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The movement for vocational education conceals within itself two mighty and opposing forces, one which would utilize the public school primarily to turn out more efficient laborers in the present economic regime, with certain incidental advantages to themselves, the other which would utilize all the resources of public education to equip individuals to control their own future economic careers, and thus help on such a reorganization of industry as will change it from a feudalistic to a democratic order. (Dewey 1917, 334-35)  相似文献   
建构主义教学理念和教学模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在新的教育背景下,建构主义理论综合了教育家们的研究成果,建立了完整的知识观、学习观、教学观和基本原则,设计了富有代表性的建构主义教学法的四个模式,并在各科的教学实践中被广泛学习和应用。  相似文献   
多媒体支架式教学模式可概括为五环节:“搭脚手架、进入情境、独立探索、协作学习、效果评价”,四要素:“情境、协作、会话、意义建构”,即“五四”模式。经过一年半的应用表明,多媒体支架式教学模式实效性较强,是一种可供选择的英语教学模式。  相似文献   
In light of the growing trend of developing practice doctoral degree programmes in social work, the author uses the first Doctor of Social Work (DSW) programme in Hong Kong, which is a unique programme in China, as a case study to examine the pedagogy and constraints of doctoral programmes in social work. The programme serves as an alternative to a typical PhD programme and is designed particularly for seasoned practitioners in the field who strive to achieve a balance between a research and practice orientation and between an academic and a pragmatic focus. This paper emphasises that, to stand out from the crowd, practice doctorates in Hong Kong should take part in practice-based research and publish in refereed journals.  相似文献   
口译是使用两种不同语言进行的跨文化交际活动,思辨能力是口译过程中不可缺少的思维过程.口译培训是一种专业化思辨能力培养贯穿始终的技能培训,没有思辨,听到的永远是孤立的词语符号罗列,而不是意义的再现.在支架模式支持下口译技能训练中加强思辨能力培养,使译员成为会思考的跨文化独立学习者和问题解决者,也是主体性跨文化实施者与传播者,不再是被动的“鹦鹉学舌”的语言符号转述者.  相似文献   

In the following exploratory study the interaction patterns of 4 parent readers and 4 senior readers were investigated using grounded theory methodology during an intergenerational shared book reading program involving 16, 5 and 6 year old children.1 Data were collected during pilot, pre-program, program, and post-program conditions using open, axial and selective coding procedures leading to the identification of provisional categories and the central phenomenon of scaffolding. Scaffolding was defined as a query and response pattern initiated by the adult, and used to direct the child's focus of attention during the literacy act. This took place as part of a transactional process where the elements of (a) the book being read, (b) the child and (c) the volunteer reader were found to mutually condition each other. The qualities that the reader brought to the transaction tended to differ when comparing senior and parent readers. The main differences observed occurred in three clusters of (a) Timing, Responsiveness, and Pace, (b) Use of Expression, Colloquialisms, Articulationand (c) Gestures, Feedback Methodsand Range of Strategies. Within these categories, the pace of the senior readers was found to be slower than that of the parent aged readers. The senior readers also tended to use distinct pronunciation and did not use colloquialisms. They were also more inclined to use a wider range of supportive strategies. Both the senior readers and the parent readers were unaware of most of the strategies that they used to support the children. Further research on the question of the transactional process and the qualities brought to the shared reading experience by senior volunteer readers is required. Replication of the present study is suggested across a variety of conditions with different types volunteer readers and children.  相似文献   
在健美操专项课中,运用支架式教学模式,通过实验组和对照组的实验结果对比分析,结果表明:支架式教学模式对学生综合能力素质的提高较为显著,有利于较高层次的学习观形成。支架式教学体现出培养创新精神、整体化知识、智力与非智力发展协调统一的教育观并有利于创建学习型的组织。  相似文献   
应用型人才是应用型本科院校的人才培养目标和生存基础。英语听力教学是英语专业教学的重点和难点,也是衡量应用型外语人才的重要指标之一。文章探讨在应用型人才培养模式背景下以"支架式"教学策略为理论依据,将"支架式"教学策略的脚手架搭建、创设问题情境、独立探索、协作学习及效果评价的五个环节应用于英语听力教学,以实现听力教学质量的提高,改变听力教学的现状,从而真正提高学生英语听力技能。  相似文献   
For nearly four decades, a variety of social science disciplines have assumed that the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and the metaphor of scaffolding reflect more or less the same process. However, we will argue that any similarity is at best partial and at worst superficial. Equating the processes adds nothing to Vygotsky's general theory and in fact may weaken and dilute the robustness of the theory. To make the non‐equivalence case, the paper first presents an overview of Vygotsky's approach to psychology that includes an expansive discussion of the ZPD not only as the activity in which instruction leads development, but also as the key to his approach to experimental research. This is followed by a critical review of the relevant statements that have appeared in the literature on the nature of scaffolding, its presumed link to the ZPD and that brings to the fore the inadequacies of the metaphor itself that disqualify it as an equivalent process. While the ZPD can be understood to include the kind of interaction that is described in the scaffolding literature, it is a much broader and far more robust process than scaffolding, as is made apparent when the two processes are compared, which is the focus of the concluding section of the article. In the comparison we summarize the analyses presented, especially with regard to the implications and relevance of the metaphors underlying each concept.  相似文献   
通过采用“支架式”词块教学法,把词块教学做为一条主线贯穿整个英语教学,不仅培养了学生的词块意识,发展了语言能力,同时也培养了学生的职业核心能力。  相似文献   
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