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青浦美丽乡村建设除了项目建设的一般意义之外,还具有两个特别的意义:一是生态保护的意义,它不是一个单纯的施惠过程,而是一次共享发展的机会;二是社会综合治理意义,它是一次治理社会管理顽疾的契机,可以唤起村民的公共意识,共同克服生活陋习,集体守望美丽家园.这对整体提升区域文明程度和市民幸福感,进而培育向上向善的社会力量具有重要作用.  相似文献   
李昂然 《社会》2022,42(2):94-125
本文在中国教育资源市场化的背景下,探究了初中课外补习对学业成绩的效应异质性及其对教育公平的启示。通过分析“中国教育追踪调查”(CEPS)的数据发现,从同质性效应来看,参加课外补习对于提升初中生学习成绩没有显著影响,但参与课外补习的倾向性影响其效应异质性。课外补习有助于提高倾向性处于中间水平学生的学习成绩,表明课外补习受益学生大多来自学习成绩中等的普通工薪家庭。对于倾向性较低的大多数相对弱势的家庭和倾向性较高的少数优势家庭而言,课外补习对学业成绩的作用微乎其微。研究表明,中国教育领域的市场化变革和相关政策的制定需要考虑个体教育选择的复杂性及其对教育公平所造成的深刻影响。  相似文献   
近年来国外对教师差别行为的研究取得了较大的成就。文章从差别行为的研究范式、结构与测量及研究内容三个方面对该领域的现状进行描述,并在此基础上对该现象的未来发展趋势进行展望,以期人们能更好地把握该领域的发展轮廓,推动该领域的研究与发展。  相似文献   
试论治理腐败的逻辑   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了选择有效治理腐败的方法,首先要解决针对有效治理腐败的逻辑思维问题。目前各国普遍使用的“治理腐败逻辑”有三种:一是减少介入腐败的机会;二是提高介入腐败的代价;三是增强腐败免疫力。这三种逻辑及其策略均具有各自的局限性,只有综合运用三种逻辑及其策略,才能有效治理腐败。  相似文献   
The 1962–67 High/Scope Perry Preschool Program, a well-known experimental early childhood intervention study that provided quality preschool education to disadvantaged children, has been shown to have had positive impacts on early child development and on a variety of adulthood outcomes. However, most previous analyses have only examined average treatment effects across all program participants without exploring possible effect heterogeneity by children's background characteristics. We investigated this question by first using the 1964–65 Current Population Survey data in combination with the Perry data to construct a scale of child socioeconomic status based on the estimated propensity for inclusion in the Perry program, then analyzing effect heterogeneity within the Perry sample by strata of our socioeconomic scale. We found that the treatment effects of enrollment in the Perry preschool on cognitive and non-cognitive skills were much larger and more persistent among the most disadvantaged children than among others in the Perry program. Furthermore, among the most disadvantaged children, the treatment (i.e., preschool enrollment) affects later outcomes through a reinforcement mechanism of skill development (i.e., early cognitive gain leads to a non-cognitive gain, which in turn leads to later cognitive gain) and a sequential improvement of cognitive skills over time. These findings have important implications for the evaluation of policy interventions in early child development using experimental data.  相似文献   
医疗人工智能利用深度学习和计算机算法等现代化技术,实现辅助诊疗、医学影像、药物发掘、健康诊疗等功能,是人工智能应用最具前景的领域之一。随着人工智能技术发展,具备自主思维和决策能力的智能机器人医生等人工智能将对现有的医疗法律责任制度带来颠覆性影响。在人工智能背景下,医疗人工智能是否具有独立法律主体地位、传统的医疗过错责任归责能否适用、因果关系如何认定等成为现代民事法律责任制度的严峻挑战,也成为实践中的必答之问。因此,在借鉴欧美人工智能领域的探索经验的基础上,在当前阶段通过修正和完善我国民事法律责任制度,提出针对不同的人工智能侵权情形适用差别化归责原则,并尝试建立人工智能强制保险或储备金制度,设置人工智能监管机构及行业标准,以实现既保障患者合法公平权益,又鼓励人工智能技术有效发展之间的平衡。  相似文献   
当前,发展中国家地位问题受到国际社会的高度关注,已成为世界贸易组织改革中的主要讨论议题。然而,现行世界贸易组织多边规则体系中并没有关于“发展中国家地位”的清晰界定,“自我认定”的方式正遭受一些国家的挑战。发展中国家地位和特殊与差别待遇条款密切相关,世界贸易组织规则体系中涵盖的155项特殊与差别待遇条款为发展中国家的国内政策提供了一定的灵活性,尽管多数为“最佳努力条款”。中国的发展中国家地位兼具身份和契约的双重属性,部分发达国家迫使中国放弃发展中国家地位,本质上旨在继续维持其在国际经济秩序中的主导地位。虽然中国的发展正处于“强起来”的第三阶段,但仍须坚持发展中国家地位不动摇。放弃发展中国家地位并不等于将获得发达国家的自动接纳,相反,还会影响到在其他国际组织和国际事务中的角色扮演,中国的发展离不开广大发展中国家的支持。当然,坚持发展中国家地位并不等于需要和其他发展中成员享受完全一致的差别待遇,在后续谈判中,中国可以保持一定的灵活性。在国际治理中,中国也将继续为国际社会的发展提供解决方案,树立负责任大国形象。  相似文献   
杨悠  范忠才 《现代妇女》2014,(2):200-200,211
目的:研究血栓弹力图在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者中,使用血栓弹力图所测定的血小板抑制率的波动及临床疗效作用。方法:选取我院2012年1月份至2013年12月份收治的200例冠心病PCI治疗患者,应用血栓弹力图分析仪测定其二磷酸腺苷(ADP)途径诱导的血小板抑制率数据,根据抑制率差异分为3组,抑制率70%的为合格组,抑制率30%的为不合格组,入选不合格组再次分为2组,1组保持常规剂量治疗不变,另一组为大剂量治疗组。结果:随访半年的记录,记录一般情况及严重心脏不良事件发生情况。结果:随访的6个月中,共发生不良事件28例,其中合格组10例(9.6%),常规治疗组11例(22.4%),大剂量治疗组7例(14.9%),3组中不良事件发生率比常规治疗组大于大剂量治疗组,大剂量治疗组大于合格组,统计学上有明显差异(P0.05)。结论:血栓弹力图在PCI患者抗血小板治疗中应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
We used data from a randomized controlled study of Oxford House (OH), a self-run, self-supporting recovery home, to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the program. Following substance abuse treatment, individuals that were assigned to an OH condition (n = 68) were compared to individuals assigned to a usual care condition (n = 61). Economic cost measures were derived from length of stay at an Oxford House residence, and derived from self-reported measures of inpatient and outpatient treatment utilization. Economic benefit measures were derived from self-reported information on monthly income, days participating in illegal activities, binary responses of alcohol and drug use, and incarceration. Results suggest that OH compared quite favorably to usual care: the net benefit of an OH stay was estimated to be roughly $29,000 per person on average. Bootstrapped standard errors suggested that the net benefit was statistically significant. Costs were incrementally higher under OH, but the benefits in terms of reduced illegal activity, incarceration and substance use substantially outweighed the costs. The positive net benefit for Oxford House is primarily driven by a large difference in illegal activity between OH and usual care participants. Using sensitivity analyses, under more conservative assumptions we still arrived at a net benefit favorable to OH of $17,830 per person.  相似文献   
Agencies providing residential treatment are encouraged, or even mandated, to collect outcomes data and to implement evidence based practices, yet little guidance has been provided on how to do so using agency administrative data that are collected on an ongoing basis. We examined data on Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) scores for 1608 admissions to a residential treatment center from 2002 through 2008. CAFAS scores were measured every 90 days, providing multiple CAFAS scores for each individual. Results demonstrated that on average residents improved in functioning over time. Sensitive to the evolving needs of residents who had been entering the program, the treatment center made significant program changes in 2006 to attempt to better serve residents through a broad array of specialized programming. Compared to the overall results, the analysis suggested that residents who entered the program since October 2006 appeared to have made larger improvements in their CAFAS scores. Results were derived by employing multilevel models appropriate for estimating growth trajectories with repeated measures data. Conversations with agency staff suggested that using administrative data, and advanced statistical models, were extremely helpful for organizational decision making and evidence-based programming.  相似文献   
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