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约翰·厄普代克的短篇小说《A & P》以艺术的手法,通过对普通民众、Sammy 和泳装少女在 A & P 商场中“自由”行为的描述,揭示了资本主义文化矛盾的本质,以及资本主义社会中,人们自由的丧失及对自由的追求,揭露了20世纪60年代美国社会所鼓吹的自由的本质,即自由的陷阱。  相似文献   
分析社会主义人道主义与资本主义人道主义的根本区别,指出"以人为本"思想是社会主义人道主义的核心,是对以"个人主义"为核心的资产阶级的人道主义的历史超越。  相似文献   
本文从马克思主义生产与消费同一性的视角,分析了消费主义的资本主义性质,并在以下三个层面展开了对消费主义的生态批判:一是从消费主义对个体的异化及对人身自然的破坏的角度,从文化和哲学的层面对消费主义展开的批判;二是从作为消费主义体现的资本主义城市对自然界和人的破坏的角度,从文化和社会的层面展开的批判,提出了在资本主义条件下建设生态城市的不可能性;三是提出了在资本主义全球化的过程中,资本将实现对生命的总体统治,从而使以消费主义为表象的资本主义发展到极端,这应该引起全世界对资本统治的警惕。  相似文献   
舍勒在《资本主义的未来》一书中,以一个西 方学者的眼光就“ 资本主义向何处去”的问题,阐明了自己独特的见解。舍勒的观点有其合理处,但也有明显 的缺陷,这就要求我们以马克思主义的立场,客观公正地加以认识。  相似文献   


西方资本主义社会开创的现代化道路在生态建设领域存在着内源性局限,要实现人与自然关系的实质性转变需同时进行理论与实践两个层面的革命性变革。习近平生态文明思想与西方资本主义主导下的生态理念在价值基点、思维模式、目标诉求方面都有所区别,在思维维度上实现了从“二元对立”到“辩证统一”的生态思维模式的转化;在价值维度上实现了从“利益至上”到“以人为本”的生态价值观的扬弃;在共同体维度上实现了从“单边主义”到“共建共享”的生态治理格局的超越;在实践维度上实现了从资本主义逻辑到社会主义逻辑的生态建设路径的转变。习近平生态文明思想为社会发展提供了人与自然和谐共生与全球繁荣发展相统一的中国良治,走出了一条不同于西方之治的现代化生态文明道路,是中国反馈给世界的社会主义新型现代化生态理论。  相似文献   
生态中心主义将人类中心主义视为生态危机产生的根源,将人类中心主义解读为立足于人类的贪欲对大自然进行掠夺。但是考察西方近现代思想史可以发现,思想家们所主张的人类中心主义主要是立足于人类的福祉,而非人类的贪欲。在生态危机的产生过程中,人类中心主义不是作为内在的驱动力,而是作为现代意识形态、作为资本主义社会利用自然的正当性证明来发挥作用的。把人类中心主义视为形成生态危机的驱动力,遮蔽了资本主义制度的驱动作用。将人类中心主义发展为生态人文主义,有利于避免对人类中心主义的欲望式理解和反生态式运用。  相似文献   



In this article we argue against influential analyses of neoliberalism that prioritize variegation and the role of ideas as key theoretical foci relevant to understanding neoliberalism’s diffusion into myriad national and political settings. Rather, we contend that crucial to understanding neoliberalism is the role of politically-produced convergence around market rationality that reflects two core processes: the reorganization of production and the ascendency of financialization. We present a theorization and analysis of neoliberalism’s political production and diffusion over time, explaining its contested evolution and impact across diverse settings (both ‘North’ and ‘South’) and emphasizing its ever-intensifying symbiotic relationship with the consolidating world market in which the former has increasingly come to serve as the latter’s operating system (OS). Further, we posit that neoliberalism’s form, function and impact demand analytically prioritizing the leverage of constellations of ideological and material interests within the contradictory context of consolidating relations of production and financialization. Our analysis thus challenges many previous expositions of neoliberalism for their failure to locate neoliberalism’s manifestation as arising out of social conflict within particular junctures that privilege certain social forces and ideas over others. We also distinguish our position by highlighting how manifestations of neoliberalism in various settings have combined to yield a greater world market in which variegation has gradually given way to ever-intensifying disciplinary pressures towards market-policy conformity (mono-policy). While current populist movements may well turn out to be important counter movements to neoliberal hegemony, especially if they can internationalize, the disciplining effect of the world market renders many nationally-oriented policy alternatives costly and politically fraught.  相似文献   

Globally there is a visible counter-trend to the destructive process of ‘development’ that the forces of capitalism, statism, patriarchy have imposed. Though still marginal and not yet able to make significant macro-level transformations, the resistance is growing. As is, often emerging from such resistance, there is a re-assertion of ways of life that respect, nature (including humans), co-existence, and justice. Such radical alternatives can be from ancient cultures, or be very new, but all have a core of ethical values that put life at the centre. One crucial barrier to these becoming a force for macro-level change is that they remain scattered, only sporadically learning from each other and becoming a greater critical mass. With this background, a Global Tapestry of Alternatives has been initiated in mid-2019, a kind of confluence of ideas and practices towards further collaboration and visioning. The idea has emerged from the Vikalp Sangam (Alternatives Confluence) process running since 2014 in India.  相似文献   
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