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提高学习者学习的主动性,真正实现学习者能动和主动地发展,构建学生自己的科学知识结构是科学课程改革的核心目标。科学探究是这次改革的一项重要措施。通过从更深层次上对科学课程标准的解读,发现科学探究的核心是科学解释。从科学解释和科学探究的关系上来把握科学探究的内涵有助于在教学过程中保持正确的教育改革的方向。  相似文献   
The principal findings of the Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report (Lord Laming, 2003) repeat those of most previous fatal child abuse inquiries or reviews, revealing problems with professionals' assessments, communications, skill base and resources. There is a danger that the recommendations of this latest report will be implemented in an overbureaucratic manner, reducing their potential to make a significant difference to practice. Instead, it is essential to build on the core lessons of this and previous inquiries, which is that professionals' capacity to think about their cases and their work must be enhanced. This has considerable implications for the training of professionals and the resources available to them. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A new systemic approach to investigating child abuse deathsis proposed, drawing on the lessons learned in engineering.Investigations have traditionally taken the approach of concludingonce faults in professional practice are identified. Solutionstake the form of trying to control erratic practitioners: psychologicalpressure to achieve higher standards, increasing formalizationand guidelines to reduce the scope for individual fallibility,and stricter management surveillance. The inquiry into the deathof Victoria Climbie fits this model. However, thirty years ofsuch inquiries have not led to the expected improvement in professionalpractice. Indeed, the Climbie report describes several agenciesoperating at a very low level, and failing to implement themost basic elements of good practice. A similar history of failurein engineering has led to the development of a systems approach.Human error is taken as the starting point, not the conclusion,and the investigation tries to understand why the mistake wasmade, by studying interacting factors in the practitioners,the resources available and the organizational context. Theway this approach could be adopted in child protection workis outlined.  相似文献   
现代女性创作在20世纪20年代后期曾有过一场婚恋伦理道德探讨,它与半个多世纪后新时期女性创作的婚恋伦理道德讨论内容近似、性质相同,都发生于一场思想启蒙与解放后爱情婚姻家庭震荡变动之时,历史惊人地在做着某种复述。但尚处于半封建半殖民地时代发生的探讨对正在演变中的现实婚恋更多取批判之态,婚姻家庭改造的愿望与尝试之表述更为强烈激进,这些既反映了新文化运动后女性现实生活仍充满问题,某些方面更其尖锐,也说明经历了“五四”洗礼,科学民主、平等解放等启蒙意识深入人心,依然新颖。  相似文献   
“新闻暗访”是指记者不公开自己的身份隐蔽搜集信息的采访方式,多用于批评揭露性的报道。用得恰到好处,能达到事半功倍的效果。近年来,因暗访而成为“侵权行为”者的新闻单位和记者接连不断。在我国还没有适用的法律和法规的情况下,新闻媒体和记者既要实施强有力的舆论监督,又要有效地规避新闻官司而进行自我保护,已经成为新闻界不得不面对和研究的一个现实问题。  相似文献   
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