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Fuki Yagi 《Asian Ethnicity》2020,21(3):413-424
ABSTRACTThis paper examines the systematization of Kazakh music in Mongolia during the Soviet era in Bayan-Ölgiy Province, focusing on the music collection and preservation activities led by a theater and radio station. Bayan-Ölgiy is located far from Ulaanbaatar; adjacent to Kazakhstan, Xinjiang (China), and Russia. Using three–years participation observation, this study identified three activities in promoting the systematization of Kazakh music in Mongolia: importing musical knowledge and technology from the Soviet Kazakh Republic (1950–1960s); establishing a radio station and audio archive following the Sino-Soviet split (1960s–1980s); collections of Kazakh music in Mongolia (1960s–1980s). These activities were driving forces for Kazakhs to claim their identity in the post-socialist period in Mongolia. Diener found that Kazakh culture in Mongolia was preserved thanks to the geographic isolation of Bayan-Ölgiy. However, this study clearly identifies international relations and Bayan-Ölgiy’s strategic location as drivers of systematization of Kazakh music in Mongolia. 相似文献
Anna R. Craft 《Serials Review》2018,44(3):232-237
AbstractThe collection and sharing of oral history is a growing area that libraries and archives are using to connect with their communities and document campus diversity. This column discusses opportunities for libraries and archives to include diverse and underrepresented voices in the historical record, highlighting the Wolf Tales project from the North Carolina State University Libraries, which was the topic of a talk by Virginia Ferris at the 2018 North Carolina Serials Conference. This column discusses that presentation and briefly examines oral history projects at several other institutions, providing perspective on the efforts to use oral histories to document campus and community diversity in the profession. Further resources for institutions interested in pursuing or growing oral history programs are also provided. 相似文献
体例设置中的自我定位——《东方杂志》(1904-1908)舆论理念考辨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
作为月刊“选报”的《东方杂志》,如何在以日报为主的大量报刊与读者之间扮演好舆论“传输者”的角色,其间的信息中转与过滤作用绝不应受到忽视。处于“原报刊”与读者两极中的《东方杂志》,势必受到这种“源头”与“流向”的影响。考察在于此二者作用力之下《东方杂志》的自我表现,有助于透视这份近代重要报刊的办刊理念。 相似文献
Abigail Bibee 《Serials Review》2020,46(1):69-72
AbstractThis segment of Sharpest Tool in the Shed provides an overview of acquisitions accounting principles and how these concepts can help acquisitions staff and budget managers monitor, track, and project the collections budget to prevent overspending or underspending. Focusing primarily on encumbrances, this article will review the basic accounting equation for library funds, identify common encumbrance problems and pitfalls, and briefly discuss the impact of library system migrations on encumbrances and fund data. 相似文献
《The Senses and Society》2013,8(1):75-98
ABSTRACTThe article discusses collectibles acquired by Swedish missionaries and military officers active within the ill-reputed Congo Free State (1885–1908). Objects are approached here not primarily as tokens of Congolese material culture but as traces of a transnational cultural history and as points of entry to a critical museology. Drawing on case studies of collections I discuss the ways in which artifacts have been selected, joined and charged with new functions and meanings on their voyage between hands, narratives and genres.In focus are five examples of objects that, analytically, have worked as what Roland Barthes (1980) calls punctum: the detail that disturbs and fascinates by force of seeming ungrammatical in relation to the larger context of which it forms part. By adding material to the Barthian concept I want to stress that such analytical impulses may be evoked by all senses. During an inventory of Swedish Congolese collections, when the historical state of stored museum items as untouchables could temporarily be broken, their multisensory material presences proved able to challenge textual discourses, serve as alternative witnesses and demonstrate hidden significances of ethnographical museums and collections. 相似文献
Yanni Alexander Loukissas 《Information, Communication & Society》2017,20(5):651-664
If we are to think critically about Big Data initiatives, we must learn to take them apart. This paper explains how to interrogate Big Data, not as large homogenous resources, but as heterogeneous collections with varied and discordant local ties. My argument focuses on the Big Data of media collections: composite digital repositories of texts, images, and video created in different contexts, but brought together online. The primary example used in this paper is the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), a collection composed of digitized library, museum and archive records from institutions across the United States. I demonstrate how local readings of DPLA data can uncover schemata, errors, infrastructures, classifications, absences, and rituals that have important origins. Moreover, I explain how identifying these local features can support new forms of scholarship, pedagogy, and advocacy in the face of Big Data. For this last point, I use two additional cases: NewsScape, a real-time archive of broadcast news, and Zillow, a marketplace for real estate listings. The range of examples demonstrates how the stakes change from one Big Data initiative to the next. The paper concludes with a set of speculative guidelines for attending to the local conditions in Big Data: get dirty, take a comparative approach, show context, use data to connect people, and create opportunities for the collection of counter-data. When working with Big Data, I argue that thinking locally is thinking critically. 相似文献
本文阐述了复合图书馆的概念,从复合图书馆馆藏所包含的两方面内容,分别讨论了实体馆藏与虚拟馆藏建设应考虑的问题. 相似文献
颜建华 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》2004,5(5):76-79
汪中是清代中叶著名的学者和骈文作家,他一生游幕四方,"以笔札供菽水",生活坎坷困顿,所以其文集来不及整理,文稿散佚也正自不少,至今还没有一部完善的《汪中集》。新近台湾文史哲出版社出版的《汪中集》,虽是目前比较完备的本子,但可供商榷的地方很多。可以《四部丛刊》为底本,参以其它善本,重新加以校订。 相似文献
翟勇 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》2010,27(3):98-101
明代何良俊以博学多才名闻江东,这与其酷爱藏书不无关系。父辈存书的遗留,为何良俊藏书奠定了基础;家中刻坊的便利、对书籍不遗余力的购买,更是极大地丰富了他的藏品。何良俊一生所交多书画、藏书名家;朋友之间的相互交流,不仅丰富了藏品,更提高了其书画鉴赏水平。藏为所用,是何良俊藏书的主要准则。作为有明一代著名戏曲理论家,他特别留意对金元杂剧的收集和整理,并把一些珍贵藏品刻印,以惠泽后人。然好景不长,先是倭寇焚毁藏书楼,大部分书籍归于祝融;后又因家境渐落,不得不鬻书以存。其中,书画藏品多为好友朱大韶、项元汴所得。 相似文献