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全球化进程中,民族文化首先受到挑战:优势文化的辐射;异种文化冲突、异变;劣质文化的融合等。在受到挑战同时民族文化有着很大优势:全球化会促进民族文化传播;民族文化会吸收一些先进文化的优秀成分,涤荡掉自身的沉渣和垃圾。总之,全球化对民族文化既有机遇又有挑战,我们要积极面对。  相似文献   
《三国演义》是我国"四大古典小说之一,其在明清时期的广泛传播对中华民族精神产生了不可或缺的深远影响:树立了集"忠义"和"神勇"于一身的崇拜偶像—关羽,提升了民族笃信好义精神,提高了民族凝聚力,增强了民族忧患意识。  相似文献   
《建国大业》与《建党伟业》是两部影响巨大的献礼影片,两部影片在历史事件选择与表达方面别具手眼,具有突破性。这种突破并非是一时兴起,而是指向了“民族认同”这一深刻主题。  相似文献   
"美声唱法"早已传入中国并已开花结果,但多年以来中国的民族歌剧体系却一直未能建立起来,这是个重大缺憾。因此研究建议采用"移植法"和"嫁接法"来解决创建中国民族歌剧体系的问题。"移植法"是引进欧美歌剧,把欧美歌剧逐渐中国化,"嫁接法"是中国传统戏曲的逐步欧美化,是从中国戏曲里"中心开花"式地嫁接出中国民族歌剧体系来。  相似文献   

Stress-related conditions such as burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder are a growing concern in the humanitarian sector. Aid workers themselves report not only that mental health problems are common, but that the support they receive from their employers is insufficient. Problematically, the experience of the international aid worker – particularly those who are white and from the global North – is often foregrounded in explaining what constitutes stress and related mental health problems. This indicates a wider problem of what is required of ‘the perfect humanitarian’ – a personality that is gendered and racialised – and how this influences the different experiences and treatment of national and international staff from aid agencies. This article explores the organisational culture and working conditions of humanitarian settings and their impact on the mental health and well-being of staff. It argues that there is a structural dimension to stress that is less to do with external security threats and more to do with the specific infrastructure, policies, and practices of humanitarian operations, with implications for aid workers which cut across dimensions of race, gender, and nationality.  相似文献   

Sofiia Andrukhovych’s 2014 novel Felix Austria (Feliks Avstriia) became Ukraine’s most critically acclaimed and commercially successful work of literature published in the immediate aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution of 2013–14. It combined an ambitious historical reconstruction of daily life in the year 1900 in a mid-size city in the Habsburg-ruled part of Ukraine and an engaging plot skilfully employing multiple devices associated with the Gothic tradition, especially in its latter-day and postmodernist reinterpretations. The novel’s success is especially telling in the context of the rising interest in the Gothic in Ukrainian culture. Told by an unreliable narrator, the novel prompts readers to interrogate their assumptions. In the context of Ukraine, it is particularly subversive in its engagement with the nostalgic myth of the Habsburg Empire as a multi-ethnic utopia of tolerance, and by implication it challenges all imperial myths. The novel’s emphasis on the quest for (self-)discovery strongly resonated with readers in the context of a socio-political crisis, which highlighted the relevance of the distinct postcolonial overtones in its message.  相似文献   
随着全球化的进一步发展,国家形象在国际社会中的作用日益凸现.而学术界有关国家形象的研究也逐渐升温,其中有不少学者对国家形象的内涵、构成、特性、地位和构建等诸多问题进行了不同程度的探讨,观点纷纭,研究成果颇丰.  相似文献   
堪称当代日本中国学代表的村田雄二郎出版了大量涉华著述,从社会学、政治学等角度对鸦片战争至清末的清廷国家观的变迁做了阐释,由"天朝定制"、"家国同构"、"地方自治与中央集权"等论点构成了其理论架构,与我国史学界的相关研究相比,角度新颖,确有可借鉴之处。另一方面,日本学者的立场也不乏偏颇之处,作者在对其批驳的基础上提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   
“重陆轻海”与“通洋裕国”之海洋观刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清两朝正处于世界性海洋历史发展的"千古变局"时代,但统治者沿袭传统模式,在立国思想上"重农抑商"、"重陆轻海",在国防战略上以"禁海"代替海防,禁海迁界、"守土防御",反映其海洋观念的淡薄;而东南沿海地方官员,尤其郑成功"通洋裕国"思想的提出和实践,显露出"以商立国",向海洋空间发展的意涵;传统时代"重陆轻海"与"通洋裕国"所反映的海洋观念,对国家民族发展的影响在某种程度上可以忽略不计,但大航海时代,海洋作为人类的第二生存空间影响到世界历史走向和发展格局时,"重陆轻海"观念所带来的深层影响会因此而改变国家和民族的命运。  相似文献   
“第三极文化”视野下的中国电影美学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第三极文化理论对中国电影美学建设具有启示意义,在第三极理论的视野下,对中国电影的美学渊源、美学精神、美学内涵进行重新观照,有助于解释或解答许多困惑性的问题,尤其对中国电影的民族化建设具有重要的启示价值.  相似文献   
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