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采用儿童长处与困难问卷(Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire)、教养方式与维度问卷(Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire)及自编幼儿及家庭调查问卷,调查陕西省幼儿心理健康水平及其家庭教养方式的现状,继而探究家庭教养方式与幼儿心理健康状况之间的关联性,为预防和减少幼儿心理问题的发生,促进早期家庭养育指导提供实证依据。结果表明:家庭教养方式是幼儿心理健康水平的重要预测因素,专制型、放任型教养方式与幼儿心理风险增加相关,权威型教养方式与幼儿心理风险降低相关。建议:重视西部地区幼儿的心理健康发展,善用权威教养弱化专制教养,同时加强对家长教养方式的早期指导与干预。  相似文献   
This article deals with the definition of the scope of operations management (OM) in service companies. Operations, in service companies, are often dispersed throughout the organisation and so it is difficult to understand where OM tools and practices can be applied and who should be in charge of their implementation. Starting from the assumption that the actual scope of service operations is influenced by the degree of variety of the offering and of variability of the delivery process, this article analyses three case studies in an attempt to understand whether and why operations, in these companies, include different activities. This article argues that three factors affect the perceived scope of OM, namely: the dominant culture; the existence of industry-specific regulations and the endowment of facilities.  相似文献   
Layoffs and employment changes caused by current economic conditions have significant effects on employee work behavior and emotions as well as organizational outcomes. We examined the relationships between measures of job insecurity, organizational commitment, turnover, absenteeism, and worker performance within a manufacturer in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A positive relationship was found between job insecurity and intentions to turnover, and a small negative correlation was found between measures of job insecurity and organizational commitment. Unobtrusive observations of union and nonunion performance over 4 months showed that nonunion production workers were on-task more frequently, although on-task behavior was high for both. Productivity and quality measures of different factories favored nonunion locations. Although comparisons between sites were constrained by a quasi-experimental design, repeated behavioral and outcome measures within sites showed differential effects when the company announced a plant closing in another state. Job insecurity appeared to be an establishing operation that produced differential effects between union and nonunion sites as well as among individual employees within sites.  相似文献   
The Graduation Success Initiative is a complex, organization-wide application of behavior analytic concepts to improving undergraduate student retention and on-time graduation at a large metropolitan research university. The behavior analytic concepts discussed here include culture, supraorganismic phenomena, selecting environments, macrobehaviors, macrocontingencies, interlocking behavioral contingencies, metacontingencies, and rule-governed behavior. We introduce a change template that includes all pertinent agents in the university system and that focuses change efforts specifically on desired behaviors, targeted behaviors, strategic interventions, and reinforcing contingencies for each of the categories of agents. The Graduation Success Initiative produced a 16-point increase in on-time graduation in 4 years.  相似文献   

Workplace accidents and violence are both potential sources of employee injuries that have been dealt with in entirely separate literatures. In this study we adapted the concept of safety climate from the accident/injury literature to violence in developing the concept of perceived violence climate. A scale was developed to assess perceived violence climate, including items about management attention, concern, and policies designed to keep employees safe from violence. Data were collected from a sample of 198 nurses from a US Hospital. Perceived violence climate was found to correlate significantly with both physical violence and verbal aggression experienced by the nurses, injury from violence, and perceptions of workplace danger. Furthermore, regression analyses showed that climate explained additional variance in psychological strain and perceptions of danger over experienced violence. These results have implications for interventions aimed at producing a good perceived violence climate in order to reduce the incidence of violence and aggression within an organization.  相似文献   
Two laboratory experiments on a single‐echelon inventory task show that inventory durability interacts with transit lags to create order volatility that exceeds demand volatility. Thus, inventory durability and transit lags cause managers to deviate from inventory decision optimality. Durability creates a large increase in order volatility because players adjust orders insufficiently to reflect current inventory and backlogs, much as they adjust orders insufficiently to reflect holding and backlog costs in newsvendor studies (e.g., Schweitzer and Cachon 2000). Transit lags exacerbate non‐optimal ordering by interfering with players' ability to correct prior errors. Our results suggest that non‐optimal inventory decisions can be driven by inventory and supply chain characteristics, even in the absence of the coordination and information sharing problems studied by Croson et al. (2005) and Sterman (1989a,b). We also examine the influence of features related to personality. We find little evidence that the interactive effects of durability and transit lags are altered by need for cognition, impulsiveness, or locus of control, suggesting that these features make supply chain management extremely difficult. These results imply that retailers and their upstream partners must consider the characteristics of their product and supply chains when interpreting demand signals received from downstream partners.  相似文献   
This study introduces a universal “Dome” appointment rule that can be parameterized through a planning constant for different clinics characterized by the environmental factors—no‐shows, walk‐ins, number of appointments per session, variability of service times, and cost of doctor's time to patients’ time. Simulation and nonlinear regression are used to derive an equation to predict the planning constant as a function of the environmental factors. We also introduce an adjustment procedure for appointment systems to explicitly minimize the disruptive effects of no‐shows and walk‐ins. The procedure adjusts the mean and standard deviation of service times based on the expected probabilities of no‐shows and walk‐ins for a given target number of patients to be served, and it is thus relevant for any appointment rule that uses the mean and standard deviation of service times to construct an appointment schedule. The results show that our Dome rule with the adjustment procedure performs better than the traditional rules in the literature, with a lower total system cost calculated as a weighted sum of patients’ waiting time, doctor's idle time, and doctor's overtime. An open‐source decision‐support tool is also provided so that healthcare managers can easily develop appointment schedules for their clinical environment.  相似文献   
富人治村的类型与机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
富人治村在目前已是普遍现象,可以分为经营致富型、资源垄断型、项目分肥型、回馈家乡型等四种类型。前三种类型具有典型性,有着不同的具体机制。经营致富型富人治村隐含政治排斥,富人通过塑造“不用家财补贴集体就没有参政资格”的政治氛围,使普通村民丧失被选举为村干部的机会;资源垄断型富人治村依赖派性结盟,富人通过与“混混”势力联合,垄断村庄公共事务,以暴力威胁使村民噤声;项目分肥型富人治村导致精英俘获,富人通过社会关系获取自上而下的资源项目投入,从而获得村庄公共事务的支配权,使村民被动或主动地远离村务。不同类型的富人治村都产生了负面效果,削弱了村级民主,破坏了民主的外部环境,因此需要反思相关政策措施和话语。  相似文献   
我国刑法中规定的多次犯,是指行为人在一定期限内因多次实施同种性质的违法行为被行政主管机关给予二次以上行政处罚后,又实施该种违法行为构成的犯罪。目前我国的刑法中有十多个罪名设定了多次犯的构罪模式,以司法解释为主,刑法学界对这一现象的认识尚未统一、研究也相对较少。多次犯的出现是我国社会经济发展和刑事司法实践的产物,新中国第一部刑法典——1979 年《中华人民共和国刑法》中并无多次犯的明确规定,但此后的若干单行刑法及司法解释中开始出现此类型犯罪规定,1997 年《刑法》吸纳了前述单行刑法与司法解释的相关内容,之后的多次刑法修正案及司法解释使得多次犯逐渐成熟与定型。在我国刑法中,多次犯因其具有严重侵害法益的社会危害性、我国在社会转型期防控犯罪的需要、固有刑法打击此类犯罪难度较大等因素而成为区别于结果犯、危险犯等犯罪类型的新的犯罪类型。  相似文献   
在网络购物环境下,消费者遭遇促销产品缺货时引发的心理抵制和继而导致的消费行为倾向值得研究。在相关心理学和营销学理论的基础上,考察了心理抵制对消费者面临促销产品缺货后行为倾向的重要影响。通过情景模拟研究发现,当产品处于缺货状态,消费者根据"缺货"的归因不同,将产生不同的心理抵制水平;较强的心理抵制水平将导致消费倾向朝不利于商家的方向转移(转换店铺甚至下次不再光临),从而对商家带来损失;缺货归因对心理抵制水平的影响随着产品是否促销有显著差异。商家可通过提供替代品促销和到货通知服务的方式降低消费者的心理抵制水平。  相似文献   
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