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对两权分离改革范式的十大实证性批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两权分离改革范式的根本错误 ,不仅在于理论上缺乏行为分析性 ,更在于在实践中所引发的众多难题 :颠倒了自然人产权奠定法人产权的历史关系 ;没有解决国企所有者缺位的核心问题 ;延误了我国非国有企业的制度建设与全面成长的历史机遇 ;违背了世界经济发展的历史事实和基本趋势 ;没有彻底触动政治体制 ;没有解决不合理的社会关系 ;增大了我国制度变迁与经济发展的交易费用 ,没有解决国企企业家成长的制度问题 ;导致经济发展中短期化行为放大 ;社会资产缺乏理性投向。两权分离改革范式导致中国至今的经济改革走样 ,给经济发展带来现实与潜在的巨大危机与困难  相似文献   
Recently social work in the Netherlands underwent two major changes. Specialized agencies were replaced by one-stop shops (district teams) and the welfare state was replaced by a ‘participation society’, in which vulnerable groups have to rely on their social network rather than resort to professional care. The first change is termed ‘de-specialization’; the second ‘basic de-professionalization’. The research question in this article is: how do Dutch social workers experience and evaluate these two developments? Qualitative interviews with 29 experienced social workers show that most of them endorse de-specialization, as this type of aid is deemed better for clients with complex problems. Moreover, many social workers like to take on new tasks. Basic de-professionalization is met with more reserve. Social workers observe that many clients do not have a suitable network and need professional help. In addition, they feel that their profession is being degraded as lay people and volunteers take over (part of) their work. However, they feel unable to resist this development, because resistance might get them sacked. Some social workers even enhance basic de-professionalization because of their willingness to continue working as (retired) volunteers. Social workers and theorists need to address and counter the move towards basic de-professionalization.  相似文献   
Despite its centrality to the experience of death and grief, it is only in recent years that the economic burden following family bereavement has been recognized by social care professionals and scholars. Based on the realization that death and bereavement are grounded in social context, and assuming this economic burden is a multifaceted phenomenon, the present study compares the British and Israeli welfare systems in three policy settings: social security, funeral services, and bereavement leave. The findings suggest that while in both systems bereavement and especially widowhood is considered a deserving category, recent pressures for restructuring the British welfare state have been successful in shifting provision from the state to the market. The findings also show that in both cases, albeit to a lesser extent in Israel, current policy measures are not fully aligned with critical scholarship on bereavement and its financial consequences, nor with socio‐economic and demographic trends. These disparities are addressed using the notion of disenfranchised grief and by emphasizing the pivotal, although often overlooked role of the welfare state in constituting it. Lastly, the differences between the two cases are discussed in terms of the powerful role of Judaism in shaping Israeli policy.  相似文献   

While women are underrepresented in many political institutions and leadership positions, nearly half of state supreme court chief justices are women. Is there something about the role of state supreme court justice that facilitates the recruitment of women to this important political position? We examine whether the selection of a woman chief is driven by the court’s institutional need for women’s leadership style or simply the supply of qualified justices. We find that ideological diversity drives demand for a woman chief. A supply of experienced women justices also has a significant impact on likelihood of selection.  相似文献   
以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体,首次提出了"依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家"的治国方略。准确把握江泽民同志依法治国的科学内涵,德治与法治的相互关联以及建设法治国家的主要途径等法治思想,对于全面建设社会主义小康社会和和谐社会意义深远。  相似文献   
中国有关“开辟创世”和“洪水遗民、再造人类”的故事传说,分为南北两大系统:以中原的女娲、伏羲兄妹故事为代表的北方型神话系统和以珠江流域的盘古兄妹故事为代表的南方型神话系统。本文通过对《述异记》最早记载的“南海中有盘古国”“桂林有盘古祠”的历史分析和实地考察,阐明盘古神话源于华南—珠江流域的“盘古国”,三国时传于吴楚间。东晋道教理论家、炼丹术家葛洪闻交趾出丹砂而求为广西勾漏令,后止于广东的罗浮山修道、炼丹、著书,在《枕中记·众仙记》中首先把盘古列入道教神谱,奉称“盘古真人”,尊为开天辟地“元始天王”,又称“三皇”、“五帝”“皆其后裔”,便把原秦汉文献所载北方远古神话无开天辟地之神给予填补,加以整合使之衔接,将道教的神仙信仰系统化、理论化,从而构建了中华大地天帝尊神的世系,盘古神话也就随着道教渐渐在北方流传开来。而中原一带有关盘古神话故事表现为再生性和变异性的特征,充满浓厚的道教文化色彩,也正是导源于葛洪把珠江流域原生型的盘古神话加以整合使之道教化的混融性产物。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期的民族史撰述与民族一统、同祖同源观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文武 《河北学刊》2007,27(6):94-97
中国自古是一个多民族国家,从秦汉起进而形成为统一的多民族国家。中华文明是多民族共同创造的,中国史学记录着这一伟大文明的发展历史,其中,少数民族史学从一个重要方面反映出了多民族统一国家历史认同的客观趋势。这个客观趋势是历史上的任何矛盾、斗争都阻止不了的。因此,中国史学史的研究和撰述,应当不断丰富、充实少数民族史学的内容,以加深我们对多民族统一国家之历史和现实的认识。在这方面,史学界已经作了许多努力,产生了一些成果,但发展的空间仍然是恢宏广阔的。2007年9月21—23日,北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心、河北师范大学历史文化学院共同举办了全国性的"中国少数民族史学与历史学多学科研究方法"学术研讨会,与会学者提供论文四十余篇,就会议主题展开热烈讨论,取得了良好的效果。《河北学刊》对中国少数民族史学研究十分关注,乃设立专题进行讨论,以期推进相关研究的发展。这组论文,正是反映了作者、编者的这一共识。  相似文献   
新自由主义继承和延续了古典自由主义的政治和经济思想内核,同时在批判凯恩斯主义的基础上阐述了自己的福利思想。新自由主义者以政治自由和经济自由为基本出发点,对集权主义和国家干预的制度模式进行批判,反对福利国家的福利制度。20世纪80年代后新自由主义的福利思想渐渐在一些西方国家成为主流思想,以新自由主义福利思想为指导的社会福利政策改革开始实施。  相似文献   
俄国政教关系的历史嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政教关系即指国家政权同教会之间的关系。俄罗斯从拜占庭接受基督教以后,基督教作为一种文化现象一直伴随着整个俄罗斯社会历史发展的进程。教权与皇权之间的关系在不同时期也经历着不同的变化,政教关系的问题一直是国家与教会所关心的问题,但总体上保持着政教合一的局面。由于俄国的地缘政治,必然要求内部思想的高度统一,要求政教合一的一元化政治,但它对东正教自身的发展有着消极的影响。  相似文献   
为探寻刑法中“国家机关工作人员”正当而科学的判断标准,我们提出了关于“国家机关工作人员”本质的“公职论”,探讨了“公职论”的法理根基与政治学基础,并进行了“国家机关工作人员”的刑法学释义与分类。  相似文献   
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