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We present our design of a digital service supporting social inclusion among immigrant women in an ethnically and socially diverse neighbourhood of a small Finnish town. The aim is to explore experiences and perceptions as well as potential barriers and challenges for using the web-based service. The case study is framed as design research having a strong user-centred design approach. We describe the design process and present the results of a mixed-method evaluation. The results are scrutinized from the perspectives of experience design. The analysis reveals a potential to facilitate social inclusion through the fulfilment of needs related to relatedness, autonomy, competence, pleasure and stimulations as well as popularity. However, some challenges in the interface design and communication of the security and purpose of the site were identified in the study. Significant differences were also found between immigrant women and local people regarding the need for this digital service.  相似文献   
While much recent theorizing into affect has challenged the primacy of discourse in understanding social life, this paper is premised on the intertwining of affective experience with discursive meaning. Furthermore, appreciating the entwining of affect and discourse facilitates broader understanding into the illness experience, medical decision‐making and experiences of healing. Today, the biomedical discourse carries particular affective weight that can saturate experiences of affliction. Cultural understandings of disease similarly shape affect that may emerge in affliction. Social meaning, more specifically stereotypes pertaining to identities, interweave with emotion also in the context of medical practice. The doctor‐patient relationship is an affect‐laden encounter where the entwining of affect with social assumptions carries important, yet poorly understood, repercussions for treatment decisions and for the furthering of health inequalities. Both the elusiveness and the power of affect that unfolds in relation to discursive meaning rest on the way in which affect dwells in and resounds through the body.  相似文献   

Between 1971 and 1990, approximately 185,000 Soviet Jews who immigrated to countries other than Israel traveled through Austria and Italy. This period of transit migration through the “Vienna–Rome pipeline” left deep impressions on most emigrants, as it entailed their first encounter with the West as well as their first steps in their new identity as immigrants. This essay focuses on photography of remnants of the journey – of objects, of old photographs, and of landscapes – in order to explore ideas about immigrants' relationship to the passage of time and their migration experiences. It emphasizes the embodied though often unacknowledged tenor of the past rather than treating it as a distant object of nostalgia. This essay further shows that immigrants draw not only on their experiences in the Soviet Union or the United States to reflect on their lives; the places of transit migration also hold lasting meaning for them.  相似文献   
陈丹青的散文特质与其绘画实践关联紧密。陈丹青的绘画经验使其产生了一系列观察世界的思维方式,而这些独特的“看法”也影响到他散文的“文法”。具体言之,绘画技术带来的视觉思维,使其散文精于色彩、光线、空间的描摹,侧重对肖像、衣着、建筑等可视层的关注;“抛开本质看现象”的观看与思维方式,则使其散文多作客观描写,由此展现出戏剧般的场景感;他在绘画中习得的从“退步”和“局部”出发打捞历史丰富性的经验路径,则影响到其散文对“细节”的发掘。从绘画经验出发理解陈丹青的散文创作,不仅可以考察图像与文学的互动关系,也可以借此把握陈丹青艺术实践中的认知框架和经验脉络。  相似文献   
法国作家艾克絮佩里的《小王子》成为半个多世纪畅销书,其成功首先在于文体上大胆创新,颠覆了童话创作的传统,变写给儿童的童话为写给成人的童话;其次是它的两个思想内涵:一方面超前地批判了当时西方刚刚萌芽的现代文明病;一方面在古老而永恒的爱情主题中,倡导了新的生活艺术。作者是以赤子和童子的诚挚与清纯之心构建他的作品,字里行间浸透着作者的心路历程。  相似文献   
随着短视频行业发展进入下半场,如何提升和完善用户体验成为各短视频平台可持续发展的关键。以用户体验五要素模型为基础,构建移动短视频用户体验模型,运用结构方程方法对模型的适用性进行检验,深入挖掘移动短视频用户体验的主要影响因素,为企业和相关平台方优化用户体验、提高用户留存率提供参考。研究发现:视觉吸引力、界面设计、交互、内容、需求满足对用户体验具有显著的直接影响,且这五个变量通过中介变量情感感知间接影响用户体验。基于此,短视频平台在秉持内容制胜的同时还需丰富互动形式,以优秀的界面设计和深厚的情感,抓住用户眼球、引发用户共鸣、满足用户多元需求,以此构建健康的平台生态圈。  相似文献   
美国文化创造者爱默生的散文《经验》是爱默生思想从早期的超验主义向中后期实用主义过渡的一个转折点。爱默生提倡以接受生活现象参悟生活意义代替线性追问结论。散文中出现的“始末”、“生死”和“恍惚”意味着经验中的分分秒秒都有特定的意义,体现着意义在过程中展开的道家思想,即把时间、新奇、变化、人类诸种关系内在的建构性本质纳入哲学基础和阐释语境中。  相似文献   
欧盟三大科技计划,即框架计划、尤里卡计划和欧洲科技领域研究合作组织,在促进区域科技项目合作方面积累了丰富的经验,具体表现在:项目的进行采取多成员国合作的形式;主要经费来源于各国政府;管理机构简练高效;遵循一定的原则.而我国科技资源分布不均衡,科技计划项目合作深度与广度均有待加强.借鉴欧盟经验,促进我国跨行政区科技合作,应加强对落后地区科技发展的扶持;制定跨行政区科技合作的条文规定;加强人力资源合作和共享、积极推动全国范围的科技合作;建立跨地区科技计划项目合作协调机制.  相似文献   
风险资本的集聚对高新技术产业集群发展的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风险投资与高新技术产业集群之间存在着交互的影响关系。从硅谷这个高新技术产业聚集地的成功经验可以看出,高新技术产业的聚集发展刺激了对风险资本的需求,而风险资本的集聚又极大地促进了高新技术产业集群的发展。我国目前的风险投资以及产业集群都具有很大程度的政策导向性,风险投资制度需要尽快得以健全和完善,实现两者之间的良性互动,进而达到高新技术产业集群的可持续发展。  相似文献   
发达国家柑橘产业实现了采后的大幅度增值,源于它们对商品化处理环节的重视。我国作为世界第三大柑橘生产国家,商品化处理产业刚开始起步,柑橘产后增值幅度很小,柑橘种植农户的收入也没有明显提高。本文先总结了国外发达国家柑橘商品化处理产业的发展经验,然后对我国柑橘商品化处理产业的发展提出了自己的对策和建议。  相似文献   
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