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Mall是未来5~10年零售业发展的主要趋势,现在已经在中国呈现出迅猛发展势头,但也出现很多问题。以Mall的本质特征为基础,从体验管理的角度出发,在目标顾客、战略定位、交通、商店布局、商店定位、环境和服务等方面对中国Mall中存在的营销和管理问题进行了深入的探讨,并以世纪金源为案例加以分析。结果表明有:造成上述问题的根本原因在于Mall的设计和管理者对其本质内涵及定位没有深刻的理解和把握,没有充分考虑中国消费者的消费习惯而盲目照搬国外模式,以及缺乏科学的管理团队。最后,根据分析结果和经济现状提出中国大型购物中心未来营运管理的方向及建议。  相似文献   
在经济发展进入新常态的当下,探究我国城市群的旅游产业发展态势以及旅游产业竞争力爬升规律对我国旅游产业升级和经济可持续发展具有重要意义。城市群的形成发育过程同样伴随着城市群旅游产业的发展过程,表现为随着时间推移和城市间旅游产业的“竞合博弈”,城市群旅游产业竞争力呈阶梯状攀升的演化态势。作者通过构建数理模型得出城市群旅游产业竞争力演化规律的几何表达式,并基于改进的钻石模型6项准则层构建城市群旅游产业竞争力的评价指标体系,利用CRITIC客观赋权法计算得出中国城市群各城市的旅游产业竞争力得分,使用加权平均的方法计算得出中国十九个城市群的旅游产业竞争力综合得分并进行描述性统计分析和全局时空演化分析;最后使用模拟验证的方法对中国城市群旅游产业竞争力爬升规律进行拟合验证进而探究中国城市群的旅游产业竞争力发展路径。通过上述研究,得出基本结论:中国城市群旅游产业竞争力在时间序列上呈阶梯式攀升态势,城市群中心城市不断与周边城市展开“竞合博弈”形成城市群旅游产业共同体从而促进城市群整体旅游产业竞争力的提升,但这种上升状态并不是严格规律性的,有时会出现不显著提升甚至下降的情况。截至2018年,中国城市群旅游产业竞争力均有不同程度的提高,研究中将城市群旅游产业竞争力划分为五级,随着时间序列变动,城市群旅游产业竞争力级别均有所提升;中国城市群旅游产业竞争力平均攀升速度为4.38%,其中国家级城市群的旅游产业竞争力攀升率最高,地区级城市群次之,区域级城市群旅游产业竞争力攀升率最低;中国城市群中以胡焕庸线周围的城市旅游产业竞争力最强,东部地区城市旅游产业竞争力要稍优于西部城市,基本以国家中心城市、城市群中心城市和省会城市为主的高竞争力城市向周围城市呈“阶梯式”下降。中国城市群旅游产业竞争力爬升函数曲线得到了实践验证,在城市群发展中具有普遍适用性,可采用城市群旅游产业竞争力爬升规律的函数模型分析预测中国城市群未来的旅游产业竞争力。  相似文献   
在测度中国体育用品制造业产业集聚度和国际竞争力水平这两个指标的基础上,结合钻石模型实证检验了体育用品制造业产业集聚对国际竞争力的影响。检验结果发现:虽然体育用品制造业的产业集聚显著地提升了其国际竞争力,但这种提升存在产品结构上的差异。  相似文献   
心理健康教育是思想政治教育的重要组成部分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康教育应是思想政治教育的重要组成部分.心理健康教育是思想政治教育的基础和深隐层面.开展心理健康教育有利于思想政治教育的完善.当前由于心理健康教育归属不清、缺乏正确定位,因而存在从事心理健康教育队伍相对薄弱,心理健康教育中形式主义、功利主义倾向严重,心理健康教育的社会支持系统缺乏等问题.  相似文献   
When the development cycle for a product is longer than the development cycle for a core technology that is embedded in it, designers may need to modify the product̂s design to avail of upgrades in this core technology. We model optimal product positioning with regard to technology choice in this setting, using a stochastic dynamic programming framework. Under fairly general assumptions, we find that there are three possible optimal actions: to abandon the project, to maintain the current technology, or to reposition so as to use the best technology currently available. We characterize the optimal positioning sequence in different design environments, discussing throughout the practical implications of our model. Previous research and conventional wisdom suggest early finalization of product specifications if design flexibility is decreasing over time. In contrast, we find that in some design environments, repositioning late in the development cycle can be optimal.  相似文献   
地方政府在区域经济发展中扮演着重要的角色,发挥着积极的作用.在西部大开发中应充分利用地方政府优势,促进区域协调发展。在西部大开发战略实施十周年之际,从西部大开发的提出背景出发,通过对地方政府在西部大开发中角色定位的研究,对十年来西部大开发中地方政府的政策进行回顾和梳理,并对其绩效予以评价。  相似文献   
Contrary to views that young people with the label of autism are incapable of engaging in collective cultural practice, this article examines how they construct identities through social interactions to belong, compete, and participate. In a multi-sited ethnography of high school students with disabilities, we focused on two students as they move across contexts of school, debate team, and home. Over two years of interviews and participant observation, these students demonstrated nuanced efforts to distance themselves from the ‘autistic’ label. These acts of positioning illuminated how they negotiate identities with the knowledge their interactions shape how people perceive their participation in different contexts. By following them across informal and formal environments, we could see how they transition across multiple social worlds and appreciate the combined power these contexts have on youth identity.  相似文献   
This article examines the role of care managers and their work in putting policy into practice in micro-interactions with older people in Swedish eldercare. The care managers assess the individual needs of older people, and decide what type of social care and services will be given. Dilemmas in care management are often related to the gap between needs and resources. The aim was to study the positioning of care managers within different storylines advanced in needs assessment conversations. Positioning theory was applied to study discursive practices and discursive strategies within Swedish eldercare. Audio-recorded needs assessment conversations among care managers, older people and their relatives at care planning meetings in connection with hospital discharge were analyzed. Two overall positions were identified for care managers—as ‘professional experts’ and as ‘organizational representatives’—allowing the care managers to maneuver within two contesting storylines: ‘distribution of scarce eldercare resources based on the principles of eligibility and equal treatment’ and ‘older people entitled to eldercare according to their own perceived individual needs’. For social work, the results showed the importance of discussing how care managers might move towards exercising greater professional autonomy, becoming less dependent on their position in the organization.  相似文献   
This article involves a study of the narrative of a Second World War Resistance member by means of an interview in which the interviewer explicitly inserts the historical context by selecting the topics for discussion and asking critical questions. The interview deals with three periods: the Wartime period; the First Wave of Reprisals; and the Second Wave of Reprisals. The analyses show that the interviewee's first and second‐level positionings shift along with changes in historical period and that they mirror the general historical image of the Resistance. These different positionings are highly consistent in themselves and this consistency is also present on the third level of positioning, because of the interviewee's fairly muted style of narrating, by which blatant inconsistencies are avoided and a general, ‘good’ identity is constructed. The article also demonstrates that the interview style adds another, important dimension to the analysis of identities in life stories.  相似文献   
区域旅游产业定位研究综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对区域旅游产业定位研究的起源、意义、进展、主要观点以及相关研究做了论述,并分析了研究中存在的难点,提出进一步研究的必要性和可能方向。  相似文献   
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