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Regression models play a dominant role in analyzing several data sets arising from areas like agricultural experiment, space experiment, biological experiment, financial modeling, etc. One of the major strings in developing the regression models is the assumption of the distribution of the error terms. It is customary to consider that the error terms follow the Gaussian distribution. However, there are some drawbacks of Gaussian errors such as the distribution being mesokurtic having kurtosis three. In many practical situations the variables under study may not be having mesokurtic but they are platykurtic. Hence, to analyze these sorts of platykurtic variables, a two-variable regression model with new symmetric distributed errors is developed and analyzed. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimators of the model parameters are derived. The properties of the ML estimators with respect to the new symmetrically distributed errors are also discussed. A simulation study is carried out to compare the proposed model with that of Gaussian errors and found that the proposed model performs better when the variables are platykurtic. Some applications of the developed model are also pointed out.  相似文献   
Estimating a curve nonparametrically from data measured with error is a difficult problem that has been studied by many authors. Constructing a consistent estimator in this context can sometimes be quite challenging, and in this paper we review some of the tools that have been developed in the literature for kernel‐based approaches, founded on the Fourier transform and a more general unbiased score technique. We use those tools to rederive some of the existing nonparametric density and regression estimators for data contaminated by classical or Berkson errors, and discuss how to compute these estimators in practice. We also review some mistakes made by those working in the area, and highlight a number of problems with an existing R package decon .  相似文献   
In this article we investigate the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of predictors of regression models with autocorrelated errors. We prove new theorems associated with the predictive efficiency of generalized least squares (GLS) and incorrectly structured GLS predictors. We also establish the form associated with their predictive mean squared errors as well as the magnitude of these errors relative to each other and to those generated from the ordinary least squares (OLS) predictor. A large simulation study is used to evaluate the finite-sample performance of forecasts generated from models using different corrections for the serial correlation.  相似文献   
"今文学"作为一种学术思潮对晚清诗学的影响是双重的,它不仅具有一般学术法则对诗学发展的规约性,而且也在意识形态领域决定了晚清诗学的发展演变。从发生学上来讲,"今文学"的兴盛与晚清诗学的演变往往表现出同构对应、共振同行的关系。晚清诗学演变在诗学生态、诗学主体、诗学行为、诗学接受、诗学价值等层面都与"今文学"保持着高度的一致性;而且,晚清相关诗学家与诗派的诗学演变也体现出与"今文学"发展较为相似的对应性进程。  相似文献   
"大跃进"时期毛泽东为纠正农村工作中的左倾错误作了艰辛努力。他走在纠左前列,提出不少纠"左"思想和措施。他围绕农村工作中一系列重要问题,深入调查研究、从郑州会议起开始纠"左",继而写了六篇《党内通信》深入纠左,庐山会议后的1960年3月起又再度纠左,国民经济调整时进一步继续纠"左"。既要看到"大跃进"时期毛泽东犯严重左倾错误的一面,也要看到他努力纠"左"的一面,力求进行全面、客观、公正地评价。  相似文献   
跨境高等教育合作办学是教育服务贸易的一种形式,在20世纪90年代获得大力发展。近现代中外高等教育跨境合作办学的表现形式主要有:外国教会机构在中国独立办学、中国在境外办学、中外大学联合办学。近现代中外高等教育跨境合作办学的历史给今天带来的启迪是:应强调双向互补;确保质量,树立精品意识;应意识到肩负对外传播中华文化的重任。  相似文献   
随着经济社会的快速发展,农村矛盾纠纷越来越多,严重影响了社会和谐稳定,乡镇检察室,能充分发挥贴近基层、贴近群众的优势,对化解社会矛盾,解决群众诉求,推进三项重点工作具有深远和现实的意义。  相似文献   
《德伯家的苔丝》与《珍妮姑娘》两部小说的题材和结构设置上有着惊人的相似。不但两位女主人公都来自社会底层,而且两部作品都设置了一女两男的关系模式。对两部作品的男女关系模式对照分析,找出其中的类同和差异,以期更清晰地观照两位作家不同的创作环境和理念,以及因所受文化传统和流派的影响,作家在文学创作的传承和创新方面所做的贡献。  相似文献   
自动生产线的同步维修模型及实例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自动生产线故障停机时间长、停机费用高,其原因在于:设备种类多且相关联,存在各设备协同维修的难题。首先,寻求生产线故障时间和检查时间之间的平衡点,建立检查周期与总停机时间之间关系的目标函数。其次,借鉴同步维修的"对故障隐患集中式批处理,减少分散维修的停机时间"思想,以及时间延迟维修理论,建立生产线的同步维修模型,该模型利用生产线每天停机次数、每次停机时间及检查时发现的缺陷数,计算出合理的生产线检查周期,并以此为依据制定维修计划,实现"提高维修批量,减少生产线停机时间"的目标。最后,实例研究。收集某生产线近十年的故障记录数据,在分析生产流程、设备布局、各设备停机影响的基础上,提出对策指导生产线维修管理。  相似文献   
薛凤祚在《历学会通》中所给出的中西历元纪年出现了整体错位和局部混乱,由根数错位而致斗转星移。实难想像其天文和历算结果能够被观测所证实或验证,而况薛凤祚从来不作天文和天象观测。他的随意和著文之粗糙、混乱,使他耗费半生精力所作的西学引进、译介的成果黯然失色。这也许正是他被同时代人忽略,继而又被历史遗忘的根本原因之一。  相似文献   
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