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老年人犯罪从宽的年龄标准应当有别于老年人免死的年龄标准。当前,中国对老年人犯罪从宽的年龄宜规定为"年满70周岁",而对老年人犯罪免死的年龄则宜规定为"年满75周岁"。对老年人犯罪从宽应当与对未成年人犯罪从宽相一致,统一规定为"应当从轻或者减轻处罚",而没有必要区分故意和过失犯罪分别规定。考虑到老年人犯罪免死的根据、刑罚目的和国际上的普遍做法,中国应当免除所有老年人犯罪的死刑,而不应有例外。  相似文献   
毋庸置疑,在整个国际社会对环境犯罪处以轻缓刑罚的背景下,我国亦应该对环境刑罚采用轻缓化的原则。诚然,我国的环境刑罚制度与其他国家相比还有许多亟待完善的地方,但这并不妨碍我们在借鉴其他国家先进的立法经验的基础上构建适合我国具体国情的环境刑罚制度。在环境刑罚中要突出自由刑的适用,扩大并完善财产刑的适用,明确财产刑中过于模糊的规定,逐步改善环境犯罪的刑事处罚措施过于单一的缺点和功能上的不足,同时提高对辅助刑罚措施的关注。在环境犯罪方面,在适用传统刑罚措施惩治的基础上配合适用辅助刑罚措施,使我国环境刑罚轻缓化实践不至于成为一纸空谈。  相似文献   
蓄意歧义是一种独特的语言艺术,为语言研究提供了新的语料,它体现了语音、词汇、语法、语用等规则。通过分析言语交际过程中产生的蓄意歧义现象及其制造的不同效果,可以促进语言使用者更好地了解整个语言体系,以及包含语用学、词汇学、语音学和语法在内的语言体系分支之间的关系。  相似文献   
This study explores perceptions of parent to child violence, the arguments for imposing legal regulation, and the intended objectives of the legislative process that led to a ban in Finland in 1983. This qualitative policy analysis examines policy documents alongside expert interviews with professional on the legislative process. The example of Finland shows that a significant change in attitudes and decreased levels of violence towards children can be achieved without the threat of legal punishment, even without specific intervention policies. However, the study emphasises the importance of establishing clear practices alongside altering legislation which has been inadequate in Finland.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of a language-training procedure that emphasized reinforcing vocal “reasonable attempts” (any response directed at an interventionist and within a broader class of correct responses) was compared with a procedure that emphasized shaping (reinforcing successive approximations that more closely resembled the target vocalization). Three preschoolers who had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders participated in the study. Data indicated that the children mastered vocal skills more rapidly when they learned through shaping than in the reasonable attempts condition. Implications for teaching children with autism spectrum disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to extend the literature on verbal self-regulation by using the “silent dog” method to evaluate the role of verbal regulation over nonverbal behavior in 2 individuals with autism. Participants were required to talk-aloud while performing functional computer tasks.Then the effects of distracters with increasing demands on target behavior were evaluated as well as whether self-talk emitted by Participant 1 could be used to alter Participant 2''s performance. Results suggest that participants'' tasks seemed to be under control of self-instructions, and the rules generated from Participants 1''s self-talk were effective in teaching computer skills to Participant 2. The silent dog method was useful in evaluating the possible role of self-generated rules in teaching computer skills to participants with autism.  相似文献   
《侵权责任法》第87条对侵权人不明的高楼落物侵权责任的承担进行了规定,具有保障受害人得到补偿、统一司法实践、降低致害概率的积极意义。但是,该规定也存在许多不足之处,主要表现为不利于社会和谐、容易引发道德风险、预防功能不充分、适用前提不明确等,没有很好地解决高楼落物侵权所面临的困境。采取社会救济、高楼落物赔偿基金、保险赔偿等多种途径相结合的救济方式,行政法、刑法与《侵权责任法》相配合的惩罚制度,不仅可以使受害人得到及时的、充分的补偿,而且可以有效预防此类侵权损害的发生。  相似文献   
出于对人际交往中真假信息的关注,讨论如何从语言学的角度定义“说谎”和“谎言”,继而考察格莱斯合作原则理论中构成质量准则的“真实性”这一概念,并通过借鉴语言哲学中对“事件”、“事实”和“真实”等相关概念的分析,指出在社会语境下的人际交往过程中不存在所谓的绝对真实,有的只是语言使用者相信的“真实”。  相似文献   
对于民族成份作假骗取高考加分的考生,教育行政部门作出的取消录取资格的处理,在性质上属于行政处罚,应当遵守《行政处罚法》的有关规定。有关行政规范性文件不属于法的渊源,民族成份作假考生的行为不是应当受到行政处罚的违法行为,对考生实施行政处罚缺乏事实根据。行政规范性文件无权设定行政处罚,依据有关行政规范性文件取消考生录取资格,缺乏法律依据。有关部门取消考生录取资格也没有遵循《行政处罚法》规定的程序,不具有合法性。  相似文献   
模因理论为语言的研究提供了一个崭新的视角,人们可以凭借该理论来重新审视言语幽默。语言模因在言语幽默中的表现形式分为“拿来”型、“改装”型和“原创”型等三种。语言模因在言语幽默中的运用策略大致分为预设前提,请君入瓮;以子之矛,攻子之盾;偷梁挟柱,移花接木;明修栈道,暗度陈仓等类别。  相似文献   
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