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目的:为实施全额保障老年患者在基层公平享有、合理使用基本药物费用政策提供可行的管理策略。方法:以南京市江宁区参加职工医保的65岁以上老年患者就诊的数据为来源,分析其基本药物使用的状况和主要疾病病种的构成。结果:老年患者主要以抗微生物药、调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡药、内科用药(中成药)和心血管系统用药为主;主要是心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病以及损伤骨折等;用药经济负担较重。结论:应加强老年人常用基本药物的配备,提高可获得性;实施分类管控,最大程度地减轻使用基本药物的经济负担;规范医师用药行为,提高基层医疗机构合理用药的水平;加强用药知识宣教,发挥社区药学服务的作用。  相似文献   
Recent changes in Finnish welfare policies have increased the need for family involvement in eldercare. This article uses qualitative interviews to study working adult daughters’ reasons for moving in with their parent(s). Coresidence was linked to the parents’ need for support, but also to the daughters’ life situations, family histories, the availability of welfare services, and cultural norms and values. The interviewees used the “familist” and “independent life” discourses in their speech. The familist discourse was used to argue for coresidence as a natural continuation of family traditions and life history, whereas the independent life discourse was used to legitimize the need for alternative care options and having a home of their own.  相似文献   

This article explores migration to higher income countries in light of collective commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and argues that domestic social protection and labour market policy will need to be modified to meet these commitments. We look primarily at women in care work, using a broad definition of care that includes home help, domestic work and health care. We argue that the failure to recognise and value unpaid care work has created a sustained labour demand for women migrant care workers in many of these labour-importing countries. Increasingly, immigrant women are being imported into host economies to care, often in informal settings, and frequently engaged by private households, without full access to social protection and labour rights. The consistent application of SDG goals 5 and 8 and their linking to existing labour rights norms and conventions could simultaneously address care deficits in home and host countries and protect the rights of care workers in labour-importing countries and ensure that migrant workers are able to claim these rights.  相似文献   
陕西省商业保险近年来积极参与医改,已然成为医疗保障体系的重要组成部分,是提高人民群众医疗保障水平具有重要作用。但仍存在覆盖面偏窄、各方认知不统一、政策支持力度不够等许多问题。文章全面分析了陕西省商业保险问题产生的原因,并针对性的提出了推进商业保险深入参与医改的政策建议。  相似文献   
新生代农民工是我国新型城镇化建设的重要力量,而继续教育是提升农民工综合能力、适应新形势发展需要的重要路径。但当前新生代农民工继续教育存在管理制度不健全,教育内容供给与需求脱节,教育形式单一,教育经费严重不足等诸多问题。为使新生代农民工的继续教育适应社会发展需要,政府管理部门应积极发挥其主导作用,不断完善相关管理制度,健全教育机制,构建满足多元需求的教育体系和教育内容,并持续增加财政投入,提供充分经费支持。  相似文献   

Increasing feminisation of transnational labour migration has raised concerns over potential ‘care crises’ at home, and consequently a ‘care deficit’ for children left in origin countries. Our paper focuses on how left-behind children from Indonesia and the Philippines understand, engage and react to changes in their everyday lives in their parents’ absence. While many children had no say over their care arrangements, some were able to assert their agency in influencing their parents’ decisions and eventually migratory behaviours. Their thoughts and actions reinforce the importance of including children’s views in development and migration studies to improve both the children’s and families’ well-being, and make migration a sustainable strategy for all.  相似文献   
良好师德有利于促进学生的成长、塑造教师的灵魂、减少失德现象。良好师德的构建,需要外部的制度规约和内部的良善关怀共同协调与配合。制度规约包括师德立法、严把教师进出口关和重置中小学师德规范;良善关怀包括唤起善之本性、培育德性人格和给予关怀尊重。  相似文献   
我国历史上第一部系统的家庭教育名著《颜氏家训》蕴含了丰富的艺术教育思想。颜之推以其"一生三化"的特殊经历,从自身学艺经验出发,结合生活素材,援引历史典故:告诫子孙在学习艺术时须以追求德艺周厚、助益立身应世、兼重博文执一为原则。这种深厚的人文关怀思想,对于发现魏晋南北朝时期艺术觉醒的深层背景以及剖析该时代士人的精神世界有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
一般注意义务由德国民庭法官依判例而创设.一般注意义务以"行为定位"为思考模式,具有危险回避和危险防免等功能.随着当代社会危险的日益增多,其适用范围也不断拓展,大有成为德国侵权法上"第四小总则"之趋势,对我国侵权法发展不无借鉴意义.  相似文献   
随着现代医学模式的转变和我国医疗卫生体制改革的深化,医疗卫生机构将需要大量医务社会工作者参与服务。针对当前医务社会工作专业教育还不能满足医疗服务的需求等存在的问题,提出医务社会工作的专业教育与人才培养应该借鉴域外医务社会工作发展的经验,培养适合我国医疗卫生服务环境的专业人才;加强医务社会工作专业教育,注重理论与实务相结合的教学;明确岗位设置,推进我国医务社会工作专业教育可持续开展。  相似文献   
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