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Two standard mixed models with interactions are discussed. When each is viewed in the context of superpopulation models, the mixed models controversy is resolved. The tests suggested by the expected mean squares under the constrained-parameters model are correct for testing the main effects and interactions under both the unconstrained-and constrained-parameters models.  相似文献   
In this article, a simple linear regression model with independent and symmetric but non-identically distributed errors is considered. Asymptotic properties of the rank regression estimate defined in Jaeckel [Estimating regression coefficients by minimizing the dispersion of the residuals, Ann. Math. Statist. 43 (1972), pp. 1449–1458] are studied. We show that the studied estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The cases of bounded and unbounded score functions are examined separately. The regularity conditions of the article are exemplified for finite mixture distributions.  相似文献   
In robust parameter design, variance effects and mean effects in a factorial experiment are modelled simultaneously. If variance effects are present in a model, correlations are induced among the naive estimators of the mean effects. A simple normal quantile plot of the mean effects may be misleading because the mean effects are no longer iid under the null hypothesis that they are zero. Adjusted quantiles are computed for the case when one variance effect is significant and examples of 8-run and 16-run fractional factorial designs are examined in detail. We find that the usual normal quantiles are similar to adjusted quantiles for all but the largest and smallest ordered effects for which they are conservative. Graphically, the qualitative difference between the two sets of quantiles is negligible (even in the presence of large variance effects) and we conclude that normal probability plots are robust in the presence of variance effects.  相似文献   
A computer algorithm for computing the alternative distributions of the Wilcoxon signed rank statistic under shift alternatives is discussed. An explicit error bound is derived for the numeric integration approximation to these distributions.

A nonparametric process control procedure in which the standard CUSUM procedure is applied to the Wilcoxon signed rank statistic is discussed. In order to implement this procedure, the distribution of the Wilcoxon statistic under shift of the underlying distribution from its point of symmetry needs to be computed. The average run length of the nonparametric and parametric CUSUM are compared.  相似文献   
A method of information-criterion-based cointegration detection using dynamic factor models is proposed. The results of the data-based and non data-based Monte Carlo simulations suggest that this method is as effective as conventional hypothesis-testing methods. In the proposed method, an observed multivariate time series is described in terms of common stochastic trends plus stationary autoregressive cycles. Then the best model is selected from among alternative models obtained by changing the number of common stochastic trends, on the basis of information criteria. Consequently, the cointegration rank is determined on the basis of the selected model. Two advantages of the proposed method are also discussed.  相似文献   
As many as three iterated statistical model deletion procedures are considered for an experiment.Population model coeff cients were chosen to simulate a saturated 24experiment having an unfavorable distribution of parameter values.Using random number studies, three model selection strategies were developed, namely, (1) a strategy to be used in anticipation of large coefficients of variation (neighborhood of 65 percent), (2) strategy to be used in anticipation of small coefficients of variation (4 percent or less), and (3) a security regret strategy to be used in the absence of such prior knowledge  相似文献   
As pointed out in a recent paper by Amirkhalkhali and Rao (1986) (henceforth referred to as A&R), the usual assumption of normality for the error terms of a regression model isoften untenable. However, when this assumption is dropped, it may be difficult to characterize parameter estimates for the model. For example, A&R (p. 189) state that “if the regression errors are non-normal, we are not even sure of their [e.g., the generalized least squares parameter estimates1] asymptotic properties.” A partial answer, however, is given by Spall and Wall (1984), which presents an asymptotic distribution theory for Kalman filter estimates for cases where the random terms of the state space model are not necessarily Gaussian. Certain of these asymptotic distribution results are also discussed in Spall (1985) in the context of model validation (diagnostic checking)  相似文献   
In this paper a specification strategy is proposed for the determination of the orders in ARMA models. The strategy is based on two newly defined concepts: the q-conditioned partial auto-regressive function and the p-conditioned partial moving average function. These concepts are similar to the generalized partial autocorrelation function which has been recently suggested for order determination. The main difference is that they are defined and employed in connection with an asymptotically efficient estimation method instead of the rather inefficient generalized Yule-Walker method. The specification is performed by using sequential Wald type tests. In contrast to the traditional testing of hypotheses, these tests use critical values which increase with the sample size at an appropriate rate  相似文献   
Recently, several new applications of control chart procedures for short production runs have been introduced. Bothe (1989) and Burr (1989) proposed the use of control chart statistics which are obtained by scaling the quality characteristic by target values or process estimates of a location and scale parameter. The performance of these control charts can be significantly affected by the use of incorrect scaling parameters, resulting in either an excessive "false alarm rate," or insensitivity to the detection of moderate shifts in the process. To correct for these deficiencies, Quesenberry (1990, 1991) has developed the Q-Chart which is formed from running process estimates of the sample mean and variance. For the case where both the process mean and variance are unknown, the Q-chaxt statistic is formed from the standard inverse Z-transformation of a t-statistic. Q-charts do not perform correctly, however, in the presence of special cause disturbances at process startup. This has recently been supported by results published by Del Castillo and Montgomery (1992), who recommend the use of an alternative control chart procedure which is based upon a first-order adaptive Kalman filter model Consistent with the recommendations by Castillo and Montgomery, we propose an alternative short run control chart procedure which is based upon the second order dynamic linear model (DLM). The control chart is shown to be useful for the early detection of unwanted process trends. Model and control chart parameters are updated sequentially in a Bayesian estimation framework, providing the greatest degree of flexibility in the level of prior information which is incorporated into the model. The result is a weighted moving average control chart statistic which can be used to provide running estimates of process capability. The average run length performance of the control chart is compared to the optimal performance of the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) chart, as reported by Gan (1991). Using a simulation approach, the second order DLM control chart is shown to provide better overall performance than the EWMA for short production run applications  相似文献   
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