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略论北部湾经济区海洋生物资源开发与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,北部湾经济区海洋生物资源的开发与保护存在产业结构层次低、破坏严重、污染加剧、管理混乱、法律法规执行效果欠佳、生态环境保护认识与行为相悖等诸多问题,为此应充分发挥政府的引导作用,建立、完善利益协调机制和工作运行机制,加强海洋生态环境教育和宣传,加强对海岸带的综合治理力度,确立大产业制观念,建立和完善信息服务系统。  相似文献   
鉴于弱者保护已成为国际社会普遍关注的热点问题,但时下无论是国内立法还是社会各界对弱者的特殊保护都不同程度地存在一些认识问题或实际问题,依照国际社会公认的保护弱者的国际公约,在对其一系列原则、制度和规则予以详细阐述的基础上,提出进一步完善该方面国际国内立法的思考和建议。  相似文献   
The failures of previous studies to demonstrate productivity differences across different percentages of incentive pay may be partially due to insufficient simulation fidelity. The present study compared the effects of different percentages of incentive pay using a more advanced simulation method. Three payment methods were tested: hourly, low-incentive, and high-incentive (0%, 10%, and 100%) pay. Four participants performed a simulated work task for 30 6-hr sessions. Productivity under the 100% incentive condition was consistently higher than under the 10% condition for all participants. Productivity under the 10% condition was higher than under the 0% condition for two participants. Results suggest that different percentages of incentive pay may in fact produce productivity differences under more realistic simulated work conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to help reduce tensions in supply chain social sustainability (SCSS) decisions by providing a common global, contextual definition of social sustainability. This exploratory study utilised an inductive structured interview method to capture SCSS concept meanings. Those interviewed are from, have lived, and worked in developed economies, emerging economies and the base of the pyramid (BOP) economies. The results present a new global baseline definition of SCSS to inform theory and practice by finding that SCSS meanings differ not only between the different levels of economic development, but also within the levels as well. Culture, community and whether basic human needs are met all weigh into perspectives of what this concept is and should entail; a broad, contingent definition is most appropriate moving forward for sustainability planning and execution. Further research with stakeholders in more countries and communities is needed to validate our proposal.  相似文献   
本文阐述了"壮族史诗<麽经布洛陀>英译与研究"(2008国家社科基金项目)的重大社会意义和学术意义,并就其翻译的策略提出若干建议.文章指出,中国典籍英译是沟通东西方文化,促进中外文化交流,提高中华民族的文化活力,是中国走向世界之路.<麽经布洛陀>(又称<布洛陀经诗>)等壮族典籍是中华民族多元文化的重要组成部分,它的英译是一项具有开拓意义的壮举.它翻开了壮族典籍以至中国少数民族典籍英译的新篇章,标志着中国典籍英译进入一个崭新的阶段.它将摸索出壮族典籍英译的规律,以指导壮族典籍的整理和翻译活动.基于对史诗的审度,文章还对经诗的翻译提出了"以诗译诗,打造精品"等建议.  相似文献   
本文运用人类学理论方法,对在云南少数民族民居建筑中普遍存在、内容多元、形式丰富、极富功利色彩的民居灵物进行与之有结构性关联的少数民族宇宙观、宗教仪式禁忌和空间象征几个范畴的解读,以阐释民居灵物所蕴含的丰富的地方性知识和其背后的文化意义.并时与之相关的中国少数民族文化遗产保护的现状与策略提出个人观点.  相似文献   
费孝通教授为了重建他一生"志在富民"的学科,躬身来到"陇中苦甲天下"的甘肃定西,来到黄河上游,来到丝绸之路民族走廊的"小民族"中间。他在中央实施西部大开发伊始,又及时提出"西部大开发中人文资源的保护、利用和开发"的问题……。他想到,他说到,他身体力行,在实践中,他重建着中国的社会学、人类学学科。  相似文献   
Whereas period life expectancy constitutes an intuitive indicator of the survival conditions prevailing at a particular period, this paper argues that, given the existence of welfare interdependencies, that widespread indicator is nonetheless an incomplete measure of the longevity achievements relevant for human well-being. The central importance of coexistence for human-beings implies that usual life expectancy measures should be complemented by joint life expectancy indicators, which measure the average coexistence time under particular survival conditions. After a study of the theoretical foundations of ‘single’ and ‘joint’ life expectancy indicators, it is shown that joint life expectancy measures tend to enrich significantly the comparison of longevity achievements across countries and periods. Moreover, the introduction of joint life expectancy indicators—as a complement to conventional life expectancy measures—into multi-variable indexes such as the United Nations’ HDI is also shown to affect international rankings of standards of living to a non negligible extent.
Gregory PonthiereEmail:
对于整个中国社会而言,农民工阶层的上向社会流动是事关城乡协调发展实现共同富裕、优化社会结构、保持社会稳定、扩大内需拉动经济发展等宏观目标得以实现的重要因素之一。因而我国必须尽快解决农民工阶层"凝固化"倾向所带来的社会问题,令广大的农民工上向社会流动为全社会带来更大的价值。  相似文献   
中国高龄老人生活自理能力纵向动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用"中国老年健康长寿跟踪调查"1998年、2000年、2002年的跟踪数据分析中国高龄老人ADL的变动趋势及其影响因素。个体增长模型结果显示,高龄老人ADL状况随年龄增长出现了明显的下降趋势,ADL个体差异十分显著。个体之间的差异解释了ADL总差异的31.13%。经历三次追踪调查的高龄老人ADL均值较高,状况较好,下降速度较慢;基期具有3-4项残障的高龄老人,未来ADL下降最为迅速;基期ADL水平高的高龄老人,ADL下降较慢。从ADL的个体影响因素来看,对于基期ADL水平影响最大的变量是"年龄"、"疾病状况"以及"居住安排"等,而对观测期ADL变动速度影响最大的变量是"年龄"以及"过去是否经常从事体力劳动"等。  相似文献   
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