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张雪英 《阴山学刊》2001,14(2):76-78
中央革命根据地建立后,高度集中的政治体制、官僚政治的余毒、制度不健全等因素致使腐败滋生。苏维埃政府采取了统一财政制度、加大监督机制、健全民主制度等一系列廉政建设措施,有效地消除了干部队伍中存在的某些腐败现象,巩固了苏维埃政权,并且为我党的廉政建设积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
西方理性官僚制与我国公共行政的发展取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官僚工具理性与官僚主义是具有本质区别的两个概念。现代官僚制是近代西方工业化发展的产物,体现了资本主义的理性精神,在现代社会具有普适性价值。当今世界公共行政面临的困境不仅仅是官僚制的困境,新公共管理的原则应用到中国应当慎重。现实的中国正在经历着向工业化社会的转型,我国公共行政发展可以借鉴西方现代行政管理理念的某些合理内容。  相似文献   
随着中国在WTO圈子内时间越长,中国行政改革更加面临着来自国内和国外的双重压力:一方面,中国当前行政生态还处在呼唤理性官僚时代,另一方面,受到来自发达国家新一轮公共改革示范效应冲击。在此背景下,理性官僚制与新公共管理在中国这个转型时期的发展中国家展开了一场博弈,博弈的结果是理性官僚制与新公共管理之间不是一种非此即比、相克不容的零和博弈,而是一种互补融和、相生并存的关系。这样,在中国这个具体语境里,行政改革的抉择就是:重塑官僚制为主;借鉴新公共管理为辅。  相似文献   
知识分子的存在依赖于一定的制度化环境.现代社会的高度分化和科层化使知识分子的学术研究日益专业化和常规化,并使知识分子发生分化.知识分子的专家化并未使知识分子消亡,网络等媒体的发展为知识分子展示自我、参与社会提供了更大的舞台.  相似文献   
西方公共行政学的行政范式与价值取向变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方公共行政在百余年发展进程中 ,经历了三次重大的范式转变 ,即从早期的官僚制行政范式到中期的民主制行政范式 ,再到近期的新公共管理范式。与之相对应 ,行政价值也从效率至上主义到以民主、公平为主导 ,再到以经济、效率和效益为核心价值取向  相似文献   
This study analyzes how the work tools of child protection services influence social work with child abuse. The article is empirically based on records, observations of the daily social work and interviews with families. The work tools include 1) rules and 2) professional knowledge and methods. The results show a complicated picture of how work tools are mixed. People-processing, i.e., the transformation of families to administrative categories, can only be achieved by professional diagnosis because of the complexity of family conflict. The diagnostic discourse, however, is rarely theoretically argued, but mixes loose diagnostic categories with narratives of actual events and moralistic statements. It is argued that the treatment of families is politically determined. Nevertheless, there is a room for maneuver for professional ideals and skills. The study suggests that this freedom of discretion does not seem to be used extensively. Solutions seem to be chosen within the narrow repertoire of legislative recommendations.  相似文献   
治理的行政民主理念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
治理理论具有鲜明的民主价值取向,是对传统民主理论的继承与超越,标志着由政治民主到行政民主的历史性转折的开始。在继承官僚制的合理成分的基础上,克服其弊端以实现对官僚制的超越,是现代行政民主的制度建构的必然要求。  相似文献   
秦朝专制官僚政体的确立和政府机构的设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦灭六国统一中国之后,鉴于六国吏治之腐败和因权力分散而导致的中央政府之无能,对国家吏治即国家管理体制进行了根本性的改革———建立了统一的、高度中央集权的君主专制制度,集统治大权于皇帝一身。皇帝之称自秦始。皇帝之下设中央政府,辖行政、军事、监察、宫职四大系统,地方则设郡、县。整个国家的管理体制便是官僚制与郡县制的紧密结合。秦的这一高度集权同时又层层约束的官僚政府体制,使地方集权于郡县,郡县集权于中央,中央的将相百官听命于皇帝,因而能够很好地发挥国家(政府)的组织作用,最大限度地调动一切资源,从而使国家得到有效的治理。相对于六国诸侯分权、贵族执政、任人唯亲的管理体制,秦建立的中央集权的官僚政府体制在治理国家上是有效的,因而是一大进步。  相似文献   
In the beginning of the 21st century, when the notion of constant transformation is so frequently invoked, organizational change in the public sector is gaining increased attention. Responding to regulatory, economic, competitive and technological shifts, the challenge of reorganization is universal for all public organizations. This paper aims to explore the shift from Traditional to New Public Management (NPM), as well as the driving forces (such as the information economy, the need for better public performance, the opening of global markets, greater knowledge intensity etc.) that lead to the formulation of transformational programs to Greece. A presentation of a transformational program called Politeia, will be provided, analysed and compared to previous efforts. Finally, we address the important role of leadership and management in Greek public organizations that want successful to implement any change effort successfully.  相似文献   
How do different types of social service providers experience and respond to violent clients? The street-level social service environment is a fertile ground for manifestations of violence by dissatisfied clients. This study examines the violence, verbal, and physical, to which street-level bureaucrats are exposed, and the different coping strategies they adopt. We explore these issues using interviews with 71 Israeli social service providers. Our results indicate that while some street-level bureaucrats are tolerant of client violence, others refuse to accept it. The former weigh their words, express empathy and seek to satisfy demands. The latter recruit the support of additional players and server relationships.  相似文献   
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