management and Governance》2008,12(2):153-169
In this paper I first review the basic tenets of agency theory and theory of managerial capitalism as well as some of the
major research in these areas then suggest for areas for future research that go beyond the extant empirical work. First,
I suggest that it would be useful to reconsider the basic nature of the agency relationship, taking into account that while
equity holders can be considered the principal, the board of directors may be more realistically in need of agent-like controls.
Second, the complementary or supplementary nature of the monitoring/incentive alignment relationship has been shown theoretically
but the empirical evidence is equivocal and needs future investigation. Third, there has been very limited research on the
construct validity of archival measures of the sort used in agency theory. This requires the use of methodologies outside
those of the more conventional type used in agency theory (i.e., from economics and finance). Finally, agency theory development
would profit greatly by more extensive use of research methods such as laboratory studies and survey methodology and the integration
of concepts such as personality and control processes.
Henry L. Tosi Jr.Email: |
陈其人 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》2002,(5):75-81
封建社会可以分为领主经济和地主经济两个阶段.中国封建社会历时比西欧长得多,因为中国的地主经济阶段比西欧长得多.这就是中国封建社会发展迟缓问题的实质.西欧进入地主经济阶段和在农村中产生资本主义是同时的.中国进入地主经济封建社会,是由于要突破农村公社--井田制--对生产力发展的束缚,因而以秦国的商鞅变法和秦统一天下为契机,在经济上废井田、开阡陌、土地民得以买卖,变领主经济为地主经济,在政治上废封建、置郡县,变贵族政治为官僚政治.地主经济这一经济基础及由其产生的三位一体公式、官僚政治及其支柱科举制度这一政治上层建筑、儒家学说这一思想上层建筑、被科举制度打乱的阶级关系,即四位一体公式等,使中国地主经济封建制度得以延长,资本主义产生困难. 相似文献
孙乐涛 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2003,27(1):121-127
“技术上的角度看历史”就是看一个国家能否按商业原则进行“数目字管理”。数目字管理的体制具有外向性和竞争性。西欧国家最先实现了这样的体制 ,使国家变成了一个公司性质的组织 ,在近现代东西方冲突中占据了上风。传统中国农业经济已十分发达 ,但一直不能实现商业化的突破 ,在漫长的中古时代社会发展陷于停滞 ,并以道德伦理代替了法律、技术作为社会组织手段与行政工具。只有近现代的数目字管理———资本主义 (即商业主义 )才能打开这个困局 相似文献
邓小平对社会主义中国如何正确处理与资本主义的关系作了深入探讨,科学回答了利用资本主义文明成果加快社会主义现代化建设的内容、途径等一系列重要问题,极大地推动和促进了中国特色社会主义事业的胜利发展.中共第三代领导集体从理论和实践的结合上,继续丰富和发展了这一创造性的思想成果. 相似文献
Colorism, like whiteness is capital, is rooted in the institution of slavery and has resulted in the preference of light skin. Because colorism is part of the historical construction of whiteness, the consumption of whiteness is commodified through various markets. Current manifestations of racialized beauty, that is, skin bleaching and photo editing apps such as FaceTune and Snap Chat reinforce colorism and impact conceptualizations of beauty. This literature review surveys how colorism and racialized beauty are reproduced to reinforce whiteness as a form of capital. 相似文献
Heather Brook 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(1):95-109
This article investigates the shaping of contemporary drug-using (and non-drug-using) subjectivities through operations of choice and consumption. Examining various registers of ‘possession,’ it argues that in the construction of both docile and irredeemably flawed consumers, ‘choice’ (and its negation) is pivotal. Exploring motifs of choice, possession and pleasure in the operations of ‘normal’ consumer culture and the problematization of drug-using exposes a deeper anxiety underlying contemporary drug panics. 相似文献
Jessica Gerrard 《The Sociological review》2014,62(4):862-879
In this paper I examine the intersections between a general commitment to education and learning and the moral and ethical dimensions of the work ethic under contemporary capitalism. Drawing on Kathi Weeks' (2011) recent exploration of the work ethic in The Problem with Work, I suggest there is a relationship between the form and function of the work ethic‐ and what I term the ‘learning ethic’. I suggest that commitment to a learning ethic, to the unreserved power of learning and education‐ may reiterate a moral commitment to the personal characteristics that define the work ethic under capitalism. As a consequence, consideration of the form and function of these moral character ideals in the continuation of unequal social relations across educational and workspaces, become obfuscated by a generalized celebration of learning, education and self‐work. 相似文献