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Georg Lind is being interviewed by Helen Haste about his work in moral psychology. In the interview, he discusses the meaning and measurement of moral competencies, which he sees as crucial to bridge the gap between moral ideals and action, and to maintain modern democracies, which rely on the enactment of shared moral ideals. Lind has carried out and inspired one of the largest research programs in moral psychology, including longitudinal, cross-cultural, intervention, and experimental studies. His new methodology, the Moral Judgment Test, has been translated and adapted into many languages. Lind has also contributed much to the improvement and dissemination of educational methods to foster moral competencies. The intellectual and biographical roots of his interests are explored.  相似文献   
A strategy of analyzing the moral vocabulary of a social movement or subculture is proposed by which ethnographies and other qualitative works may place the moral and ethical concepts used by respondents into a broader sociological context. Through examining the moral resources, the status hierarchy which the specific moral resources within a given moral vocabulary form, and the historical and cultural contexts within which these moral resources exist, it is argued that it becomes possible to analyze and anticipate the moral claims and form of discourse which will be produced by a specific movement and/or subculture. It is also argued that this method may be used to predict how the opposition to a movement and/or subculture is perceived through the formation of an antithetical moral vocabulary.  相似文献   
This paper describes the theoretical foundations, empirical findings, and practical and philosophical implications of the Boston Area Diary Study (BADS), a study of the caring behavior of 44 participants over one calendar year. In particular, the paper presents an identification theory of care and discusses how it shaped the conceptualization, collection, and analysis of the data in a year-long diary study of daily voluntary assistance. The findings from the BADS (1) theoretically confirm the identification theory of care; (2) methodologically capture how individuals perceive and carry out caring behavior as a unity; and (3rpar; empirically document the existence of a moral citizenship in America that is substantially more vigorous than is implied by the usual indicators of civic and political citizenship.  相似文献   
以德治国是新的治国方略,它既体现出中国传统政治文化一德治的意蕴,又是毛泽东以来几代国家领导人不懈探索的结晶。从毛泽东首倡的为人民服务到邓小平的精神文明与物质文明要两手抓,两手都要硬,再到江泽民的以德治国,中国共产党的治国方略逐渐走向成熟。贯彻这一治国方略,应从以德治党着手。  相似文献   
论公民道德教育与法制教育的功能互补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民道德教育与法制教育必须结合,因为二者在促进人的发展和实施依法治国与以德治国过程中,具有他律与自律、惩罚与激励、普遍性要求与层次性要求、现实性规范与理想性追求的功能互补性.  相似文献   
哲学社会科学植根于人类社会实践,人类社会的发展变化必然要求哲学社会科学与时俱进。哲学社会科学要发展繁荣,就必须回答时代和社会提出的问题,直面人生,直面社会,勇于创新。理论创新是发展繁荣哲学社会科学的重要关键。在创新中繁荣和发展哲学社会科学是哲学社会科学工作者的神圣使命。  相似文献   
本文从春秋战国、秦汉、三国两晋南北朝、隋唐宋元、明清五个分期对中国古代哲学与自然科学的关系史进行了考察。哲学的繁荣可以促进科学的繁荣 ,哲学的凋敝也容易压制科学的创新 ;哲学的发展与科学的发展在历史上往往是耦合的 ;哲学与科学的分离容易导致哲学的畸形发展 ;科学脱离哲学将缺乏指向性和方法论指导  相似文献   
永田广志认为日本不是没有哲学思想及其历史,日本哲学思想的近代化必须依凭从“先进国”所进行的“移植”,这又与日本原有的意识形态交织在一起,就不能不发生“变形”。就哲学思想本身的独立过程来看,这一过程还表现为哲学与宗教的分离。他有意从“自由唯物主义”立场探寻日本哲学史的发展轨迹,采用了唯物史观的研究立场和“泛化”的研究进路。  相似文献   
对联是我国文艺园地的一朵奇葩,具有很高的艺术欣赏价值和应用价值,它还具有独特的向善功能、教育警策作用,可以启迪和导引人们净化心灵,陶冶情操.很多名联佳句成为千百年来人们口耳相传的道德规范.赏读对联,我们不仅可以体会其语言美、艺术美,也可以体会人情美,受到真善美的教育,对于培养社会主义荣辱观有潜移默化的作用.  相似文献   
道德与道德教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对道德含义的剖析 ,指出道德属于关系范畴 ,并从道德起源的角度阐明道德产生的一般条件 ,进而指出我国当前道德教育存在的一些问题 ,得出道德教育应选择的途径。  相似文献   
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