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回族习惯法是回族人民在长期的历史发展过程中自发形成的调整回族成员内部的社会关系并为其成员共同奉行的行为规范。本文通过对回族习俗的描述,探讨回族习俗中的法理学思想的基本精神和在回族地区的现实意义,并在此基础上分析回族习俗中的法理学思想与现行法律的共性,从而更好地促进两者的有效结合。  相似文献   
少数民族权益的法律保障始终是我国法治进程中的一件大事,而散居少数民族立法工作又是我国整个民族法治建设的重要组成部分。本文主要通过分析完善我国散居少数民族立法的意义,指出我国散居少数民族立法的基本情况以及存在的问题,探求完善散居少数民族立法的方法。  相似文献   
This article, which has its origin in a feasibility study carried out for three youth telephone helplines, focuses on gender, difference and helpline access by young people. During the research process the writers noted that for the three commissioning helplines, as is the case with the majority of other telephone helplines, approximately two‐thirds of callers are female. A helpline for young Muslims where the gender access ratio was 50/50 stood out as being different in this respect. Until recently, literature on gender and help‐seeking has tended towards making a blanket identification of males as experiencing difficulties in negotiating pathways to help. Although this difficulty of males is evident in relation to both help‐seeking and access to helplines, our study suggests that, at least in relation to helpline usage, when we take culture, ethnicity and sexuality into account, the help‐seeking situation may be more nuanced. This has implications in terms of enabling a cross‐section of young people to access helplines as well as with regard to helpline service development.  相似文献   
福州市社区空巢老年人健康状况调查   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的了解空巢老年人的健康现状及其影响因素,为老龄工作提供科学依据。方法2002年4~5月进行入户调查,采用分层整群抽取福州市鼓楼、台江、仓山三个区60岁及以上的社区老年人,共得到有效样本1767例,其中空巢老人696名。空巢老人躯体健康、生活自理能力(ADL)、经济状况、精神健康、社会健康5个维度的健康状况及其影响因素的调查是本次研究的主要内容。结果福州市社区空巢老年人占老年人总体比例的39%,其中男性多于女性;由logistic检验得出空巢老年人健康状况受年龄、性别、原职业、是否赞成非家庭养老方式、锻炼程度等因素的影响。结论倡导空巢老年人形成良好的生活饮食习惯与自我保健意识,加强对空巢老年人慢性病的防治,丰富老年人的精神生活、社会生活,提高对空巢老年人经济支持,完善社区为老服务,从而改善空巢老年人的健康状况。  相似文献   
江泽民七·一讲话中强调的“人与自然的协调与和谐”是在 2 0世纪中后期 2 1世纪初中国出现严重生态环境问题的背景下提出的重要思想。这一思想包含着马克思主义的生态观 ,理应成为高校“思想道德修养”课的重要内容之一  相似文献   
本文主要从横向与纵向两个角度阐述了新时期人民内部矛盾的主要表现形式,并对正确处理新时期人民内部矛盾的途径作了详尽的论述。  相似文献   
以江泽民同志创新思想为指导 加强高等学校创新教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江泽民同志创新思想为指导 ,加强创新教育 ,是高等教育面临的一项重要而紧迫的任务。一是要充分认识创新和创新人才培养的重要性。二是要明确高等学校在创新人才培养中应肩负的历史使命。三是要努力转变教育观念 ,不断加强教育教学改革 ,切实采取有效措施为加强高等学校创新人才的培养作出贡献  相似文献   
以德治国是新的治国方略,它既体现出中国传统政治文化一德治的意蕴,又是毛泽东以来几代国家领导人不懈探索的结晶。从毛泽东首倡的为人民服务到邓小平的精神文明与物质文明要两手抓,两手都要硬,再到江泽民的以德治国,中国共产党的治国方略逐渐走向成熟。贯彻这一治国方略,应从以德治党着手。  相似文献   
This study investigates the extent and nature of housing affordability for elderly nonmetropolitan female heads of household using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The results indicate that over one-third of elderly nonmetropolitan female heads of household experience housing poverty and that those who rent, who have fair to poor health, and who are minorities are particularly vulnerable. Housing affordability, measured by the concept of housing poverty, identifies households struggling to meet basic needs while the conventional 25% of income for housing expenditures ratio identifies a larger population. The findings suggest the need for multifaceted public policies to address the problem of housing poverty. Her research interests include housing affordability, housing and community vitality, and decision making. She received her Ph.D. from Purdue University. Sooyoun Park is in the same department as a Project Assistant on a USDA-funded research project entitled “Housing Affordability in Rural Areas,” which is a joint project between Nebraska and Wisconsin. Her research interests focus on housing management behavior in relation to housing expenditure burden. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  相似文献   
认真学习、深刻领会、全面贯彻十六大精神 ,为实现十六大确定的各项目标任务而奋斗 ,是当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务。深刻领会十六大精神 ,必须围绕主题 ,把握灵魂 ,抓住精髓。全面落实十六大精神 ,必须紧紧扭住“第一要务” ,牢牢铭记“两个务必” ,深刻理解和自觉实践“三个代表” ,以改革的精神推进党的建设新的伟大工程 ;必须立足扬州 ,狠抓落实 ,求真务实 ,实现富民强市、建设名城的新跨越 ;在这一过程中 ,必须大力实施“科教兴国”战略 ,努力争创新世纪发展的新辉煌  相似文献   
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