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Women report greater concerns about the danger posed by strangers despite greater victimization by acquaintances. Using a survey of Seattle residents, this article investigates one understudied dimension of this seeming incongruity: the actual effect of victimization by a stranger or acquaintance on concerns about crime. The results suggest different patterns for different crimes: relationship to the offender does not matter for burglaries while acquaintance sexual assaults and stranger nonsexual assaults, respectively, hold the largest associations with concerns. Implications are discussed for research on fear of crime, acquaintance victimizations, and perceptions of neighborhoods.  相似文献   
This paper develops a framework to assess how fear of miscoordination affects the sustainability of cooperation. Building on theoretical insights from Carlsson and van Damme (1993), it explores the effect of small amounts of private information on a class of dynamic cooperation games with exit. Lack of common knowledge leads players to second guess each other's behavior and makes coordination difficult. This restricts the range of equilibria and highlights the role of miscoordination payoffs in determining whether cooperation is sustainable or not. The paper characterizes the range of perfect Bayesian equilibria as the players' information becomes arbitrarily precise. Unlike in one‐shot two‐by‐two games, the global games information structure does not yield equilibrium uniqueness.  相似文献   
Giddens explores, in Modernity and Self-Identity, our preoccupation with risks in modern social life and the disparity between perceived risks and actual prevalence of life-threatening dangers [Giddens, A.: 1991, Modern and Self-Identity. Self and Society in Late Modern Age (Polity Press, Cambridge), p. 115]. Modern technologies have made global information accessible around the world; real time news communiqués about unfolding situations are displayed directly into the home environment through television and the internet. Global issues and local events intermix, blurring worldwide issues and threats with local realities. This research explored the everyday life of young people in two Australian rural communities, their community affiliation, sense of belonging and feeling safe in the local rural community. The research was exploratory in nature and based on a survey of 751 young people aged between 14 and 21 years, all being students at local secondary high schools. Feeling safe was of concern for both female and male young people: females indicated a higher tolerance towards strangers and cultural diversity, but at the same time, they felt less safe in the local community. These findings are discussed in relation to a 1989–1990 study of 13- to 21-year-old urban Australian and Swedish young people. The study explored young people’s experiences of scary events in mass media, in their home environment and among themselves. The findings signify the need for a holistic approach to identify social indicators to describe the grounds for young people feeling unsafe and the need to take into consideration local community circumstances, the global milieu and conflicts as portrayed in news, documentary and entertainment mass media.  相似文献   
作为心仪的榜样,相隔百年的爱伦.坡的创作,为年轻的施蛰存树立了艺术追求的标尺,也给他提供了可供效仿并着意酿造的幽深意境和怪诞的风格。文章试图用比较文学平行研究的方法,具体从时空的设置、女性形象的构造和死亡的书写这三个方面展现、剖析两位作家小说的恐惧和恐怖的不同主题。从而可以认识到施蛰存比爱伦.坡的小说更具有现代性。  相似文献   
There is an increasing concern in various European cities with ‘youth’ in public space. This concern is by no means new. Young men have been a cause for public concern for a long time. In some countries in the global North, such as Holland, the marginalization along lines of class and ethnicity rather than just class have brought a relatively new dimension to perceived ‘problems’ of youth. Holland is particularly interesting, as it moved from championing tolerance to rather harsh policies and an often overly racist discourse on urban youth. This shift to a more repressive policy model has responded to an increasing public fear. Two peculiar empirical patterns raise the question of effectiveness of such repressive policies. First, the neighbourhoods targeted by these policies continue to show strong feelings of fear. Second, the number of incidents between youth and police do not drop, but rise, affecting the crime and nuisance statistics. This paper explores four hypotheses to explain these trends, drawing on empirical data from studies in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Rotterdam and The Hague, the Netherlands.  相似文献   
Even as they strive for their, own self-definition, women hold onto old relational ties. In this paper, two ease examples are used to elucidate the complex relationships that women have with their earliest caregivers—mainly their mothers. The cases demonstrate how women remain fixed in early familial internalizations and identifications and find themselves repeating patterns of self-sabotage that impede their success. The relational approach to psychotherapy, furthered by the analyst’s use of the transference-countertransference paradigm, can create the gateway to explore and understand patients’ internal barriers to growth. The analysis can then help patients to achieve a more integrated self-view that allows them to enjoy success and fulfillment in both their private and public lives.  相似文献   
卡夫卡的独特生活与体验及其形成的观念形态与写作有紧密联系 ,他的小说展示了在暴戾的现实世界中 ,一个敏感灵魂的不安与挣扎。写作对卡夫卡来说既是生命感受与现实反抗的明确表达 ,又是他曲折人生的潜意识表露 ,这些成为他精神生命的惟一栖息方式与确证  相似文献   
黑格尔因其概念辩证法的强力完成了近代形而上学的终结,但也因此掩蔽了其力量的源头"经验的辩证运动".海德格尔对此提出质疑,他认为这是黑格尔因畏惧经验的辩证运动背后的不在场的东西所致.本文指出,黑格尔对经验的打压、遗忘其实质就是要以在场的形而上学抹杀更为本真、深藏不露的不在场的东西,进而将不在场的东西逻辑化、概念化,以求得知识论意义上的绝对的主体确定性.其实,这也是整个近代形而上学的根本性的局限与痼疾所在.黑格尔对意识本性的经验及其道说,不仅暗示了尼采、叔本华非理性主义思潮的兴起,同时也为海德格尔通过对经验的原始回声的聆听走上一条护送存在之到达、在场并应合存在者之存在的呼唤之思想大道,作了思想先导.  相似文献   
《蓝色旅店》的自然主义因素主要包括两方面的内容 :第一 ,小说生动地表现了环境和人的恐惧在人类命运中起决定作用的自然主义思想 ;第二 ,小说客观地再现了人命天定的自然主义宿命观  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to explore experiences of insecurity among people living in relative poverty in an affluent welfare society. Twenty-five long-standing recipients of social security were interviewed. The study finds that poverty and related factors give rise to a sense of insecurity to which respondents react affectively with apprehension and anxiety. Respondents, all of whom live in the same Norwegian town, report multiple causes of their emotions, and adopt numerous psychological methods to address their sense of insecurity. The study's findings are discussed in light of theories of needs and emotions and contextual and methodological factors.  相似文献   
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