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为了解决大数据环境下双层分布式决策中存在的决策推理难题和信息冗余难题,基于该类决策中存在的参与主体庞杂性和业务关系交叉性分析给出了有关推断信息之间存在相关性的假设,并结合证据理论中的基本概率分配函数提出了具有柔性表达优势的推断信息描述机理,在此基础上分别针对上下两层部门构建了能够剔除管理者影响、上层部门影响且可以对部门内部所有决策主体的元推断信息进行科学融合的定理和推论,最后按照"由上至下"的决策秩序构建了大数据环境下双层分布式融合决策的方法步骤。数值对比分析结果表明提出方法具有科学性和可行性,有利于拓展大数据环境下组织管理决策问题的解决思路,探索处理不完备性数据、相关性数据的"大"模式。  相似文献   
In the study of risks , different sciences use the same category in different ways, each related to its own ontological assumptions. But many of these fields communicate very little with one another. This article seeks to approximate two of these areas of study that have shown similar concerns and that can mutually strengthen one another, namely, geography and demography. Geography was one of the first disciplines to include risk in its environmental dimension and has had broad experience in simultaneously focusing on social and natural dynamics. Demography, on the other hand, faces greater difficulties because only recently has it incorporated the environmental dimension into its scientific scope. Both have brought the concept of vulnerability into their conceptual framework as complementary to that of risk. Geographers understand vulnerability as a more symbiotic form of the relationship between society and nature, whereas demographers give it a strong socioeconomic component. In this regard, the conceptual discussion on risks and vulnerabilities, in its attempt at approximating these two fields, is a way of conceptually advancing and strengthening the different approaches to empirical work, especially in population–environment studies which is the common ground for the dialogue between the two disciplines.
Daniel Joseph HoganEmail:
中国正处于社会转型期, 社会矛盾和利益纠纷呈高发态势, 通过厉行法治, 保证 行政权正确行使, 是预防、减少和妥善应对社会风险的良策。由于行政诉讼在制度架 构方面的缺陷, 其制度功能发挥并不充分。设置行政公诉制度, 应当成为完善行政诉 讼制度的一个重要选择。它具有监督和促进依法行政、引导市民社会生成、化解社会 矛盾等多方面的价值, 也是完善中国特色检察制度的应有之义。建立行政公诉, 应当 从理念和制度建构等不同层面予以设计。

关键词: 行政公诉 依法行政 检察权 权力制衡

Since China is now in a stage of social transition that displays a high occurrence of social conflict and interest disputes, strict adherence to the rule of law and ensuring the correct exercise of administrative power is the best strategy for preventing, reducing and properly managing social risks. Structural defects have meant that the institutional function of public prosecution has not been given full rein. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should thus become an important option for the improvement of administrative legal proceedings. It would have value in a multitude of ways, including monitoring and promoting the exercise of administrative functions according to law, guiding the creation of civil society, and resolving social conflicts, and it is also a necessity for the improvement of China’s procuratorial system. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should be designed at the conceptual level, the institutional level, and so on.  相似文献   
通过研读唐五代女性诗歌,我们发现其传播方式有石刻——女皇帝、皇后的女性意识的流露;驿壁屏风——公主的控诉;袍、树叶、金锁——宫女的愿望;燕足、石壁、写真——弃妇的哀怨;龟形——征妇的渴望;寺壁、观壁——勇敢女子宣言;红绡帕——“疯女人”的行动;青楼妓馆的墙壁——妓女的心声。  相似文献   
Since the publication of Durkheim's Suicide more than a century ago, researchers have been examining the relationship between religion and suicide, and race/ethnicity and suicide. However, no study has examined how religion influences U.S. Latino suicide rates. This study fills a gap in the literature by applying three competing theses to the study of Latino suicide. Results show that (1) religious contextual variables significantly affect Latino suicide rates, (2) U.S.‐born Latinos benefit from religious communities, regardless of denomination or measurement used, and (3) foreign‐born Latinos only benefit from Catholic adherents and homogeneity.  相似文献   
德国退出核能利用的法律框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先回顾了起源于上个世纪七十年代的全球反核运动,从而阐明了德国退出核能的历史渊源。进而简要介绍了核能在德国能源结构中的地位与核能利用的现状。通过分析德国政府与核电企业签署的《关于逐步退出核能利用的协议》以及2002年的《原子能法修订法》的相关条款,特别是结合了RWE公司转让发电量一案,理清了德国退出核能的立法脉络与框架。最后,文章还对德国退出核能利用的最新进展作出了述评。  相似文献   
紧密结合徐州工商局泉山分局所推行的"红盾执法服务责任制"实践,就其实施的"社巡联合"监管模式改革和"流程规范"工程,以及"日毕周清"工作法等方面的制度创新,进行了富有建设性的经验总结和探讨,旨在对破解基层工商监管难题,提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
苏格拉底从培养个人道德出发来阐释正义,寻求德性在实践上与生活的内在一致性;他以美德为知识,把德性因素注入到正义观念之中,赋予正义内在伦理性的内涵,从德性和智性中来寻求把握,通过个人自制伦理的方式获取正义,并以法的形式维护正义。  相似文献   
渭水上游地区历史上曾经山林川谷美,天材之利多,从而成为中华民族文明的发祥地之一。《资治通鉴》记载隋唐时期天下称富庶者莫如陇右。然而后来,由于自然因素的变化,特别是人类长期不科学的开发,以致山川顿失真面目,从而使该地区生态环境日趋恶化,灾害频发,经济社会发展也受到了严重制约,导致近代陇中疾苦甲天下景况的出现。揭示演变特点,反思历史,为我们保护环境实现科学发展提供珍贵的历史借鉴。  相似文献   
冉翚 《民族学刊》2011,2(2):14-20,84
通过考察,发现川滇毗邻藏区传统习惯法并未随着社会经济的变迁而淡化,相反对国家法的执行依然发挥着不容忽视的影响力。由此可以看出,习惯法将以其特有的方式长期存在,并与国家法形成长期的互动,理性看待现阶段国家法在民族乡村的有限性并注意引入民间习惯法的一些好的做法,使民间习惯法与国家法进行相互塑造与互动,以达到法律效果与社会效果的有机统一将是国家法在民族地区乡村取得成功的关键。  相似文献   
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