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中国早期驻外公使之一的曾纪泽通过对近代国际法的深刻认识与理解,运用国际法与西方国家进行外交事务上的交涉和谈判,虽然在本质上不能改变晚清政府外交上的弱势地位,但还是在一定程度上维护了国家和民族的权益。  相似文献   
该文以近代认识论美学为背景,阐明了艺术欣赏在现代美学新视野的审视之下所发生的变化。在现代美学家看来,存在论的理解成了艺术欣赏的核心,理解的本质存在于语言之中,借助于语言得以完成。  相似文献   
高校心理健康教育实践中的几个误区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国高校心理健康教育自开始实施以来在理论和实践上已取得了很大的进步,但目前一些高校仍然存在一些认识误区。只有走出这些误区,才能进一步提高心理健康教育的实效。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In order to delimit the realm of social phenomena, sociologists refer implicitly or explicitly to a distinction between living human beings and other entities, that is, sociologists equate the social world with the world of living humans. This consensus has been questioned by only a few authors, such as Luckmann, and some scholars of science studies. According to these approaches, it would be ethnocentric to treat as self-evident the premise that only living human beings can be social actors. The methodological consequence of such critique is a radical deanthropologization of sociological research. It must be considered an open question whether or not only living human can be social actors. The paper starts with a discussion of the methodological problems posed by such an analysis of the borders of the social world, and presents the results of an empirical analysis of these borders in the fields of intensive care and neurological rehabilitation. Within these fields it must be determined whether a body is a living human body or a symbol using human body. The analysis of these elementary border phenomena challenges basic sociological concepts. The relevant contemporary sociological theories refer to a dyadic constellation as the systematic starting point of their concept of sociality. The complex relationship between at least two entities is understood as the basis of the development of a novel order that functions as a mediating structure between the involved parties. Based upon empirical data, I argue that it is necessary to change this foundational assumption. Not the dyad but the triad must be understood as the foundational constellation. This implies a new understanding of the third actor, which is distinct from the concepts developed by Simmel and Berger and Luckmann.  相似文献   
吴伟业知人论世观与其以"心史"为"诗史"的文学思想相结合,既突破了传统知人论世批评的政治教化决定论与"文如其人"的思维模式,又突破了明代诗学脱离社会现实的弊端,具有明清之际知人论世批评重经世致用与时运的共同特征,并形成了自己独特的内涵,体现了明清之际"诗史"观的新进展。  相似文献   
通过对数年前在福建顺昌所发现的有关"齐天大圣"资料的重新考证和分析研判,在充分肯定其价值和功不可没的基础上,以全新的资料研究和考据诠释,对王益民先生公布的"研究成果"中的诸多不适之处提出质疑,指出那种据此断言"孙悟空祖籍福建"或"孙悟空是顺昌人"的认定是一次远离其应有价值而充满误读误判的炒作,隐含了严重的负面效果.  相似文献   
自赏、自嘲与自慰 ,是元曲家乔吉心态的种种表征 ,是“形” ;细究开来 ,里面充溢着玩世、苦闷与通达的人生情怀 ,是“意”。  相似文献   
马克思的资本概念可以从两个角度理解:一种是经济学意义上的,另一种是哲学意义上的.马克思探讨资本问题的根本旨趣,绝不是寻找发财致富的窍门,而是力图揭示现代社会的本质,探寻人类社会的未来.因而,必须超越经济学的视野,在哲学框架内解读马克思的资本概念.在马克思看来,随着社会关系的物化,私人劳动和社会劳动的分裂,人和人之间的生产关系必然表现为资本和雇佣劳动关系.也就是说,资本不过是在物的外表掩盖下的一种人和人的特定生产关系而已.  相似文献   
在对贾平凹的创作历程进行宏观梳理与跟踪关注的基础上,从"用笔写作的天才"、"游走在边缘的参悟者"、"非潮流化写作与'大陆文坛之独行侠'"、"意欲穷尽一切可能的'百变灵笔'"、"我是农民"等五个侧面分别勾勒出贾平凹作为作家的一些本质特征。这五个侧面在空间上的组合,使我们可以完整地把握到作家贾平凹所独有的精神气质和角色特征。  相似文献   
20世纪中国"当代"诗歌的生产与消费中,出现了一股强劲的"倡懂"潮流,"懂"不仅是"当代"诗歌生产的重要标尺,也是"当代"读者一种强烈的阅读期待。这种潮流的生成与壮大,一方面受社会主义现实主义创作思潮的影响,另一方面也与当代诗歌理想范式的建构紧密相关,同时还与国家权力主体实施诗歌意识形态属性监控密不可分。"倡懂"现象的普泛化给"当代"诗歌发展带来许多难以预料的问题。  相似文献   
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