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反对法西斯主义是德国文学长写不衰的一大主题。本文从历史背景出发,通过对统一后德国反纳粹文学作品的分析,指出反纳粹文学作品的新态势所具备的三个特点:一是揭露希特勒的反犹罪行;二是揭露希特勒纳粹的欺骗性;三是揭露新纳粹的暴行。针对新纳粹势力的抬头与迅速蔓延,文章还对德国战后几十年纳粹阴魂不散的原因及其社会基础进行了深刻的剖析  相似文献   
"一国两制"构想为我国在解决香港、澳门回归祖国提供了理论依据和现实指导,为今后解决台湾问题、尽快实现祖国完全统一指明了方向."一国两制"不仅是祖国和平统一的行动纲领,而且又是一个具有可操作性的和平统一的具体方案.在两岸同胞的共同努力下,经济、科技、文化等诸方面交流与合作进一步增强,形成了"九二"共识,两岸人民要求统一的愿望和呼声更加迫切.中国五千年的历史和文化深深地在中国人的心中根植了一种强烈的民族意识,这就是中国必须统一.  相似文献   
International Human Rights and child rights conventions as well as U.K. wide legislation and guidance require that children in care should be returned home to one or both parents wherever possible. Reunification with parents is the most common route out of care, but rates of re‐entry are often higher than for other exit routes. This study used 8 years of administrative data (on 2,208 care entrants), collected by one large English local authority, to examine how many children were returned home and to explore factors associated with stable reunification (not re‐entering care for at least 2 years). One‐third of children (36%) had been reunified, with adolescent entrants being the most likely age group to return home. Three quarters (75%) of reunified children had a stable reunification. In a fully adjusted regression model, age at entry, being on a care order prior to return home, staying longer in care, being of minority ethnicity, and having fewer placements in care were all significant in predicting chances of stable reunification. The results underline the importance of properly resourcing reunification services. The methods demonstrate the value to local authorities of analysing their own data longitudinally to understand the care pathways for children they look after.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to track the placement of babies born to drug addicted mothers in Tel Aviv, Israel. Records of 120 children born to drug addicted mothers between 1990 and 1998 were examined to ascertain their placements. Data were collected on withdrawal symptoms in the newborn and on the mothers' socio-economic features. Fifty percent of the infants were placed in temporary settings, and sixty percent of the children initially entrusted to their mother remained in her care. Mothers whose infants were drug free were most likely to keep their infants at birth and to provide the greatest permanency. Those who were better educated and financially better off were also more likely to keep their newborn children, although they did not provide greater permanency.  相似文献   

Increasingly, public sector child welfare agencies are contracting with private agencies for the provision of specialized services to clients while maintaining oversight and case management responsibilities. At the same time, funders, both private and public, are demanding that service providers partner and collaborate with one another. In this article, we present results from a study of a unique partnership between two state child welfare agencies and a private child welfare agency aimed at reunifying families whose children have been removed and placed in foster care. Data was obtained from 41 key informants using a questionnaire and a structured interview. Findings support earlier studies of collaboration, and indicate the strengths of this partnership and factors that facilitated and hindered it. The results have implications for agencies that both contract for and provide a range of child welfare services as well as other interagency relationships.  相似文献   
This article examines the legal regulation of transnational families in the context of family reunion. In defining the legal categories of ‘family’ and ‘child’ the law bases its understanding of the family and family life on the image of the nuclear family, which is perceived as a fundamental and natural unit of society. This understanding of the family, the ‘nuclear family paradigm’, has important implications for transnational belonging. This article focuses on these implications in the context of family reunification. In the case of a married minor child, the ‘nuclear paradigm’ is used to legitimate a line of legal reasoning that takes into account neither human rights norms nor the social reality of relatedness. Yet in certain other cases of family reunion, namely in the case of (suspected) marriages of convenience, the social reality of the relationship is a decisive factor determining the right to family reunion. The argument presented in this article is that through the ‘nuclear family paradigm’, the conceptual framework of private law concerning recognition is smuggled into public law and treated as universal while at the same time the legal reasoning on family reunion remains quite capable of examining de facto family life in order to refuse the rights that would otherwise follow from recognition of a marriage.  相似文献   
德国的统一,打破了几十年来冷战思维下的欧洲均衡体系,导致了欧洲以德国为核心的新的均衡体系的确立。它从根本上改变了德国原有的工业体系和产业结构。德国政府向东部大量投资以及西部政治经济制度的可借鉴性甚至更多的是原有政策的直接照搬,缩短了东部经济发展的“不应期”,使东部经济在短时间内走出低谷。统一后的德国还存在着大量的尚未解决的问题,政府正在探索一种适合本国发展的“新德国模式”。  相似文献   
《反分裂国家法》是一部“和平统一法”,从立法目的、基本内容及其产生作用等方面来看,它是为了反对分裂国家,促进和保证国家以和平方式实现统一,而不是一部战争法,不是要以非和平方式实现统一。《与台湾关系法》是一部“和平分离法”,从立法目的、基本内容等方面来看,它是要维持两岸“和平”,强化两岸“分离”。该法对台湾问题产生的影响在不同时期不尽相同,在蒋经国执政时期,它强化了两岸“分离”(一个中国);在李登辉、陈水扁执政时期,它强化了两岸“分裂”(一中一台)。解决台湾问题的关键在于台湾岛内。  相似文献   
张学良一生致力于祖国的和平统一事业,直至晚年仍时刻关注海峡两岸的统一大业,始终坚持一个中国,反对台湾独立的鲜明政治立场,在大量的口述历史中留下了积极倡导两岸通过和平谈判加强经济、文化交流,在谋求共同发展的基础上,实现中国的和平统一等重要论述。张学良口述历史中的两岸观,对于当今探索、研究、解决两岸问题具有重要的现实意义,体现了与时俱进的鲜明时代特征,是其卓越爱国主义思想的升华。  相似文献   
I am concerned that the field of production and operations management is losing direction and cohesion, as well as the battle for the best new faculty, student enrollments, and research funding. This problem is not due to a lack of interesting initiatives but because our several active subfields are pulling us in different directions and causing our common ground to shrink. This is at a time when firms around the globe are facing perplexing operating problems that are apparently not resolvable through existing theories and techniques. Other academic fields have experienced similar strains at certain points, and they tend to get to that point following a progression like those that production and operations management has witnessed three times in the past 50 years. After briefly describing these past histories, I propose that we are near the end of one cycle and need a new jolt of energy to begin another. The problems of coordinating the complex collaborations among networked organizations (the Coordination of Operations across Multiple Organizations) are becoming increasingly important in today's economy. I suggest that intensive multiteam studies of such networks could provide new insights into these pressing problems, stimulate creativity, and help reunify our field.  相似文献   
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