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This paper addresses the poverty of services available to lesbian victims of partner abuse, despite the need for such services. Drawing on data from a survey of 1,505 help providers (to which 566 responded), the paper focuses on the services that the help providers themselves claim to offer. The data reveal a serious disparity in help providers' rhetoric and offical policies and the reality of the services available. The paper concludes with suggestions for improving services to battered lesbians.  相似文献   
本文就削边销及其配合孔的直径与工件最大转角误差的关系进行了分析计算。结果表明:对于有较高转角定位精度要求的工件,在保证原有孔、销配合精度不变的前提下,适当加大削边销与其配合孔的直径,可以减小转角误差,提高定位精度;对于转角定位精度要求一般的工件,加大削边销与其配合孔的直径,可在不降低转角定位精度的情况下,成倍地增加销间公差,从而使夹具易于制造,降低了夹具的制造成本。  相似文献   
司马迁是一个不愿屈服于任何强权的压力、具有强烈反抗精神的人 ;是一个在困厄面前不愿低头 ,也不灰心丧气、甘受屈辱、承认失败 ,而是隐忍抗争、自强不息、发奋有为的伟丈夫。司马迁的抗争精神不仅表现在他对隐忍就功名者的赞颂上 ,也不仅表现在他自己隐忍就功名的实践上 ,而且还表现在对一切具有反抗精神的人的赞颂上。  相似文献   
低温诱导的植物抗冻基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低温是影响植物生长、发育和地理分布的重要因素 .近年来 ,有关植物抗冻性的分子生物学研究取得了长足的进步 .大量研究发现低温诱导许多基因的表达 ,根据基因表达的蛋白产物 ,可分为编码功能蛋白基因和调节蛋白基因两大类 .作者对这两类低温反应基因的表达与调控及在植物抗冻性中作用的最新研究进展进行了介绍 .  相似文献   
通过测定大鼠4周耐力运动后RBC、Hb、MCT、MCV的变化,并观察大鼠一般表现,结果:4周耐力运动后大鼠RBC显减少(P<0.05),Hb下降(P<0.05),表明本实验采用的运动形式和运动负荷量能造成大鼠运动性贫血,可作为研究运动性贫血的动物模型。  相似文献   
介绍用VisualBasic语言编写的软件来完成齿轮精度设计工作。该软件操作简单、能迅速正确地确定齿轮三个公差组的精度等级、齿厚极限偏差代号、各公差组的检验项目及其公差值。  相似文献   
人类文化有两个鲜明特征,一个是地域性,船行四海,港通天下,浙江海洋文化因海生成,因船启航,拓展了中国的造船史和航海史;一个是历史性,历块过都,越海跨洋,贯通古今中西,培育了浙江人乘风破浪、开拓进取、兼容并蓄、同舟共济、敢为天下先的人文精神。浙江海洋文化在世界海洋文化史上具有鲜明的地域特色和历史地位。  相似文献   
产业链中间产品定价问题是产业链中节点企业利益分配的关键问题。上游企业想方设法提高产业链中间产品价格使其利润增加,下游企业总是尽量压低中间产品价格而使其成本降低,双方最终交易价格将通过谈判机制来解决。基于机械学公差与配合理论提出的产业链中间产品定价模型对于产业链中节点企业确定中间产品定价具有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   
翻译标准历来是译论家们争论不休的问题。一方面,作为一定社会群体成员的译者在翻译过程中,从潜意识里有遵守该群体的由历史、文化、传统、意识形态等因素积淀而成的具有规约性的翻译规范的愿望;另一方面,作为主观价值判断的翻译规范具有流变、历时性的特点,它反过来有助于译者主体性的彰显。文章借用图里(Toury)的规范(norms)理论,从心理角度和翻译规范的主观性两方面探讨译者在翻译过程中的守规以及规范的宽容性与译者主体性的关系。  相似文献   
Guiding Resource Allocations Based on Terrorism Risk   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Establishing tolerable levels of risk is one of the most contentious and important risk management decisions. With every regulatory or funding decision for a risk management program, society decides whether or not risk is tolerable. The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant program designed to enhance security and overall preparedness to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism by providing financial assistance for planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs of large urban areas. After briefly reviewing definitions of terrorism risk and rationales for risk-based resource allocation, this article compares estimates of terrorism risk in urban areas that received UASI funding in 2004 to other federal risk management decisions. This comparison suggests that UASI allocations are generally consistent with other federal risk management decisions. However, terrorism risk in several cities that received funding is below levels that are often tolerated in other risk management contexts. There are several reasons why the conclusions about terrorism risk being de minimis in specific cities should be challenged. Some of these surround the means used to estimate terrorism risk for this study. Others involve the comparison that is made to other risk management decisions. However, many of the observations reported are valid even if reported terrorism risk estimates are several orders of magnitude too low. Discussion of resource allocation should be extended to address risk tolerance and include explicit comparisons, like those presented here, to other risk management decisions.  相似文献   
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