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During the fall of 2001, public health law scholars at the Center for Law and the Public's Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities were asked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a series of national partners to develop the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA). The MSEHPA provides a series of modern powers for states to consider in responding to catastrophic public health emergencies, including bioterrorism events. Since December 2001, provisions based on the MSEHPA have been introduced in nearly 40 states and passed in 20. Underlying the development of the act is a long-standing debate between legal and ethical scholars and law- and policymakers as to the appropriate ways to balance individual and communal rights. The drafting challenge was to create a comprehensive model law that provides adequate powers to protect the public's health while also respecting individual and group rights. The MSEHPA empowers public health agents with broad authority and simultaneously limits the exercise of power in time, duration, and scope to accomplish communal goals of abating serious public health threats. Coercive public health powers, particularly isolation and quarantine, are exercised on a temporary basis, only so long as are reasonably necessary and only among persons who justifiably may pose a risk to others because of their contagious conditions. Individual rights to contest the coercive use of public health powers, even during an emergency, are secured.  相似文献   
诚信原则作为民法的基本原则对于私法的发展起着举足轻重的作用,而合同法中的诚信原则更是以其诚实、善意、公正的理念受到了人们的推崇。根据合同成立的不同阶段,合同法中的诚信原则的具体内涵主要包括:一是磋商中的诚信,即在合同谈判过程中,双方当事人不得以恶意隐瞒、欺诈及胁迫等形式促使合同的成立;二是诚信履行。即双方当事人在合同履行阶段应当按照交易的本旨勤勉的履行合同,不得滥用权利,违反诚信、恶意履行;三是合同终止后的诚信义务,通常表现为合同终止后的通知、协助及保密的义务。在以合意为中心构建而成的古典契约法理论和绝对契约自由遭到抨击之时.诚信原则犹如普罗米修斯之火给合同法带来了新生,以诚信原则为基础的关系契约论的兴起,限制了绝对的契约自由,将传统的“铁面无私”的合同法重塑为富有“人类真情实感”的合同法。  相似文献   
体育健康教育不仅能增进大学生身体机能健康,同时还能调节与促进其心理活动向着健康的方向发展.通过对莱阳农学院部分大学生一些身心健康指标的测试与调查,分析和探讨体育健康教育与提高大学生身心健康的关系,并针对性地提出新时期高校体育健康教育有效开展的建议.  相似文献   
黄国雄教授是中国现代商品流通理论的奠基人.文章通过文献梳理和实际观察,对黄国雄教授的商品流通理论研究进行了回顾.黄国雄教授的商品流通理论主要包括三个方面:在内容方面,聚焦于商品流通理论的研究;在方法方面,多使用经验主义范式;在主要贡献方面,奠定了现代商学理论的根基,具体包括提出了“商业创造价值论”“流通产业基础论”和“商道即人道论”等三大理论,以及建立了现代商学的学科体系.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1634-1655
The work in the article presents the development of an application guide based on feedback and comments stemming from various railway actors on their practices of SIL allocation to railway safety‐related functions. The initial generic methodology for SIL allocation has been updated to be applied to railway rolling stock safety‐related functions in order to solve the SIL concept application issues. Various actors dealing with railway SIL allocation problems are the intended target of the methodology; its principles will be summarized in this article with a focus on modifications and precisions made in order to establish a practical guide for railway safety authorities. The methodology is based on the flowchart formalism used in CSM (common safety method) European regulation. It starts with the use of quantitative safety requirements, particularly tolerable hazard rates (THR). THR apportioning rules are applied. On the one hand, the rules are related to classical logical combinations of safety‐related functions preventing hazard occurrence. On the other hand, to take into account technical conditions (last safety weak link, functional dependencies, technological complexity, etc.), specific rules implicitly used in existing practices are defined for readjusting some THR values. SIL allocation process based on apportioned and validated THR values is finally illustrated through the example of “emergency brake” subsystems. Some specific SIL allocation rules are also defined and illustrated.  相似文献   
伙伴关系--企业竞争优势的新来源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伙伴关系成立的原因在于以伙伴关系为纽带可以建立新的企业优势,它具有以产权关系为纽带形成的"紧密型"企业所不具备的优点.企业通过建立合作伙伴关系,以形成低成本和差异化竞争优势.  相似文献   
岳麓书院"忠孝廉节"校训,是南宋时期岳麓著名主教张栻确定的,由著名思想家朱熹亲书于讲堂.以此明确地把"忠孝廉节"奉为校训,并作为办学的重要教育理念,这在中国教育史上是罕见的.它集中地体现了对人性的关怀和以德育人的精神.  相似文献   
提高各级领导干部的道德素质是贯彻"以德治国"方略的关键;领导干部的道德素质包括道德心理素质、道德思想素质和道德观念素质;学习道德知识、开展道德教育、搞好道德修养、加快体制改革,是提高领导干部道德素质的途径.  相似文献   
《说文解字》所收度量衡量词简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国度量衡起源很早。历代度量衡都经历了不断演变的过程。《说文解字》所收度量衡量词大致包括长度单位量词、地积单位量词、容量单位量词、重量单位量词等。其说解简明扼要,溯源穷流;有点有面,各成系统;既言汉世规章,又述周代古制。《说文解字》对所收度量衡量词的说解,充分反映出中国文化"天人合一"的思想。  相似文献   
发挥第三次分配对建设廉洁社会的推动作用,是党的十九大会议明确提出的旨在促进社会公平、效率和共同富裕的重要议题。厘清第三次分配对中国廉洁文化和机制的作用与边界、构建新时期廉洁文化体系,将成为推动中国经济高质量发展的依托力量,故此整体审视廉洁文化研究状态并把握其学理向度尤为紧迫。首先在理论基础层面,应探讨廉洁文化理论的整体构建,清晰廉洁文化体系因何而建和如何以建的问题。其次在制度构建层面,须阐明廉洁文化机制的运行机理,明确廉洁文化机制中主体是谁、任务是什么以及形态和功能有哪些。最后在实践发展层面,要重点强调第三次分配赋能廉洁文化理论和机制的作用,实现廉洁文化理论与机制研究从学理向实践的跃迁。  相似文献   
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