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本文提出了未来北京经济活动区位的三个重要的演变趋势 ,这三个趋势是 :集聚与分散共存———未来北京经济活动空间分布的基本态势 ;办公业和写字楼———未来北京城区的重要行业和景观 ;园区化———未来北京产业布局的重要形式  相似文献   
In the new development strategy currently shaping Latin America, alternative social policy models have emerged. This article argues that far from being rival alternatives, each of these models considers the wide differences among countries. The region is emerging from a century of transformation – from a traditional agrarian economy to an urban industrial one – in which countries have taken diverse historical paths. Some have almost completed this transformation, others are taking early steps, and the vast majority are living through it. State‐led transition has followed two successive development strategies. From the 1920s up to the 1980s, state developmentalism has mostly successfully assumed the twin challenges of economic and social progress. In the last two decades of the century, Latin American states adopted the policies of the Washington Consensus, which emphasized the importance of business in the framework of globalization and benefited the affluent few. However, an unambiguous shift in direction has been taking place in Latin America since the 1997 economic crisis. This article suggests that a new developmental welfare state model seems to be in the making. How will it evolve over the wider space of an increasingly integrated Latin America?  相似文献   
明末清初一批西方传教士借科学技术传播推进宗教在中国的传布,这是一群独特的翻译主体。作为中外文化接触、碰撞、融合的范例,受主客观各种因素的影响,这些西方传教士采用的并非是传统的全译策略,而是变译策略,诸如增(写、释、评)、减、编、述、缩、并、改等,无意中推动了西方科技在中国的传播,并对中国翻译事业产生了相应的影响。  相似文献   
Individuals differ in their sensitivity toward injustice. Justice‐sensitive persons perceive injustice more frequently and show stronger responses to it. Justice sensitivity has been studied predominantly in adults; little is known about its development in childhood and adolescence and its connection to prosocial behavior and emotional and behavioral problems. This study evaluates a version of the justice sensitivity inventory for children and adolescents (JSI‐CA5) in 1472 9‐ to 17‐year olds. Items and scales showed good psychometric properties and correlations with prosocial behavior and conduct problems similar to findings in adults, supporting the reliability and validity of the scale. We found individual differences in justice sensitivity as a function of age and gender. Furthermore, justice sensitivity predicted emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents over a 1‐ to 2‐year period. Justice sensitivity perspectives can therefore be considered as risk and/or protective factors for mental health in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   
The current article explores the aspects of regulatory policy in the field of personal social services. In Israel, the government sets standards, and finances and oversees personal social services, while the services themselves are provided primarily by non‐governmental organizations. Based on a qualitative study we examined two questions. First, what characterizes the implementation of regulatory mechanisms in the field of personal social services in Israel? Second, how can we explain the outcomes of regulation in the personal social services in Israel? In a unique approach, we used the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework to explore the regulatory practices implemented in community residences and hostels for people with intellectual disabilities and in after school programmes. The findings revealed that although there were implementation gaps in both cases, the IAD might improve our understanding of the nature and magnitude of these gaps. Furthermore, the insights gained may have implications for policymakers in their development of regulatory policy.  相似文献   
和谐文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是社会主义和谐社会建设的引领。建设和谐文化,要处理好主导文化与多元文化的关系、文化冲突和文化相融的关系、文化继承和创新的关系、人与社会发展的"两本"关系。  相似文献   
Since 1985 the Department of Health has been providing child care research overviews as a means of bringing together the findings of its funded research programmes. With each successive publication a pattern of design and dissemination has emerged. This is illustrated by Child Protection: Messages from Research ( Department of Health 1995 ), an overview of 20 studies of child protection. It included an introductory essay, summaries of each project and a set of 'True for Us' exercises. Publication was followed by national seminars and widespread distribution of free copies. Given the substantial investment, it seems timely to assess the impact of the dissemination process in terms of reaching and affecting practice. The survey sought to assess awareness, use and opinions of the report from social services, education and health professionals. It consisted of questionnaires administered by post and telephone calls to a representative sample of 600 professionals working in child protection, 292 of whom replied. The results demonstrate that the book is very well known among most professionals working in child welfare, particularly in social services, and is perceived to have affected the practice of over half of the respondents. The study supports the structure adopted for the report but suggests further benefits in employing a variety of dissemination strategies for different professional groups. Finally, the paper discusses the relationship between overviews and evidence-based services.  相似文献   
发展创业投资业是一项复杂的系统工程,既需要经济理论工作者在对我国创业投资业发展的现状进行深入调查与分析的基础上,归纳出存在的主要问题,探求出解决的方法,设计出适合中国国情的创业投资业规范化发展的思路,为主管部门和实际工作者提供必要的决策依据,又需要实际工作者依据经济理论工作者建立在经济发展规律基础之上的理论,按照国家的统一方略,推动以技术产业为主导的产业结构的调整,促进创业企业的发展。因此,从理论上对我国创业投资业进行深入的调查研究并提出新的、切合我国国情的创业投资业发展思路,就成为经济理论工作者的一项十分艰巨的任务。  相似文献   
低碳旅游——北京郊区旅游未来发展的新模式   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
低碳旅游是借用低碳经济的理念,以低能耗、低污染为基础的绿色旅游,在旅游过程中通过食住行游购娱的每一个环节来体现节约能源、降低污染的理念,以行动来诠释和谐社会、节约社会和文明社会的建设目标。发展低碳旅游既可以为郊区旅游增加新内容,也可以明确努力方向、弥补生态旅游的不足。北京是全国乡村旅游最为发达的地区,也是中国率先圈定生态涵养区的地区。在涵养区建立低碳旅游乌托邦,通过食住行来践行低碳技术,将低碳排放融入日常生活,既提高市民的环保意识,也增加生态涵养区收入、实现可持续发展,同时对全国有明显的示范作用。  相似文献   
文化创意产业是经济发展的新引擎。在文化创意产业中,小微文化创意企业是其主力军。但由于企业实力有限、抵押品缺乏以及行业风险高等原因,小微文化创意企业融资渠道不畅通,限制了其发展。众筹融资开放灵活、门槛低、平台资源丰富,是小微文化创意企业融资的有效方式。文章从政府、融资平台和企业三个层面提出了众筹融资支持小微文化创意企业发展的思路。  相似文献   
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