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:2 1世纪 ,中国图书馆在宏观上的发展趋势主要表现在观念时代化、结构网络化、功能多样化、行业集约化、联系国际化等方面 ;在微观上将产生馆舍智能化、收藏扩大化、资源数字化、机构功能化、人员专家化、用户社会化、服务深层化、经营产业化、管理人文化、评价效益化等变革  相似文献   
欧元运行现状及前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧元诞生一年来,其运行情况与先前大多数人的预测并不一致,对外汇率全线下跌,尤其对美元汇率下跌幅度之大远超出人们的预料。原因主要是初始汇率定值太高、欧元区经济增长率相对较低及国际不利因素的影响等。但总体上看,其运行比较成功,体现在区内物价稳定、欧元债券发行额上升、扮演了外汇市场调控的角色及为大多数国家所认可等方面。保证欧元未来平稳运行的基本因素,如区内总体经济实力强大、经济增长率趋升、高度独立的欧洲央行及充分的法律保障机制等,仍占主导地位。但同时也必须正视和解决诸如高失业率、经济发展不平衡及成员国间政策协调困难等问题。  相似文献   
In the past decade especially, sociologists have been critical of their discipline citing the failure to develop a grand theory of society, the loss of identity and focus as a discipline, the erosion of its boundaries by nonsociologists, and the lack of recognition and support of the field among policymakers and the public. A few critics in the field have suggested relabeling the discipline social engineering. The present paper suggests that relabeling will accentuate identity problems and further fragment the discipline. The author proposes a partnership between theorists and practitioners to apply existing knowledge to solve societal problems, the results of which will benefit the field of sociology as well as society.  相似文献   
Scholars have suggested that skill (Ferris et al., 2007) and motivation (Forret and Dougherty, 2001) need to be considered in predicting the direction and intensity of networking behaviors. Congruently, the present study argues that skill and motivation operate interactively and assesses the interactive impact of political skill (i.e., the ability to interact effectively with others) and future time perspective on differentially predicting community-based and career-based networking behavior. Results from a sample of managers from a national retail chain (n = 291) indicated that politically skilled individuals who possessed a deep future time perspective were more involved in career-related networking than politically skilled individuals who perceived a shallow future time perspective. Additionally, politically skilled respondents with shallow organizational time perspectives engaged in higher levels of community-based networking than did their counterparts with deeper organizational time perspectives. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of political skill, social networks, and socioemotional selectivity theory.  相似文献   
Ryan Hagen 《Sociological Forum》2019,34(Z1):1235-1250
Expert knowledge informs the construction of public problems from gun violence to disease epidemics to climate change, and institutional actors draw on this knowledge to implement public policy to mitigate or repair the related harms. The expanding role of experts and institutions in managing risks has come at a time of declining public trust in institutions and a legitimacy crisis around expert knowledge. What happens when these tendencies collide? Previous scholarship has examined how disaster arises through failures of foresight, and how cultural‐cognitive biases can prevent actors from seeing disasters coming. Less is known about the mobilization of resistance against risk management policies. This theoretical essay examines a particular category of that resistance: conspiracist discourse that frames risk as emanating primarily from perceived secret agendas of institutions and experts that explicitly claim to be acting in the public interest. This essay argues that conspiracy thinking can be best understood as rooted in a “populist risk imaginary,” which is rooted in negative asymmetry, a cultural‐cognitive bias that foregrounds the possibility of worst‐case outcomes. Conspiracy discourse can be understood as the “dark side” of negative asymmetry, which is otherwise used by service‐oriented professionals to sharpen their foresight in preempting future dangers.  相似文献   

Home Futures, the major exhibition at the Design Museum, London, and IKEA Museum Sweden, explores the trajectory of radical domestic visions from the 1960s—but it seems that the future was closer in the 1960s than now.  相似文献   
The extraordinary social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has generated many claims about the middle-range future—the period beginning in the late summer or early fall of 2020 and projected to last for some months or years. This paper surveys those assertions and seeks to explain the factors that led to them. Exploring questions about future claims can expand the scope of social problems theory.  相似文献   
I address how U.S.‐based Iranian transnationals’ migration paths affect their (re)‐construction of chronotopes of the ideal life. Adopting an ethnographically grounded, discourse‐analytic approach, I illustrate how participants with student visas and U.S. Green Cards position themselves differently relative to images of success here [in the U.S.] and lack of success there [in Iran]. I argue that the chronotopes of success here and lack of success there (re)‐constructed by non‐resident Iranian students are prompted by a large‐scale cultural chronotope which pertains to their aspiration to stay in the U.S. This chronotope of ‘life beyond’ is less about a ‘remove from homeland’ and more about an ideal future in the host country. Migrants’ desires and anxieties, I argue, can determine what receives topical prominence in migration chronotopes – as in the case of Iranian educational migrants whose future positionings make temporality topically more prominent than spatiality.


孟祥光  王辉斌 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):115-118,130
中国孟浩然研究会会长王辉斌教授对自新中国成立以来62年的孟浩然研究进行了较全面总结,并对孟浩然研究的将来进行了构想与预示。前期的孟浩然研究研究呈现出了两个特点:其一是注重对孟浩然作品特别是一些名作的解读与品鉴;其二是对孟浩然的生平事迹进行了具体考察。中期为"十年文革",孟浩然研究成果基本阙如。后期即当代的孟浩然研究,主要体现出了四大特点。孟浩然研究的将来,至少有七大专题需要尽快研究。  相似文献   
中国居士佛教之历史与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国居士佛教是大乘佛教在中国发展的必然结果,因为佛教的终极关怀是世间,它的最终目标是通过对佛法的修炼来解决世间基本问题,出家修行只是一种手段而不是目的,所以,从根本上说,佛教是世间法而不是出世间法.中国居士佛教在中国佛教史、文化史上都具有重要地位和巨大贡献.居士佛教将是中国佛教未来发展的主要方向.  相似文献   
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