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The article highlights the ongoing relevance of W.E.B. Du Bois for the global analysis of race and class. Engaging scholarly debates that have ensued within the educational subfields of critical race theory (CRT) and (revolutionary) critical pedagogy, the article explores how a deeper engagement with Du Bois’s ideas contributes theoretically and methodologically to these two subfields. Of particular focus is Du Bois’s conceptualization of a ‘guiding hundredth,’ which he forwarded as a corrective to his ideas of a ‘talented tenth.’ The article also offers a case study analysis of the film Sounds of a New Hope, which documents a hip hop exposure program to the Philippines. The case study draws upon Du Bois’s ‘guiding hundredth’ for a twenty-first century context as a Filipino American cultural worker utilizes hip hop to articulate, analyze, and alter the lived experiences for Filipino/a Americans in a global diaspora.  相似文献   
中国共产党在20世纪领导全国人民实现了民族独立和人民解放,也为国家富强和人民共同富裕进行了不懈的探索,取得初步成果.在新世纪只有在党的领导下,才能坚持现代化建设的方向,才能保证政治稳定,才能动员和组织人民群众投身于现代化建设,更能彻底根治腐败,建成中国特色社会主义.  相似文献   
Transformational leaders are known to inspire and motivate their followers, thereby leading to enhanced job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an intellectual concept regarding individuals’ attitudes toward their jobs. This study asserts that the underlying mechanisms for transformational leadership to affect employee satisfaction are trust in the community, including the leader (that is, organization) and trust in the self, namely self‐efficacy. Leadership is specifically associated with continual transformations in the higher educational context, and collectivist cultures may manifest different processes underlying the transformational leadership–satisfaction relationship. This study investigated the mediating effects of trust and self‐efficacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study sample included academicians from a nonprofit higher education institution in Turkey. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction is fully mediated by both trust and self‐efficacy. The mediator effect of trust was shown to be stronger than self‐efficacy, which is assumed to be the result of the cultural context. The results are discussed in the context of employee satisfaction and cultural determinants of employee satisfaction.  相似文献   
This paper reconceptualises a classic theory (Kanter 1993[1977]) on gender and leadership in order to provide fresh insights for both sociolinguistic and management thinking. Kanter claimed that there are four approved ‘role traps’ for women leaders in male‐dominated organisations: Mother, Pet, Seductress and Iron Maiden, based on familiar historical archetypes of women in power. This paper reinterprets Kanter's construct of role traps in sociolinguistic terms as gendered, discursive resources that senior women utilise proactively to interact with their predominantly male colleagues. Based on a Research Council funded 1 study of 14 senior leaders (seven female and seven male) each conducting at least one senior management meeting in the U.K., the paper finds that individual speakers can transform stereotyped subject positions into powerful discursive resources to accomplish the goals of leadership, albeit marked by gender.  相似文献   
徐瑾劼 《学术探索》2012,(2):163-166
澳大利亚是经济发达国家,中小学教育质量也位于世界先进水平。在澳大利亚,各州/领地有各自独立的教育行政体系和中小学教育制度。中小学校长是政府公务员,对他们没有硬性的入职资格要求,但他们必须是"教师"身份且具有四年的教龄并注册。近年来,在面临中小学校校长"退休潮"、校长领导力分散化、校长工作量加大的各种挑战下,各州/领地及中央政府纷纷出台了相应的"领导力学习框架"。本文试图从校长专业发展及其领导力构建入手,介绍澳洲目前校长领导力的构成,专业标准、专业学习体系及评价手段,呈现澳大利亚"多元性"的文化特征。  相似文献   
党的第三代中央领导集体在30年改革开放历史进程中的最主要历史性贡献:一是确立了邓小平理论在全党全国的指导地位;二是实现了科学社会主义与中国新的实际的结合;三是推进了党的建设新的伟大工程;四是创立了“三个代表”重要思想,把马克思主义中国化的伟大事业向前推进了一大步。  相似文献   
民营企业的管理现状和特征决定了其要发展壮大就必须进行组织变革,通过对两家背景相似的企业集团——远东控股集团和T公司组织变革的比较分析,发现企业家领导风格对企业变革的绩效有很大影响:相对于权威型、魅力型和家长式领导风格,变革型、交易型、民主型领导风格通过增强变革动力,降低变革阻力对变革效果产生更大的正效应。  相似文献   
建设生态文明是关系人民大众福祉、关乎中华民族未来的长远大计,是马克思主义生态观关切中国现实的时代使命。建设美丽中国这一全新理念的提出,是对人与自然关系认识的升华和深化。中国特色的生态观明确批判资本主义生态意识形态,宣扬社会主义、共产主义生态意识形态,要发挥党在生态文明建设中的领导作用,让人民群众享受生态文明的成果,通过生态文明建设让中华民族对世界文明做出更大贡献。  相似文献   
西方权力制衡理论的立论基础是人性恶论 ,要抑制人的贪欲 ,制度规范优于道德自律。在倡导建设政治文明的今天 ,我们应该正视国家权力理论基础的局限性 ,要从制度上保证纪检、监督、司法系统的相对独立性 ,在人、财、物诸方面割断对地方党政的依赖性 ,建立中央主管部门自上而下的垂直领导体系 ,通过权力分解以制约权力 ,使反腐败更卓有成效  相似文献   
共产党领导的多党合作政党制度,是马列主义与中国革命具体实践相结合的独创,是具有中国特色的政党制度,是中国政治体制的一大优点和特点。以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体,继承发扬前两代领导人的理论精华,把多党合作制度的建设发展到宪政的高度;明确提出了民主党派是政治联盟性质的政党;提出了衡量我国政党制度的四条标准;“三个代表”讲话为开辟新时期多党合作制度建设的新境界提供了有力的思想武器。  相似文献   
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