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提升科技创新能力与能源利用效率之间的耦合协调度,有利于促进我国节能减排及经济的高质量发展,推动创新驱动发展战略的落实并助力“双碳”目标的实现。以长江中游经济区为例,构建科技创新能力与能源利用效率的综合评价指标体系,利用耦合协调模型对鄂湘赣三省2005-2019年科技创新能力与能源利用效率的动态耦合情况进行量化分析。研究发现:2005-2019年,长江中游经济区科技创新能力与能源利用效率均有大幅提升,二者呈现同步发展的态势但整体水平仍待提高,各省科技创新能力水平差异显著;科技创新能力与能源利用效率的耦合协调水平逐年向好,湖北省的耦合协调水平最高,江西省和湖南省的耦合协调度距离优质协调还有一定距离。由此从强化区域协同效应、因地制宜实施差异化战略及深化创新驱动的角度,提出应改善长江中游经济区科技创新能力与能源利用效率耦合协调水平,推动长江中游经济区成为以绿色低碳的高质量发展为核心,经济、社会、生态全方位可持续发展的先行示范区。  相似文献   
长安仙幻小说作为中晚唐传奇中形式独特的一类,繁复的空间书写是其突出特征。中晚唐长安仙幻小说中建构了三种不同的空间,分别是长安城、仙幻异界及“庙堂”文化影响下所展现出来的社会空间。特殊的空间书写形式导致小说中的空间表现出三个特点,即在空间跨越上具有灵活性、在文化交流上具有包容性、在情感基调上具有悲剧性。从整体来看,中晚唐长安仙幻小说中的空间书写既是对魏晋六朝志怪小说的继承,也丰富了唐传奇的题材类别,对后世小说创作影响深远。  相似文献   
新的英语课程标准将“发展学生的英语学科核心素养”作为根本任务,这对英语教师的专业化水平提出了更高的要求。源于社会生态系统理论的行为系统模型,可为教师专业发展研究提供科学的思考框架。在深入分析行为系统模型的理论缘起、内涵结构基础上,全面梳理了现阶段农村中学英语教师专业发展状况以及存在的问题,从微系统、中系统、外系统、宏系统四个层次分别阐述了推动农村中学英语教师专业发展的策略,对保障英语课程标准的贯彻落实、中学英语教学质量的提升等具有一定的价值和意义。  相似文献   
国内学术界将“中产阶层”视为社会政治“稳定—缓冲”器的认知看似符合静态的中国社会结构,但就现实而言,却忽略了转型期中国政治社会情境的复杂性和过渡性。近年来,城市中产业主引发的愈演愈烈的邻避运动,更是挑战这一传统认知。基于R市“核邻避运动”的视域,我们发现中国城市中产阶层的社会政治功能在某一特定时间流下会发生转变,甚至出现了“稳定器”和“动荡器”两个相对立的社会、政治功能。而差别阶层特质、中产精英上台等内部中介机制,以及怨愤情绪生产、政府内部分歧等外部中介机制,是中产阶层社会政治功能演化的深层机制。此外,值得注意的是,由于“身份限制”和“制度限制”的二重性,中产阶层的社会政治功能往往并不会演变为“颠覆—异化”器。  相似文献   
王庆  赵晴 《西藏研究》2007,(2):103-106
川西藏区地处四川省西部,其特殊的历史地理环境使得这一区域成为藏、汉、羌、彝等民族的聚居地,成为多元文化相互影响、相互碰撞的交汇之地。生活在这里的个体,特别是承担着振兴民族教育事业的各位藏族中小学校长们,在面对相对艰苦的自然环境、相对贫乏的教育资源、特别是面对多种文化交互影响的过程中,在个体心理控制源上表现出怎样的特征呢?作者采用罗特(Rotter.J.B)编制的《内在—外在心理控制源量表》对126名来自四川省甘孜、阿坝和凉山地区的藏族中小学校长进行了测试。结果表明:1、该地区藏族中小学校长的心理控制源在总体上倾向于内控性;2、其内控性在性别、年龄、学校所在地这三个因素上差异不显著;3、被测试的藏族中小学校长们普遍具有较强的社会适应能力。  相似文献   
藏汉中学生心理健康水平比较研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理健康教育是教育者应用心理学、教育学、社会学乃至精神医学等多种学科的理论和技术,通过多种途径与方法,培养学生良好的心理素质,提高心理机能,充分发挥其心理潜能,从而促进学生整体素质全面提高和发展的教育。藏族学生在学校学习的过程实际上是两种或两种以上文化之间交流并融合的过程,所有影响交流的因素都有可能对藏族学生的心理发展产生影响。教育落后是制约西部地区经济发展的根本原因。因此,研究西部少数民族学生的心理与教育,对于加快发展西部教育事业具有强烈的现实意义。  相似文献   
Using longitudinal data from the Fragile Families and Child Well‐being Study (N = 1,162) and the National Evaluation of Welfare‐to‐Work Strategies (N = 1,308), we estimate associations between material and instrumental support available to low‐income mothers and young children’s socioemotional well‐being. In multivariate OLS models, we find mothers’ available support is negatively associated with children’s behavior problems and positively associated with prosocial behavior in both data sets; associations between available support and children’s internalizing and prosocial behaviors attenuate but remain robust in residualized change models. Overall, results support the hypothesis that the availability of a private safety net is positively associated with children’s socioemotional adjustment.  相似文献   

The presentation and visual design of the “don’t know” category in rating scales on respondents’ behavior may have ambivalent effects. The hypothesis is that attitude strength toward the topic influences the respondents’ sensitivity to the graphical design of the scale. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire conducted among 307 German university students contained an experimental variation of the presentation of a “don’t know” category and its visual design. A multinomial logistic regression shows that presenting a “don’t know” category drives respondents toward extreme categories. The visual design of the “don’t know” category influences the distribution of responses, all the more that the respondents’ attitudes toward the item topic are weak.  相似文献   
The authors integrate theoretical work on the performance of gender with a life course perspective to frame an analysis of in-depth interviews with 17 long-term married couples. The findings indicated that couples' sexual experiences are characterized by change over time, yet that change is shaped by the intersection of gender and age. Midlife couples (ages 50 - 69) were distressed by changes in their sex lives likely because they impede couples from performing gendered sexuality. The source of this distress stems from age-related physical changes; however, it manifests in different ways for husbands and wives. In contrast, later life couples (ages 70 - 86) were more likely to emphasize the importance of emotional intimacy over sex as they age. Marital sex is a source of conflict for many midlife couples because of husbands' and wives' incongruent experiences, but later life husbands and wives tend to have more congruent experiences of marital sex.  相似文献   
These days, the imagined destinations of ever more people, particularly in the ‘global South’, are not where they were born but elsewhere. Using a case study of educated (lower) middle-class youth in Dhaka, this paper attempts to demonstrate that for many ‘aspiring migrants’, the yearning for leaving is a metaphor for disappointment and disengagement rather than the first step towards transnational migration. Economic growth, rapid urbanisation and the increasing investment in education infest the emerging urban (lower) middle-class youth with new ‘modern’ lifestyle desires that cannot be fulfilled in their home country and generate a sense of disengagement with Bangladesh. The paper focuses in particular on how the – culturally embedded – imaginations of foreign places link up to personal (re-)evaluations of local lives. Nearly all informants explained how local socio-economic, political and existential insecurities made them yearn for ‘safe’ places where their dreams could be fulfilled.  相似文献   
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